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The 7 habits of highly Effective people


Stephen R.Covey is the author of the book Seven (7) Habits of Highly Effective People. As he shares himself, the practice of those seven habits all the time is a great task. Nevertheless, there is also great benefits to integrate theses habits who were mastered by most efficient people. Its a commitment of every moment. Will you hang in there ?

1. Be Proactive
Because we are naturally proactive, if our life are function of conditioning, Its is because we consciously or by default, chosen to allow those things to control us. Listen to your language. It will provide you many hints to progress.

2. Start with the end in mind

Based on the principle that everything is created twice. The first time mentally, intentionally or not, and the second time in a physical way.

3. Priorities in priority
Committing to invest our time on important elements of our life, before they become urgent by letting less important tasks(urgent or not) undone.

4. Think Win / Win

Learn the value of not creating a loosing party. Reach a place where you refuse an agreement if both parties are not winning.

5. Seek to understand first, then be understood

You have two ears and one mouth. Seek to listen twice as much as you speak. Observe how much its easy to create your own answer on everything, even if it doesnt represent the reality. In the second phase, check that your message was well understood.

6. Focus on synergy and cooperation principles

Beyond my benefits and those of others, there this third option that creates more synergy beneficial to both parties far more than the first two would of bring. Take the time to discover this third option.

7. Develop your aptitudes (principles of renewed personnel balance)

There is four human dimensions to develop : mental; physical, social and spiritual. Create a spiral of development rely on learning, commitment and action.

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