Apush Chart 1

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Weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation Predict the Problems Weaknesses No Chief Executive Congress used committees to Get their

ir work accomplished Predict the Outcome

Not much work would get done. People will start arguing and no one could make the final vote. No leader to guide the committees. Not every state would be satisfied. Not a unanimous decision.
Nothing would get done because it would take forever for every state to agree. Congress wont have money to support itself and it would end up owing people money instead of making money.

Passing a law took approval of 9 of the 13 states

Amending the document required approval of 13 of the 13 states Congress could request the states pay taxes, but they couldnt force them to pay. Congress could borrow money.

Congress possessed no power to control commerce foreign or domestic

It would create monopoly and prices couldnt be monitored and people would have to pay more for goods. States wont follow treaties thus making it look as if Congress has broken the treaty. States wont abide to the law.

Congress could make treaties but had no power to require the states to follow them Congress could make laws but had no power to force the states to abide by them

No National court system

Congress didnt have control on the punishment for each state. People would be severely punished for a light crime. No fair trials.

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