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Universidad de Puerto Rico: Winter Term program 2009

Creative Commons International:

Scheduled for 6 Days – about 2 ½ hours (including break)

1. Day (Friday, January 9): INTRODUCTION

a) Introduction / Overview
b) Creative Commons
c) Creative Commons International

2. Day (Monday, January 12): Copyright

a) European System (e.g. Germany)

b) Copyright around the world - differences and comparative legal aspects
c) Collecting Societies (especially European system – GEMA example)

3. Day (Tuesday, January 13): Creative Commons – the details (part 1: the licenses)

a) Porting Process and background

b) Substantial Legal Changes in different national CC licenses
c) Other open content licenses / question of compatibility
d) Other projects within CC – CC0 and the question of internationalization

4. Day (Wednesday, January 14): Creative Commons – the details (part 2: business)

a) Creative Commons Case Studies

b) Business Models
c) Statistics / Metrics

5. Day (Thursday, January 15): Creative Commons licenses in international Court Cases

a) United States Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit, 2008 - 1001
b) Other examples and questions such as German “GALA” and Hong Kong “Citibank”

6. Day (Friday, January 16): Open Legal Questions – working groups within CC network

a) Moral Rights
b) Private International Law
c) “Non Commercial”

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