Questions 1-7 Final

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Questions for the Mayoral Candidates

1. Development: New York has more development projects than any

other American City. What's your plan to ensure that these
development projects serve working families’ interests by creating
high-quality, good paying jobs and truly affordable housing?

2. Paid Sick Days: During the Swine Flu panic, public health officials
urged New Yorkers to stay home if they felt sick. But thousands of
working New Yorkers don’t have a single day of paid sick time.
Should New York City pass an ordinance mandating paid sick days
for everyone who works inside the city limits?

3. Education: Whatever one’s view may be on the success of charter

schools, they serve only 2% of New York City’s public school
students. Meanwhile, many of the large schools that serve
thousands continue to fail. What is your plan to turn around these
failing schools so that we don’t have a two-tiered system of “have
and have-not” public schools?

4. Green Jobs: New York City leaders are considering a proposal to

require owners of large buildings to make energy-efficiency
improvements. This initiative is long past due, but energy savings
shouldn’t be the only goal. How do we ensure “green” public
policies also protect tenants from unfair rent increases, and create
good job opportunities for all residents?

5. Homelessness: The New York Times recently reported that there

are more families in homeless shelters than there were five years
ago. Under these circumstances, should the homeless get priority
for affordable housing programs such as public housing and section

6. City Budget: The Working Families Party agrees with Nobel Prize
winning economist Joseph Stiglitz that during an economic crisis,
reductions in vital spending or increases in regressive taxes do more
harm than modestly raising taxes on wealthy individuals. As our city
works to recover from this economic crisis over the coming years,
which of these options do you believe we should pursue?
7. Non-Partisan Elections: Every few years, the notion of “non-
partisan” city elections is raised. Critics of this proposal, including
political scientists, object that political parties provide important
information about candidates’ issues and values to voters. Should
New York City use non-partisan elections? Would such a system
advantage wealthy candidates who could then more easily hide
unpopular positions and affiliations?

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