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Ni{ i Vizantija III


V . -
. ,
- . ,
- ,
, ,
. , 1750 .
V ., 1766-7 .,
V, , ,

. -
, 1776 .5,
- . 6
1 . , ,
1902, 68; . , , 1947, 334.
2 . , . . 1917, 76; .
, , 321, 322, 333, 334.
3 . , , 332.
4 17 ,
1735 1745 ., 18 1752 . .:
. , , 1998, 123.
5 . 5/14.


Ivanka Gergova

, 1749 7.
( 300 )
, . ,
, .
, .
, ,

, , , , , , ,
, , , . ,
, , , , , , , .
, 8,
9, , 10.
. , 11, ,
, , , , , , ,
, , , , 12, ,
, , , , , ()13.
, 1791 .14,
1810 . , 25 .
1810 . 17.
, -
(1802-1815) , 1778
6 . 113, 113, 114.
7 . 113.
8 . 113.
9 . 113.
10 . 114.
11 . 114.
12 . 114.
13 . 115.
14 , . 5/5. :

25 ..
15 , . 5/9.
16 1791 . . 33, 34,
1810 . 19, 62, 63, 81, 82, 163. :(?), ,
, , , , , , , , (?) (
1791., . 33, 34; (?), , , , ,
, , , , , , ,
1810 ., . 63, 69, 70, 70.
17 . 19.
18 . , , 1998, 123.

Ni{ i Vizantija III


1811 . , 50 19.
, , , ,
, ,
, ,
, 1833 .21,
1881 22.
, ,
23, , ,
, .
, .
-24, . . , ,
, .
, , ,
1825 ., -
1836 . 26, 1843 1847
19 , . 5/12.
20 . 73, 74, 243.

, , , , , , .
21 . 2/1.
22 . . . 3083.
23 2/1, . 163 1862 . 403 ; . 173 1864 .
43 1 ; . 177 1865
. 12, 20 ; . 186 1867 . 50
12 ; . 187 1867 . 120 29 ;
. 193 1868 . 200 ; . 212 1872 . 1635
; . 216 1873 . 244, 20
23 . . . 3083, . 21 1882 . 851
29; . 33 1883 . 270
17 ; . 46 1884 . 562, 20 7 ;
. 61 1885 . 600 .
: . , ,
1972, 96, 97.
24 , . . 2/1, 24, . 64 1843-1844 . 935
; . 215 1873 . 400
4 .
25 . , , , .
. , 2004, 379.
26 . 30 1836-1837 . 1667
. .: . , . V ., 1996, 271.
- 1837. , ,
, . 1839 . 1842 . .
.: . , ,
, , . V. , 1901, 193,
194; . , ., 2000, 77. 1850 .

. .: . , . , 100


Ivanka Gergova

. - 27, 1847 . 1855 . 28, 1862 . 29,

. 30,
. 1864 .
, 1876 .32
1878 . ,
33. 1878 .,

1886 .34
27 . 64 1843 . 11 256
, 1 033 ; . 80 1844 . 11
518 . ; . 86 1846 . 2500
. . . , . ., . 249-250 ,
, , .
1838 . 1851 . ,
. . , , ,
, , 185. ( ). .: .
, . ., . 190.
28 . 97 1847-1848 . 5 102 . ; . 141 1851-1853
. 11 196 . ; . 142 1851-1853 . 23 527
. ; . 144 1854-1856 . 10 266 . ; . 146
1855 . 12 160 . . . , . ., . 264-265.
1848-1849. 1851 .
, . .: .
, . , 100.
29 . 167 1862 . 3278 . ; . 172 1864
. 1211 . ; . 181 1866 . 3039
. ; . 187 1867 . 1901
. . , . ., 288-289
1863-1872. ,
22 1863 ., 22 1872 .
. .: ,
, , . 11-12, 1954, 16, 17;
. , , .
, . , 13, 1926, 350.
30 . 193 1868 . 5840 .
; . 199 1869 . 2727 .
. ; . 204 1870 . 7493
. . . . ; 9458
. . . . ; . 207
1871 . 5686 . . ; . 216 1873 .
3440 . .
31 . , . .
, . , 13, 1926, 356.
32 . , , 143.
33 , . . 3159, 38.
34 , . . 3083, . 34.

Ni{ i Vizantija III


1848 . 1900 ,
35. 1879
. ,
36. -
37. 20 1882 .
: 10 250
. 39. 1883 . :
350 . . .
1881 2840.

. 1847 3500
41, 1848
6000 42. 1862 .
1873 .
, .
. . .
: ,
, .
, ,
, ,

(- ),
., .
, .
35 2/1, . 64.
36 , . . 3152, 20.
37 , 25.
38 , . . 3197, 131.
39 , . . 3083, . 14.
40 , . 28.
41 , . 99 1081 . 3500 , 968

42 , . 132 768 6000 .
43 , . 166 1862 . .
. 3 . 28 .
, .
44 . 221, 222.
45 . , ,
, 1911, 66, 67.

, .


Ivanka Gergova

, 1837
1842 .,
. 1839 .
1837 .
. ,
. ,

(1862-1869) 46.
, 47.

. ,
1843 1848 49.
. 40- .,
. ,
, 50.


Ivanka Gergova
The rst report that we know of about the contacts of Nish with the Rila monastery is
dated from 1750, when a Nish metropolitan, whose name we dont know, performed ordain,
while visiting the monastery. The Rila monastery is treasuring the oldest beadroll dated 1776,
in fact, it also contains records from 1749. Here we come across more than 300 /three hundred/ names of people from Nish, pilgrims, or ones that had given a certain amount of money

46 . , , 354-356.
47 , 354.
48 , 356.
49 1834-1872, 1976, 19, 140, 141.
50 . , , 1965, 441-445.

Ni{ i Vizantija III


for memorial service of Rila mendicant friars in town. The records of the Nish craftsmen
are of great importance, because they tell us much about the caftans, tailors and furriers,
shoemakers, grocers, butchers and market - gardeners.
Apart from the names of Nish citizens, in the beadrolls there are names from neighboring villages. In the 1791, 1810 and 1811 beadrolls we still nd names of Nish citizens.
The name of Dionissiy prelate was written in the last two beadrolls. This Nish metropolitan,
whose name is not familiar from other sources, could have been in the episcopacy between
Gerasim, mentioned in 1778 and Macariy /1802-1815/.
In both monastery chronicles /accounting books/, the rst one starting in 1833 and the
second one in 1881, contain tens of records about pilgrim groups from Nish, who came for
the festivities of the monastery and left their presents of money. These groups were usually
lead by the Rila monks and most often they came for St. Peters Day. The last record of that
type is from 1886.
In Nish, during the XIX century, there was constantly a Rila monk, whose functions
were to be a teacher, clergyman and confessor, moreover, he had to collect nancial aid for
the monastery and to show around the groups of pilgrims. We know the names of Rila monks
in town, as follows: from 1825 it was Grigoriy, who later on became a Nish metropolitan,
Pamphiliy from 1836, Zahariy between 1843 and 1847, Methodiy between 1847 and 1855,
Sinesiy from 1862, Haralampiy from 1876 to 1878. In 1848 Metodiy sets up in Nish a Rila
cloister that was rented in 1879 and sold in 1882 after the close of the mendicant friars
The Rila mendicant friars in Nish had constant contacts with the monastery- from the
town they bought paper for prints /1847 1848/, and a relic keeper.
The former Rila monk Grigoriy as a Nish metropolitan was engaged in the extension
and decoration of the cathedral St. Archangels. Metropolitan Kalinik /1862 1869/ was in
contact with the abbot of the Rila monastery Neot of Rila.
The active contacts of the Nish citizens with the Rila monastery and the constant presence of clergymen from the monastery in town resulted in the appearance of Samokov icons
in Nish. In the chronicle of the metropolitan church St. Archangels, there were sums of
money meant for buying icons, painted by the icon painter Joan Iconopisets from Samokov
dated 1843 up to 1848. Subject to future scientic research work is to nd, study and publish
these icons.


Ivanka Gergova

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