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Prefinal Exams AnaPhy LecLab


Course & Year: _______________


Instructions: Neither erasures nor alterations is allowed. Wrong spelling is wrong. No cheating. Strictly follow oral instructions to be provided by the proctor. NFI will invalidate your answers.


Special Senses 1. Receptors for vision- photoreceptors 2. Receptors for hearing- mechanoreceptor 3. Specific receptors for sense of taste- chemoreceptor 4. Receptors for olfaction- chemoreceptor 5. Projections from borders of each eyelid 6. Sebaceous gland associated with the eyelid edges 7. Located above the lateral ends of each eye that release tears 8. The structure involves in the refraction of light 9. Contains the pigment that prevents light from scattering inside the eyes 10. Rounded opening of the pigmented iris 11. Contains millions of rods and cones 12. Importance of cones 13. Importance of rods 14. A structure of the eye in which light passes through 15. Optic disk is also called _____. 16. Lack of all three cone types results in _____. 17. Focuses the light that enters the eye. 18. Aqueous humor is a clear watery fluid which drains through the _______. 19. A humor of the eye which has the function of preventing the eyeball from collapsing 20. At the ______, the fibers from the medial side of each eye cross over to the opposite side. 21. Shell-shaped structure surrounding the auditory canal. Another term for pinna 22. Secretes earwax 23. A structure which separates the outer from the middle ear. This is also the structure that sound waves entering the auditory canal hit 24. This structure is involves in equalizing the pressure in the middle ear cavity with the external or atmospheric pressure causing an ear-popping sensation. 25. Transmit the vibratory motion of the eardrum to the fluids of inner ear 26. The three smallest bones in the body. 27. Contains the hearing receptors 28. In the inner ear, cochlea has the function for _______, while vestibule is for _____? 29. True or False. Our dislike for bitterness is not protective. 30. True or False. Hot foods like chili peppers actually excite the pain receptors in the mouth.

Endocrine 1. Make a table, match the following and select all the letters that may apply Column A. Glands Column B. Hormones Column C. Functions A. Hypothalamus a. Melatonin a. Promotes growth of uterine lining B. Pineal gland b. Hormones b. Stimulates growth of uterine lining C. Thyroid gland released by APG c. Support sperm formation D. Adenoand PPG d. Raises blood glucose hypophysis c. Oxytocin e. Reduces blood glucose + + E. Parathyroid d. GH f. Promotes reabsorption of Na and excretion of K in gland e. PRL kidneys F. Adrenal f. FSH g. Increase blood glucose medulla g. LH h. Constricts certain blood vessels G. Ovaries h. TSH i. Programs T-cells ++ H. Adrenal cortex i. PTH j. Raises blood Ca level ++ I. Neuroj. ACTH k. Reduces blood Ca level hypophysis k. MSH l. Stimulates metabolism J. Thymus l. ADH m. Stimulates adrenal cortex K. Pancreas m. T3 n. Stimulates thyroid gland L. Testes n. T4 o. Stimulates ovaries and testes o. Thymosin p. Stimulates production of ova and sperm p. Epinephrine q. Stimulates milk production q. Norepinephrine r. Stimulates growth of muscles and bones r. Insulin s. Promotes retention of water by the kidneys s. Glucagon t. Stimulates contraction of the uterus t. Glucocorticoids u. Stimulates milk let down reflex u. Mineralocorticoids v. Involved in rhythmic activities v. Androgens w.None specific w.Estrogens x. Support development and maintenance of male x. Progesterone secondary sex characteristics. y. Calcitonin y. Stimulates melanin production 2. 3. 4. 5. Enumerate the hormones secreted by the neurohypophysis. No abbreviations allowed. Enumerate the hormones secreted by the adenohypophysis. No abbreviations allowed. Other name for T3 and T4 Other name for ADH

rods and cones, organ of corti, hearing, hair cells, balance, night vision, pupil, blind spot, auditory canal, ceruminous glands, hammer, anvil, auditory tube, auricle, pinna, gustatory cells, tympanic membrane, eyelashes, cornea, color blindness, optic chiasma, ossicles, malleus, incus, lacrimal glands, vitreous humor, colors, eusctachean tube, meibomian glands, aqueous humor, choroid, iris, sclera, conjunctiva, taste buds, gustatory hairs, retina, lens, lacrimal duct, nasolacrimal duct, fovea, olfactory receptors, canal of Schlemm




Prefinal Exams AnaPhy LecLab

Course & Year: _______________


A. B. C. D. E. F. G.

6. Hormones Produced by Other Organs. Match column A to B. A. Other Hormones B. Effects Prostaglandins a. This is released upon stretching of the heart; kidneys inhibits HCG sodium reabsorption and rennin release while adrenal cortex Gastrin inhibits secretion of aldosterone CCK b. Stimulates continuous production of estrogen and Erythropoietin progesterone for maintenance of in early pregnancy Active vitamin D3 c. Promotes inflammation and pain and has also the action of Atrial natriuretic peptide increasing output of digestive secretions by the stomach d. In the stomach, this stimulate the glands to release HCl e. Stimulates expulsion of stored bile in the gallbladder f. Stimulates production of RBCs if there is hypoxia g. Enhances absorption of dietary calcium across intestinal cell membranes

9. Blood cell formation is also called 10. The phenomenon when antibodies in the plasma bind to different RBC antigen is called 11. Identify the plasma antibodies for each of the following blood groups: A. B B. A C. AB D. O +/12. Rh is so named because of IV. Cardiovascular 13. Approximate size of the heart 14. Describe the Frank Starling law 15. Carry blood from the tissues back to the heart 16. Are elastic, thick-walled vessels that carry blood under high pressure away from the heart 17. The smallest blood vessels 18. Describe an artery vis--vis to a vein 19. Approximate blood volume of an adult 20. Describe the PMI location 21. Describe the systemic circulation and oxygenation of the blood 22. Identify the missing parts


A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H.

Blood 1. The only fluid tissue 2. Functions of blood (3) 3. Approximately 90% water, the straw-colored liquid component of the blood 4. Contributes to the osmotic pressure of the blood 5. Other name for RBCs 6. Other name for WBCs 7. Identify the following according to Agranulocyte or Granulocyte a. Lymphoocyte b. Basophils c. Neutrophils d. Monocytes e. Eosinophils 8. Match the following cell types to their respective functions Cell types Functions RBCs a. Normal blood clotting WBCs b. Becomes macrophages, long term clean-up team Platelets c. Transports O2 Neutrophils d. Contains histamine discharged at sites of infection Eosinophils e. Involved in T-independent and T dependent Ag-Ab functions Basophils f. Active phagocyte that increases in number rapidly during Lymphocytes acute infections Monocytes g. Defense and immunity in general h. Kills parasitic worms and increase during allergy

a b c

h i j

k l d e f g m n o //cbaniqued


23. Intrinsic conduction system or nodal system. a. Also known as the hearts Pacemaker b. Enumerate the five important components, successively in order 24. Normal heart rate 25. Rapid heart rate 26. Slower than normal heart rate 27. Systole means 28. Diastole means 29. Amount of blood pumped out by each side of the heart in 1 min 30. Product of heart rate and stroke volume 31. Volume of blood pumped out by a ventricle with each heartbeat 32. The largest artery of the body 33. Veins draining the head and arms empty into the _____ 34. Veins draining the lower body empty into the _____. 35. Anterior and posterior blood supplies of the brain are in complete connecting blood vessels called _____. 36. Umbilical cord contains 3 blood vessels: 2_______, 1________. 37. Ductus venosus. 38. Foramen ovale. 39. Ductus arteriosus. 40. Pressure wave created by the alternating expansion and recoil of an artery 41. Pressure that the blood exerts on the walls of blood vessels 42. Give some of the factors (4) that influences BP 43. Area where pulse may be felt easily over any superficial artery is called 44. Give the two factors that increases peripheral resistance 45. A condition or a symptom in which reflects an increase in the peripheral resistance leading to straining of the heart and damage to the blood vessels

Prefinal Exams AnaPhy LecLab

Course & Year: _______________


46. Identify the arterial pulses shown in the illustration

a b

g h



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