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IRREGULAR VERBS italiano perdere incontrare wore fare stand got win read iniziare leave saw capire

fall write portare know won trovare felt udire forgot incontrare buy cut andare had nascondere rompere chose catch eat guidare come dire sing spoke essere built drink pensare teach dormire infinitive become Past simple

1. The alligators were very hungry. They _______________ (eat) everything the keeper gave them within two minutes. 2. Sue was told she must not leave the house until she had ____________ (do) all of her homeworks. 3. The left elder _______________ (catch) the y ball that resulted in his team winning the World Series. 4. The overweight man _______________ (choose) to walk to work, rather than drive, to get an hours exercise done. 5. He _______________ (write) an angry letter to his ex-girlfriend and regretted it as soon as it was in the mailbox. 6. Much to my embarrassment, my son _______________ (break) the hand off the most expensive doll in the shop. 7. They _______________ (bring) their daughter to see Santa Claus on the rst day he was at the mall. 8. Sometimes the last person who borrowed a book from a library never _____________ (bring) it back. Maybe he or she just ______________________ (forget) to return it or move away. 9. When my friends ____________________ (see) me eating alone at the cafeteria, they ______________ (come) over to join me for lunch. 10. Last summer, Sarah ________________ (take) an art class every morning. She ______________ (find) it very interesting. 11. During his rst semester at college, Luke _________________ (become) discouraged. In fact, the workload nearly_________________ (drive) him crazy. 12. When she was young my mother moved to New York. At first everything ____________ (be) new and strange and she ___________________ (feel) lonely. But when she _______ (get) used to the city, she really loved it. 13. My aunt Laura has done many jobs in her life. For a very short time she also _______________ (become) an actress. 14. After having had a terrible headache for the whole day, Zamil _______________ (know) she had to do something or things would have just turned worst.

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