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Illegal Mining in Surigao Del Norte

SURIGAO CITYthe governor of Surigao Del Norte expressed alarm over reports of large-scale smuggling of gold out of the province, saying authorities should investigate and put a stop to the illegal extraction and shipment of the highly prized metal. As we can see Philippines is one of the countries that have the richest natural resources and because of this hidden resources people tend to exploit it. The mountains there are denuded. The Illegal Mining in Surigao really affected the place. People living there are actually suffering. Before people can washed their clothes in the river and now their rivers are affected by the mining. The seas were also affected because of the red mud that is used by the miners. The Surigao Del Norte is part of the country that has white sand but now it is covered by a red mud. Aling Propetisa Dalubatan was one of the people who was really affected what will happen to the children there? There future? The government did not do anything for it. Mount Hilong-Hilong was Protected Watershed Area but actually they are having an Illegal Mining there. The water there can affect the crops that are planted. The mining industries also help the people in that place because they gave them a basketball court and help the school there. But the people there did not realize that their place is actually at mess. My realization to this documentary film is that the people should be responsible to things that they do. The Government is actually not helping. They should be the one to stop it but actually theyre the ones who are causing it. The people living there are suffering. We can STILL save their place. The people there should have the solidarity to plant trees. We will not wait for the time that the money and interest that we can get from those things can be a very big disaster if Mother Earth will be angry. Lets not wait for that. Let us SAVE MOTHER EARTH.


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