Definition Essay

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Lily Keenan Mr.

Cramer English 101 September 23, 2013 Freedom is defined as the state of being free or at liberty rather than in confinement or under physical restraint. This definition only applies to physical freedom and the act of not being restrained by another force, but freedom can also mean being emotionally and mentally free. Freedom can mean, in an emotional sense, having patriotism and loyalty for ones country. Freedom also can mean being mentally free. This could be having a free spirit or being open minded. Freedom can be, not only a physical state, but also an emotional and mental state. Freedom, like its definition describes, is a physical state. When you are free, of any kind of restraint, you are in a state of freedom. When you are being hindered or blocked by some obstacle you do not have freedom. Everyone experiences the physical aspect of freedom at some point in their lifetime. This could be experienced in a game as a child, such as tag. When you are it you have the freedom to tag and chase after whomever you please. As an adult, you experience freedom also. A large portion of the population has never been to jail or prison. So, the time an adult does not spend jailed, is time spent in a state of physical freedom. Physical freedom describes itself; a state of being physically free. Emotional freedom is having the capability to express your emotions in a free manner. One primary example that most people associate with freedom is patriotism. Patriotism is known as having loyalty for your country. Choosing to have loyalty to your country is an emotional process. Every day during school when I say the pledge of allegiance, I feel emotionally free. Because I am a citizen of the United States I have the freedom to express my patriotism or lack of patriotism however I choose. Emotional freedom does not only apply to patriotism. People can feel emotionally free in other ways as well. Having the ability to express your emotions openly and vocally is also emotional freedom. This is the ability to release your feelings through communication versus bottling them up. The ability to

express how you feel and express your opinion is a right that most humans have. The unfortunate reality is that some people are denied the ability to physically express their emotional freedoms. This could be due to a vocal impediment, such as muteness, or because they are denied, by their country, the right to express their emotions in a free manner. Being emotionally free means having the ability to express your emotions vocally and physically through body language. Freedom can also mean being mentally free. Mental freedom is the state of being able to freely think without exterior distractions or influences. People who are mentally free are not biased and are not influenced by other people's judgements. These people are sometimes referred to as being open minded. Open minded people have the capability to freely think. These people are able to listen to different points of view and then process the different opinions in order to form their own opinion. Nevertheless, open minded people continue to search for new points of view and expand their knowledge by having mental freedom. Free spirited people are also free of judgment and biase. They too have the ability to freely think because they have mental freedom. This type of mental freedom is very much alike openmindedness, but people with free spirits often feel more empowered to use their mental freedom. Free spirits lead their whole life by following what they believe in no matter what the situation. They never alter their course dependent on someone else's actions. They experience life to the highest advantage with their mental freedom as a guide. People who are free spirits and those who are openminded both are mentally free.

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