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Amazonia, the most precious place on the planet

Amazonia is home to the worlds largest tropical forest and has an incredible diversity of animal, plant and tree species. Learn more about this region, which has been devastated by man in recent decades, and which is fundamental to our planets climate Amazonia is one of the largest and most important regions in the world. It stretches into nine countries: Brazil, Venezuela, Peru, Colombia, Bolivia, Ecuador, Suriname, Guiana and French Guiana. About 60% of the total area of Amazonia is in Brazil, covering about 5.5 million square m meters. Brazilian Amazonia stretches to the States of Acre, Amap, Amazonas, Rondnia, Roraima, Par, Maranho, Mato Grosso and Tocantins. At least 55% of the indigenous population of Brazil lives in the Amazonian region. In terms of volume of water, the Amhe worlds largest river. The region also has other great rivers, such as the Negro. Twenty percent of all the fresh water on the planet passes through the rivers in Amazonia. The region is also home to the largest tropical forest in the world. In the rivers and undergrowth of the region live millions of fish, birds and mammals. The plant wealth of the Amazonia is awesome. There are 200 different types of tree per hectare. The region also has the biggest mineral reserves on earth.

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