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GIN: Service Learning Enrichment

The Global Issues Network (GIN) has as its mission: to help students realize they can make a difference by empowering them to work internationally with their peers to develop solutions for global issues. This enrichment class will begin by getting student familiar with the GIN mission and the 20 global issues that it seeks to solve. Students will then choose an issue that they can work to solve in our community through fundraising, giving presentations to spread awareness, and making a positive impact on their community and world. The objective of this class is not only to spark student interest in making a positive impact on their community, but also to facilitate a learning environment through hands on experience.

Sharing our planet: Issues involving the global commons 1. Global warming 2. Biodiversity and ecosystem losses 3. Fisheries depletion 4. Deforestation 5. Water deficits 6. Maritime safety and pollution

Sharing our humanity: Issues requiring a global commitment 7. Massive step-up in the fight against poverty 8. Peacekeeping, conflict prevention, combating terrorism 9. Education for all 10. Global infectious diseases 11. Digital Divide 12. Natural disaster prevention and mitigation

Sharing our rulebook: Issues needing a global regulatory approach 13. Reinventing taxation for the 21st century 14. Biotechnology rules 15. Global financial architecture 16. Illegal drugs 17. Trade, investment, and competition rules 18. Intellectual property rights 19. E-commerce rules 20. International labor and migration rules

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