Biological and Psychological Foundation

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Biological and Psychological Foundation

1. Biological Bases of Mans Educability 1.1 Highly structured brain Man has a big cerebrum which is an important attribute of the human brain. It is the seat of ideation, memory, logic, and intelligence. 1.2 Sensory channels Man is endowed with several sense organs which enable him to react to particular types of stimuli. 1.3 Vocal Apparatus Mans vocal apparatus enables him to produce articulate speech. 1.4 Free hands His manipulative hands can work, play, create, learn, and communicate. He is also able to record and transmit ideas to succeeding generations. Through his free hands, he can build and create the greatest work of arts and sciences. 2. Psychological Bases of Mans Educability 2.1 Reflex It refers to those reactions occurring in various parts of the body with automatic regularity once a given stimulus is met. Psychologists believe that mans reflex actions are the basis of learning. 2.2 Instinct It refers to the innate behavior tendency of an individual to find satisfaction in certain activities. 2.3 Emotional Inheritance It is the state of being intensely aroused. Fear, love, and rage are the three original types of emotional responses. 2.4 Intelligence It is a multifactor theory involving the proper utilization of mental, social, and manipulative skills of an individual. 2.5 Capacity to learn It refers to actual power of the individual to retain concepts, data and skill. It is the comprehensiveness or receptiveness of the mind. 3. Biological and Psychological Principles Concerning the Individual 3.1 The teacher must make the nature of the learner the best of teaching. 3.2 The teacher must utilize the innate tendencies as powers for schoolwork and as stimuli to learning. 3.3 The teacher must consider the nature of the pupils in the formulation of the ultimate and immediate aims of education. 3.4 The teacher must consider that each pupil differs greatly within himself in his ability to learn.

-----------------------------------------------------------------From old Teachers Review Lectures Compilations. Cannot be reproduced. For more details, please contact SMART Teachers.

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