Rear of The House

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GLOSSARY 1. Rear: noun [ in sing.

] the back part of something, especially a building or vehicle: the kitchen door at the rear of the house. 2. Release: verb [with obj.] remove (part of a machine or appliance) from a fixed position, allowing something else to move or function: he released the handbrake. 3. Throttle: noun A device controlling the flow of fuel or power to an engine: the engines were at full throttle. 4. Road: noun A wide way leading from one place to another, especially one with a specially prepared surface which vehicles can use: a country road | [as modifier]: a road accident | [in names]: they live at 15 Park Road | [mass noun]: the shipment of freight by road. 5. Pedestrians: noun A person walking rather than travelling in a vehicle. 6. Reach: verb [No obj., with adverbial of direction] stretch out an arm in a specified direction in order to touch or grasp something: he reached over and turned off his bedside light. 7. Brackets: noun Each of a pair of marks () [] {} used to enclose words or figures so as to separate them from the context: symbols are given in brackets. 8. Fuel: noun [mass noun] Material such as coal, gas, or oil that is burned to produce heat or power. 9. Environment: noun The surroundings or conditions in which a person, animal, or plant lives or operates: survival in an often-hostile environment. 10. Faulty: adjective (faultier, faultiest) Not working or made correctly; having defects: a faulty brake. 11. Delay: verb [ with obj. ] make (someone or something) late or slow: the train was delayed.

12. Acknowledge: verb Julio Cesar Rodriguez Ortiz

[ reporting verb ] accept or admit the existence or truth of: [ with obj. ] : the plight of the refugees was acknowledged by the authorities | [ with clause ] : the government acknowledged that the tax was unfair | [ with direct speech ] : That's true, she acknowledged. 13. Lining: noun a layer of different material covering the inside surface of something: self-clean oven linings. 14. Cell: noun a device containing electrodes immersed in an electrolyte, used for generating current or for electrolysis. a unit in a device for converting chemical or solar energy into electricity. 15. Liquefied: verb ( liquefies, liquefying, liquefied ) make or become liquid: [ with obj. ] : the minimum pressure required to liquefy a gas | [ no obj. ] : as the fungus ripens, the cap turns black and liquefies.

Julio Cesar Rodriguez Ortiz

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