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Ctrl+Shift+W Enter Ctrl+C Ctrl+Insert F4 Ctrl+X Shift+Delete F12 Ctrl+Delete Ctrl+Backspace Ctrl+F F3 Shift+F3 F6 Shift+F6 Ctrl+G F5 F2 Shift+F2 Ctrl+J

Ctrl+L Ctrl+Shift+L Down Arrow Ctrl+Down Arrow Left Arrow Right Arrow Ctrl+Left Arrow Ctrl+Right Arrow End Ctrl+End Home Ctrl+Home Up Arrow Ctrl+Up Arrow Page Down Ctrl+Page Down Ctrl+Page Up Page Up Ctrl+V Shift+Insert Ctrl+Y Ctrl+H Ctrl+M Ctrl+Enter Shift Ctrl+Z Alt+Backspace Ctrl+K Ctrl+Shift+K

Editing Change document password Confirm/Unconfirm segment Copy Copy Copy source to translation Cut Cut Cycle through case change formats Delete the next word Delete the previous word Find Find next Find previous Go to next document pane Go to previous document pane Goto Goto marker Goto next Goto previous Join segments Lock current segment Lock segments Move cursor down one line Move cursor down one segment Move cursor one character to the left Move cursor one character to the right Move cursor one word to the left Move cursor one word to the right Move cursor to the end of the segment Move cursor to the end of the segment list Move cursor to the start of the segment Move cursor to the start of the segment list Move cursor up one line Move cursor up one segment Move down one page Move to the end of the page Move to the start of the page Move up one page Paste Paste Redo Replace Set a marker Split segment To select text, hold this key down Undo Undo Unlock current segment Unlock segments File Global document comments New translation New translation in a new window

Ctrl+Shift+C Ctrl+N Ctrl+Shift+N

Ctrl+O Ctrl+Shift+O Ctrl+T Ctrl+P Ctrl+S Alt+Enter

Open document Open document in a new window Preview translation Print Save Show document properties Formatting Bold Change text case to match the locale Copy source formatting to translation Enter format paint mode Go to next format paint Go to next format paint within this segment Go to next segment that requires format painting Go to previous format paint Go to previous segment that requires format painting Italic Remove all formatting from the target segment Underline Help Context sensitive help Help Machine Translation Machine Translation Special characters Copyright Ellipsis Hyphenation point Line break M-dash M-space N-dash Non-breaking space N-space Registered trademark Soft hyphen Thin space Trademark Terminology Add term to MultiTerm Add term to TermBase Apply terminology result [n] ([n] is 0-9) MultiTerm lookup Prompt for terminology result to apply Retrieve MultiTerm term details Retrieve terminology details Show MultiTerm minibrowser Show TermBase minibrowser Terminology lookup Terminology QA Check

Ctrl+B Ctrl+Shift+M Ctrl+F4 Ctrl+F9 Alt+F9 Ctrl+Shift+F9 F9 Alt+Shift+F9 Shift+F9 Ctrl+I Ctrl+Shift+F5 Ctrl+U

Shift+F1 F1


Ctrl+Alt+C Ctrl+Alt+. Ctrl+Alt+Shift+Enter Ctrl+Alt+NUMCtrl+Alt+Space Ctrl+NUMCtrl+Shift+Space Ctrl+Space Ctrl+Alt+R Ctrl+Shift+Space Ctrl+Alt+T

Ctrl+Shift+F11 Ctrl+F11 Ctrl+[n] Ctrl+Shift+F12 Ctrl+Shift+1 Ctrl+Shift+V Ctrl+D Ctrl+Shift+B Ctrl+R Ctrl+F8 Ctrl+Q

Ctrl+Shift+A Alt+[n] Ctrl+Shift+T F7 Shift+F7 Ctrl+Alt+N Ctrl+Shift+D Ctrl+Shift+F Ctrl+Alt+O Ctrl+Shift+R Ctrl+Shift+S F8 Ctrl+Shift+P Ctrl+Shift+U

Translation Memory Apply Translation Memory Apply Translation Memory result [n] ([n] is 0-9) Coigfigure multiple Translation Memories Concordance search (source) Concordance search (target) Create a new Translation Memory Default field values Fields and attributes Open a Translation Memory Remove Translation Memory filter Set Translation Memory filter Translation Memory lookup Translation Memory match properties Update the Translation Memory View Cycle through tag display options


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