Pete The Cat Lesson Plan

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Name: Cammie Goodwin Subject: Language Arts

Date: September 20, 2013 Grade: 1st

1. Standards ALEX (2010) W.1.5 27.) With guidance and support from adults, focus on a topic, respond to questions and suggestions from peers, and add details to strengthen writing as needed. ALEX (2010) SL.1.5 35.) Add drawings or other visual displays to descriptions when appropriate to clarify ideas, thoughts, and feelings.

2. Objectives Students will demonstrate appropriate listening skills. Students will create a short story related to Pete the Cat: I Love My White Shoes. Students will create illustrations to convey ideas within their story.

3. Introductory Activities o Show students the book and discuss the parts of the book. o Access prior knowledge about Pete the Cat books. o Have students make predictions about what the book will be about.

4. Developmental Activities o Read Pete the Cat: I Love My White Shoes aloud. Pause periodically to ask questions that encourage active listening. o Ask questions that require students to make predictions and think about Petes feelings as well as their own. Do you think Pete will sing his song this time? How would you feel if you stepped in a big pile of blueberries? o Ask students to think of a time when something went wrong during their day. What did you do to stay cool like Pete the Cat? o Say, Im thinking of something that happened to me the other day Model thinking process while formulating your opening sentences using the document camera. o Have students begin writing the first draft of their own story.

Encourage students to draw and label pictures to help organize their thoughts.

5. Culminating Activities o Allow time for students to share their writing with the class. Depending on time, this can be done as a whole group or students may share within small groups.

6. Assessment (Evaluation of the Days Objectives/Assessing Students Learning) Students will be evaluated on appropriate listening skills during read aloud. Students will be evaluated according to simple rubric on the final draft of their story.

7. Modifications for Special Needs o Any needed modifications will be determined by conferencing with students while walking about and monitoring progress.

8. Resources/Materials Pete the Cat: I Love My White Shoes, written by Eric Litwin and illustrated by James Dean Document camera Paper, pencils, copies of writing rubric for each student Lesson Plan ideas from Sarah White Writing Rubric

9. Self-Reflection Lesson has not been taught yet.

10. Alternate Activities

This book lends itself well to music activities as well as drama/movement, which would integrate additional standards into the learning. Teach Petes song to students before the read aloud. Give them a cue to listen for and encourage them to sing along when it is time. During consecutive readings, students could also add walking movement and stopping movement (freezing in place). A fun way to incorporate this idea would be to divide into groups of kids wearing white, red, blue, and brown shoes. Depending on the color of Petes shoes at any given point in the book, the appropriate group could walk and freeze.

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