Vitamin K..

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Type of vitamin K Vitamin K is found in three different forms. 1. First is vitamin K1 or phylloquinone, which is the type found and produced by the plant. 2. Second is also called K2 or menaquinone, which produced the beneficial bacteria in the digestive system. 3. And the third is a K3 or menadione which is a vitamin-made for those who are unable to absorb from food Benefits Vitamin K The whole vitamin K in your body is processed in the liver in which will be used to produce substances that can make your blood freeze. Besides a role in clotting, vitamin is also essential for bone formation, especially the type K1. Vitamin K1 is needed so that the absorption of calcium for the bones to the maximum and make sure not misplaced. What is the need? According to the standard RDA (Recommended Dietary Allowance) of vitamin C a person needs depends on his weight. For adults, it requires at least 1 microgram/day per kg of body weight. So, if you weigh 50 kg then it needs to reach 50 micrograms per day. Sources of Vitamin K To meet the needs of vitamin K is quite easy because in addition to the amount is small, our digestive system contains bacteria that can synthesize vitamin K are partially absorbed and stored in the liver. But once the body also needs to get extra vitamin K from food. Most sources of vitamin K in the body is synthesized by bacteria in the digestive system, but you can get vitamin K from foods such as liver, vegetables, green leafy, brocoli, vegetables cabbage (cabbage) and milk.

Vitamin K is also found in high concentrations in soy milk, green tea, milk, and beef and liver. The types of probiotic foods, such as yogurt containing active healthy bacteria, can help stimulate the production of this vitamin.

While vitamin K deficiencies are uncommon, you may be at higher risk if you:

Have a disease that affects absorption in the digestive tract, such as Crohn's disease or colitis Take drugs that interfere with vitamin K absorption Are severely malnourished Drink alcohol heavily In these cases, a health care provider might suggest vitamin K supplements. Uses of vitamin K for cancer, for the symptoms of morning sickness, for the removal of spider veins, and for other conditions are unproven.

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