Ihya Ul Uloom Volume # 2

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REVIVAL OF RELIGIOUS LEARNINGS IMAM GHAZZALI'S THYA ULUM-ID-DIN ‘Translated by FAZL-UL-KARIM Published by DARUL-ISHAAT Urdu Bazar, Karachi Pakistan - Phone : 213768 Publisher DARUL-ISHAAT URDU BAZAR KARACHEPAKISTAN. ‘Tel: 213768 - 2631861 First Edition : 1995 Composing at : KODWAVI COMPOSING CENTRE Pakistan Chowk, Karachi. DISTRIBUTOR: Bait-ul-Quran Urdu Bazar Karachi-1 {dara Tul Ma‘arif, Darul Uloom Korangi Karachi-14 Maktaba Darul Uloon Darul Uloom Korangi Karachi-14 dara Tul Quran 437/D, GE. Lasbella Karachi-5 Idara-e-Islamiat 190 Anar Kali Lahore. also available: ‘Siddiqui Trust Al-Manzar Apartments Lasbella Karachi-S Printed At AHMAD PRINTING CORPORATION KARACHI. THE BOOK OF WORLDLY USAGES CONTENTS CHAPTERI —_Rulesof Eating and Drinking CHAPTERIL Secrets of Marriage Benefits and harms of marriage Divorce Duties of husband and wife CHAPTERII Earnings, Trade and, Commerce CHAPTERIV — Halal & Haram Differentstages of doubtful things Allowances and gifts of rulers CHAPTERV Love and Brotherhood Rights f friendship and brotherhood’ CHAPTERVI —_Dutiestorelatives, neighbours, Muslims Duties towards Muslims Duties towards Neighbours Duties towards Relatives Duties towards servants and Slaves CHAPTERVI _ Benefitsandharms of seclusion and society CHAPTERVII Rulesofjourney CHAPTERIX — Musicand Exetacy CHAPTERX —_Enjoining good & Forbidding Evil CHAPTERXI — Condductand Character of Holy Prophet a 23. 4a 43 6 70 101 7 17 131 134 137 139 151 162 180 207 PREFACE. The Book of worldly usages is the second book of Imam Gazzali’s world renowed master piece Thya Ulum-id-Din or the Revival of religious learning. This work is an attempt to translate the second part of the Thya not too literally but in substance from the original written in Arabic. The book Il deals with the worldly. usages, etiquettes, manners, rules and regulations concerning eating and drinking, marriage, earnings and trade, lawful and unlawful earnings, duties towards Muslims, neighbours, servants and slaves, harms and benefits of seclusion and society, journey, music, enjoining good and forbidding evil and character and conduct of the Holy Prophet. A literal translation is avoided in order to omit the unnecessary arguments of sects and things prevailing in the world and to omit the sayings of less important sages. But no verse of the Quran or saying of Prophet has been omitted in this book. pray to the Almighty Allah that He may guide the people of the world in accordance with the teachings of the Holy Quran and Sunnah and the spirit in which the Thya was written by Hiujatual Islam (the Proof of Islam), a title received by Imam Gazzali end about which it has been said "If all the books of Islam were destroyed, it would be but a slight loss if only the Ihya of Gazzali were preserved”.

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