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GLENEAGLES Medical Centre, Penang

HOC monthly newsletter August 2006

20th July 2006. The 14th chemoports, Hickman lines and

support group meeting was held PICCs (peripherally inserted
with an interested audience. Dr central catheter).
Leong gave his talk on Finally, ways you can help
Understanding cancer yourself during chemotherapy
chemotherapy. Basically, was discussed in detail. There are
chemotherapy means using precautions patients can take to
Next support ‘chemicals’ (medication) to limit the side effects. The most
group meeting: treated. There are various types dangerous side effect is
7.30 pm, 17th of chemotherapy which includes infections. Thus, when there is
August 2006 cytotoxic chemotherapy, which fever with a low white cell count,
Topic: kills the cancer cells directly. Dr it is very important to return
Understand- Leong discussed the current immediately to see your doctor,
ing understanding of how cancer even in the middle of the night.
Radiotherapy. starts and later spread. With this
Speaker: Dr understanding many new Types of chemotherapy
Aloysius Raj . medications have been 1 Cytotoxic chemotherapy
formulated or discovered. He antracyclines, platinums,
gave examples of the various vinca alkaloids.
types of chemotherapy. 2 Hormones and antihormones
He highlighted the tamoxifen, aromata se
possible side effects of inhibitors, antiandrogens
treatment. He stressed that it is thyroxine
important to understand that the 3 Antibodies
Prepared by the side effects can be treated and
Haematology – Cetuximab, Transtuzumab,
usually recovers. The benefits Bevacizumab, Rituximab,
Centre, GMC of treatment outweighs the risk Alemtuzumab.
Penang of side effects. 4 Small molecules (‘targetted’,
There are various biologics)
devices to assist in giving Imatinib, Gefitinib,
intravenous cytotoxic Tretinion,Erlotinib, Sunitinib
chemotherapy including

15 th Support Group Meeting

Topic: Understanding Radiotherapy

Speaker: Dr Aloysius Raj,
Consultant Clinical Oncologist
Time: 7.30 to 9.30 pm Date17th August 2006 , Thursday
Venue: Lecture Hall, 6th Floor, GMC Penang
Only for patients, spouses, relatives and caregivers
For catering purposes, your confirmation with Ms Mabel, Dr Leong’s secretary at 04
2202189 is much appreciated. Thanks.

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