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MMLT To Do List - Updated 9/20/13 Category Admin Action Establish communications plan (monthly emails to distribution group?

Men's binder, web site, etc Team Member Responsible Andy Due Date 9/23/2013


Admin Teaching/Relatio nships/Communit Start gathering details and organize communications for y 2014 Weekend (communicate to community) Develop game plan to facilitate Relationships Mentorships/Accountability?? Community Servant Evangelism - plan, coordinate Plan/Organize/Communicate Service Team - find men willing to be on a permanent "service team" list their skills, tools, etc. They will commit to being "on call" communicate to church, then as needs arise, we will mobilize our "service team" to help (home repair, car Serving repair, etc.) Plan Ravens game, Camping, backpacking, fishing, flag Relationships football? Teaching/Relatio nships Plan Devotional In the Park - Oct? Choose 2014 Decide events/activities to facilitate Relationships, Events: Community, Service, Teaching Develop game plan to facilitate Relationships Mentorships/Accountability through 2014?? Event Ideas: Prison Ministry Service Team Mentorships/Accountability Flag football Paintball Fishing Street Evangelism Servant Evangelism (CoK) Movie night Outdoor devotional Homeless shelter/soup kitchen

Revamp text for the Mens Ministry brochure. I have a copy of the old one which I will scan and email soon. We need text/layout to Judy by Oct. 10 and then Randy will take care of design & formatting. Ethan Choose Fall Events: Bonfire (Ethan's or woody's), father/son camping, fishing, Ravens game, homeless shelter, devotional in the park Woody







Greg Andy Mike?

10/15/2013 10/1/2013 9/29/2013


Category Admin

Weekend 2013 Weekend 2013 Weekend 2013 Weekend 2013 Weekend 2013 Weekend 2013 Weekend 2013 Weekend 2013

Weekend 2013 Weekend 2013 Weekend 2013

Weekend 2013 Weekend 2013 Sunday School Sunday School Weekend 2014 Weekend 2015

Updated 7/31/13 Action Communicate to Andy that he Call speakers to nail down topic - Gary and Bob by Friday, Provide all topics to Invite speakers to meeting Aug. 6 (needed?? Andy is out Add list of items to bring to info flyer, put info flyer in Prepare teaser presentation Make announcement 1st Make announcement 2nd Supervise play teaser presentation during 1st Supervise play teaser presentation during 2nd Worship: Woody, are you good to go with leading worship? Is Randy, Tim and/or Denny going to be able to assist you? Do you Make announcement 1st Make announcement 2nd Devotional for weekend - 1 the Sunday before the weekend, 1 for Saturday, 1 Carpooling - woody leads a carpool/caravan from church

Team Member Due Date status Ethan 7/31/2013 done

Greg Greg Ethan Andy Mike Greg Mike Greg

7/31/2013 done 7/31/2013 done 8/3/2013 8/3/2013 8/4/2013 8/4/2013 done done done done

8/4/2013 done 8/4/2013 done

Woody Mike Greg Woody (E & M can help if Woody

8/6/2013 done 8/11/2013 done 8/11/2013 done

8/11/2013 done 8/16/2013 done done 8/12/2013 done 8/28/2013 done 8/1/2013 done 8/1/2013 done

Order materials Greg Prepare curriculum, logistics, Greg Schedule with Judy Schedule with Judy Ethan Ethan

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