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FIRST GRADE WRITING RUBRIC Exceeds Expectations Writes paragraphs of 5 to 6 sentences Starts all sentences with capitals Uses

periods, question marks and exclamation mark correctly Known words are spelled correctly Correct letter formation and spacing Uses plurals correctly. Pronouns and proper nouns present Uses correct verb tenses and ing and ed correctly Logical communication of a topic Meets Expectations 3-4 complete sentences Starts most sentences with capitals Most sentences ended with a period Spells most known words correctly A few reversals and irregular spaced words Misses difficult plural nouns. Does not always capitalize proper nouns. Uses different verb tenses with some errors All sentences are about the same topic. Approaching Expectations 1 or 2 complete sentences Needs frequent reminders to use capitals Frequent reminders are needed to use end punctuation. 4 or more known spelling words missed Difficult to read Does not use plurals or proper nouns Does not use verb tenses Ideas are random without single topic. Ideas are unclear. Below Expected Level No sentences Does not use capitalization No periods are present. Most words misspelled Illegible

Writes Sentences Capitals Punctuation Spelling Legible Use of nouns Verbs Topic

Anticipate 1 to 2 sentences at the beginning of first grade and 3 to 4 sentences at the end of first grade. Anticipate slow progress over several months. 2012 Learn For Your Life Publishing

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