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Creative partnerships make a positive difference to a childs achievements (p.

6) The development of creativity is consistently identified as a cornerstone function of arts education (p.7)

...arts achieve positive outcomes for marginalised groups: disadvantaged students, students at risk and indigenous students. (p7) Contemporary arts education aims to deliver benefits to both the individual and society that are relevant to todays world (p.10) high arts participation made a more significant difference to students from low income backgrounds (p.11)

Goal 1: Australian Schooling Promotes Equity & Excellence

the benefits of participating in arts education are well matched to the economic needs of a knowledge economy in a globalised, digital world (p.8) Studies highlight the benefits of the arts for developing understanding and respect among cultures (p.7) partnerships with creative individuals and organisations is a constructive way of fostering a culture of creativity in schools (p.7)

Goal 2: All young Australians become: Successful learners, Confident and creative individuals & Active and informed citizens

Authentic arts education that focuses on intrinsic motivation will deliver intrinsic and instrumental benefits. Instrumental benefits include, developing persistence, finding ways to connect with society, be productive members of society, cultural integration and harmonious communities (p.10) By allowing children to become knowledgeable and capable of working and expressing themselves in arts contexts, they can develop the capacities that will enable them to meet many of the challenges of living in our society (p.11)

Arts programmes can develop capabilities that are required for a new graphics based environment (p.11) Arts education allows students to develop an individual creative space where they are able to explore their sense of self (p.13)

Open ended activities allow for the development of thinking and problem solving skills (p.12) Learning about different cultures including artefacts and traditions allows students to understand and respect cultures that differ from their own (p.13) Multi-literacies enables people to be literate on different domains of learning allowing them to function in the world (p.17)

Active involvement in arts activities develops childrens sense of identity and self-confidence; group or shared activities support their social inclusion; their creative capacities are fostered in open ended tasks and the study of artists work and the cultural products of various societies support their sense of community and connectedness (p.13-14)

References Dinham, J. (2011). Delivering Authentic Arts Education. South Melbourne, Victoria: Cengage Learning Australia Pty Limitied. MCEETYA, (2008). Melbourne Declaration on Educational Goals for Young Australians. Retrieved from,25979.html

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