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Universidad de Playa Ancha

Facultad de Humanidades


NAME: Gloria Astudillo Bustamante

SUBJECT: English Pedagogy
TEACHER: Mrs Isabel Vásquez and Rodrigo
Class: English Pedagogy
YEAR: 2009

General Contents:

Introduction ………………………………………………………………………… 3
School Information …………………………………………………………………. 4
Unit Plan……………………………………………………………………………… 5
Learning Material……………………………………………………………………. 28
Evaluation Instruments……………………………………………………………… 32
Unit plan

This is the final recompilation of a large process working in a school like a teacher
and sharing with a group of students who accepted to my very good; also whose
gave me all their support and collaboration to work and learn English.
A process, in which I worked very hard to cover all the grammar contents and on
the other hand to achieve all the expectative that my guide’s teacher could have
about me.
In this portfolio you can find articles like: reading articles, school information, unit
plan and lesson plans, learning material (written and audio) and evaluation

School´s name: Colegio Domingo Ortiz de Rozas

Address: calle Portales Nº 1680
City: La Ligua
Telephone: (33) 71 13 96 / 71 55 30 / 71 14 38
School´s e- mail:
Principal’s name: Sra Nancy Zamora Moreno
Jefe UTP: Srs Marcos Mancilla y Walter Rojas
Guide’s teacher name: Profesora Carla Andrea Osses Godoy
Guide’s teacher e- mail:
Grade: 2° medio A

Lesson Plan Model

Date: Level: 2nd Grade High School
May, 7th 2009

Skill: oral and written expression.

Expected Outcomes:
To learn and apply the use of Second Conditional

Resources: whiteboard, markers, student’s English book (page 75)

Time Comments

Introduction 10 min Greet the students.

Role calling Call the row.
Motivation Explain students what the teacher is going to do in the session.

Core of the class The teacher introduces the Second Conditional.

Pre-stage 10 min Each student writes on their copybooks examples where the
Introduce second second conditional is presented.
Students compare between first and second conditional.
While-stage 15 min Students look and choose the correct rule to form the second
Students compare conditional.
contents. Students read five opinions using second conditional. They are
asked if they agree or disagree.

Students complete six sentences using the second conditional

Post-stage 5 min with words from a box.
Check the answers
Check new contents from the class
Closing 5 min Send homework: students will complete five sentences with
Ask for questions, doubts. their ideas using second conditional. Ex:
Good bye If computer games were cheaper, I’d buy them more often.

Say good bye.

Lesson Plan Model

Lesson Plan Model
Date: Level: 2nd Grade High School
May, 13th 2009

Skill: oral and written expression.

Expected Outcomes:
 To learn new vocabulary about the internet.
 To understand a reading about websites.
 To give opinions about magazines and website.

Resources: whiteboard, markers, student’s English book (page 75)

Time Comments

Introduction 10 min Greet the students.

Role calling Call the role.
Motivation Explain students what the teacher is going to do in the session.

Core of the class Homework is checked

Pre-stage 10 min Speaking: in pairs students read and compare theirs opinions
Check the homework from the homework.

While-stage Students learn new vocabulary about the Internet.

New vocabulary 15 min Internet Quiz: students match sentences halves 1-8 and
Reading a- h, from the box.

Reading: “Websites”
 Pre – reading:
Talk about favorite websites
 While- reading:
Skim reading “Websites” what’s the reading about?
Students give points to the websites read according how
much they liked them.
 Post- reading
Students read the text again and extract information on
which websites would they find things like: a magazine,
reviews, a sort section, MP3s.

Post-stage 5 min Students underline expressions about the future, first and
Activities second conditionals in the text.

Closing 5 min
Check new contents from the class
Ask for questions, doubts. Answer questions and doubts
Good bye Say good bye.
May, 14th 2009 Level: 2nd Grade High School

Skill: oral and written expression.

Expected Outcomes:
 To learn Mind maps
 To write a description about Websites

Resources: whiteboard, markers, student’s English book (page 75)

Time Comments

Introduction 10 min Greet the students.

Role calling Call the row.
Motivation Explain students what the teacher is going to do in the session.

Core of the class 10 min Students continue working on “websites”.

Pre-stage Students remember the previous reading and answer some
Remember “websites” questions
15 min
Listening “Websites”
While-stage Students listen to Kate, Carol and Emma talking about
computers and the internet. Students match names 1-3 with
words a-c.
Students complete the end of 6 the sentences according to
the listening.
Students listen again and they check their answers.

Writing: Mind maps.

Students look an example of a website designed by Sarah.
Students complete her mind map with some words from a
Students order parts of Sarah’s website.
Students learn some useful expressions for writing a description
about websites.
5 min Students write a description of their favorite website
Description of a website

5 min Check new contents from the class
Ask for questions, doubts.
Answer questions and doubts
Good bye Say good bye.

Lesson Plan Model

Lesson Plan Model
May, 18th 2009 Level: 2nd Grade High School

Skill: oral and written expression.

Expected Outcomes:
 To take the test Unit 7 “Microchip Magic”
 Reading Comprehension

Resources: whiteboard, markers, radio, Cd.

Time Comments

Introduction 10 min Greet the students.

Role calling Call the row.
Motivation Explain students what the teacher is going to take the test.

Core of the class 5 min Teacher explains the test.

Explanation the test

While-stage 45 min Students answer the test.


Post-stage Reading: “Magazines”

Reading 15 min  Pre- reading
Students talk about favorite magazines.
 While-reading
Students read the reviews and answer some questions about the
Students listen the story
 Post-reading
Check the answers and some students read the reading.

Ask for questions, doubts. 5 min
Answer questions and doubts
Good bye Say good bye.
Lesson Plan Model

20th 2009
May, 25 Level: 2nd Grade High School

Skill: oral and written expression.

Expected Outcomes:
 To understand
learn new vocabulary
and answerabout
and illegal.
 To check the pronunciation of the new vocabulary
Resources: whiteboard,amarkers,
 To understand student’s
reading called English book.
“ Banned”

Resources: whiteboard, markers,

Timestudent’s English book, radio, Cd.

Introduction 10 min
Time Greet the students.
Role calling Call the role.
Introduction 10 min Explain
Greet thestudents that the teacher is going to take the Reading
Call and after the test teacher will continue with “Banned”.
the row.
Role calling
Motivation Explain students the start of the new unit called Rules.
Students answer
start unitthe Reading
8 page 79. Test, called The Elephant
Core of the class 55 min Man.
Pre-stage 10 min Students look 10 words which have relation with rules.
Rule’s vocabulary Students looking some pictures guess the meaning. Then
listen and repeat the words.
Students decide and write which words should be legal or
Reading “Banned” 25 min Reading: “banned”
 Pre- listening
Students talk about the Society’s rules. For example, for
them Which things result legal and illegal?
 While- reading
Students read quickly “banned”.
Students talk what does the reading is about.
Students listen the reading. And they put in order five
Students read the text again and they answer six questions.
Post-stage  Post- reading
10 min Students check the homework.
Activities Check the answers.
Students make a list of words unknown for them.
Some students read reading.
55 min Say Good Bye.
Post-stage min Homework:
Good bye .Student at home look in a dictionary the list of new words.
Closing Answer questions and doubts
Ask for questions, doubts. 5 min
Say good bye.
Good bye
Lesson Plan Model
May, 28th 2009 Level: 2nd Grade High School

Skill: oral and written expression.

Expected Outcomes:
 To learn Can, Could and Be allowed to.
 To use Can and Could.

Resources: whiteboard, markers, student’s English book, photocopies, power point, data, computer,
audiovisual room.
Time Comments

Introduction 5 min Greet the students.

Role calling Call the role.
Motivation Explain students what the teacher is going to explain about

Core of the class 10 min Students extract sentences (from the Banned) where can, could
Pre-stage and be allowed to are presented in the text. They write them in
Explanation: Permission their copybooks.
Students translate and understand the meaning of those
Teacher explains that can, could and be allowed to are used to
talk about permission

While-stage 15 min Students read again the sentences and compare between them.
Can and could Teacher explains the rule of can and its present and past forms.
Students write a box with the rules for the use of can, could

Can / could + verb, without To

Students write new sentences to understand better the use of can

and could.

Post-stage 10 min Students look Banned again and complete a table applying the
Activities rule learnt for permission. They complete the sentence with the
correct form.
Students work on a extra photocopy where they have to
complete a crossword with vocabulary of legal and illegal, then
they look some information about the difference between soccer
and American football. They have to complete six sentences
using can and could.

Ask for questions, doubts. 5 min Review of the content learnt in the session. Answer questions
Good bye and doubts.
Say good bye.
Lesson Plan model (video n°1)
June , 1st 2009 Level: 2nd Grade High School

Skill: oral and written expression.

Expected Outcomes:
 To learn and use Be allowed to.
 To learn the pronunciation of can and could.

Resources: whiteboard, markers, student’s English book, power point, data, computer, radio, Cd,
audiovisual room.
Time Comments

Introduction 5 min Greet the students.

Role calling Call the role.
Motivation Explain students that the teacher is going to continue with

Core of the class 10 min Review past content, use of can and could in present and past
Pre-stage forms.
Review can and could. Students remember some sentences extracted from “Banned”
where Be allowed was present.

While-stage 40 min Students remember verb To Be forms.

Be allowed to Teacher explains the use of Be allowed to and it’s affirmative
and negative forms, present and past forms too.
Students lean the rule of Be allowed to:
 Be allowed to + verb
Students listen and repeat can, could and were.

Post-stage Listening: students complete a paragraph with the correct form

Activities 20 min of Be allowed to. Then listen and check.
Students write sentences about themselves with words from the
box using can / can’t, could / couldn’t and be allowed to.
When I was fourteen. I couldn’t stay out after midnight.

Listening: Pronunciation
Students listen and repeat pairs of sentences where can, could,
was and were appear.

Closing Review of the content learnt in the session. Answer questions

Ask for questions, doubts. 5 min and doubts.
Good bye Say good bye.
Lesson Plan Model

June , 3rd 2009 Level: 2nd Grade High School

Skill: oral and written expression.

Expected Outcomes:
 To use can, can’t, could, couldn’t and Be allowed to.

Resources: whiteboard, markers, student’s English book, radio, Cd.

Time Comments

Introduction 5 min Greet the students.

Role calling Call the role.
Motivation Explain students that the teacher is going to continue with

Core of the class 5 min Listening:

Pre-stage Students listen and repeat some phrases. They have to choose A
Review listening or B according what they listened.

While-stage 20 min Students review past content. Use of can, could and Be allowed
Review Permission to.
Students make some exercises to review and reinforce the
content on Permission.

Post-stage. 10 min Working in pairs, students ask and answer questions about item
Speaking 5.
When you were fourteen, could you stay after midnight?

Ask for questions, doubts. 5 min Review of the content learnt in the session. Answer questions
Good bye and doubts.
Say good bye.
Lesson Plan Model

June , 4th 2009 Level: 2nd Grade High School

Skill: oral and written expression.

Expected Outcomes:
 To use can, can’t, could, couldn’t and Be allowed to.
 To understand a reading.

Resources: whiteboard, markers, student’s English book, radio, Cd.

Time Comments

Introduction 5 min Greet the students.

Role calling Call the role.
Motivation Explain students what the teacher will do in the session.

Core of the class

Pre-stage 5 min Students review past content. Use of can, could and Be allowed
Review Permission to.

While-stage 20 min Reading: “Strict or soft?” (Questionnaire)

“Strict or soft?” reading  Pre-reading:
Students talk about their own situation with their parents about
permission and rules at home.

 While-reading:
Students read “Strict or soft? And do the questionnaire
according theirselves opinions.

 Post-reading:
Students share their results with the rest of the class.
Teacher gives them their category (soft or strict) according to
their own results from the reading.

Speaking 10 min Different students read “Strict or soft?” again.
Students talk and share opinions about the previous activity.

Ask for questions, doubts. 5 min Review of the content learnt in the session. Answer questions
Good bye and doubts.
Say good bye.
Lesson Plan Model

June , 10th 2009 Level: 2nd Grade High School

Skill: oral and written expression.

Expected Outcomes:
 To learn obligation: have to and must.

Resources: whiteboard, markers, student’s English book, radio, Cd.

Time Comments

Introduction 5 min Greet the students.

Role calling Call the role.
Motivation Explain students that they will learn “Obligation” in the session.

Core of the class

Pre-stage 10 min Students write some sentences from “Strict or Soft” where Have
Exploring Obligation to and Must appear.
Students read the sentences and understand the meaning for
Have to and Must.

While-stage 20 min Students learn that Have To and Must are used to talk about
Have To and Must Obligation.
Students learn the use of Have / Has To according to the
Students learn the affirmative form for Have / Has To and Must
Students read again some examples about Have To from the
Students learn Must and its negative form Mustn’t.
Students read some examples from “Strict or Soft” to understand
better them.

Post-stage Students work on an extra material where Have To and Must are
Exercises 5 min worked. If Students don’t finish the activity, they will continue it
at their home.

Review of the content learnt in the session. Answer questions

Closing 5 min and doubts.
Ask for questions, doubts. Say good bye.
Good bye
Lesson Plan Model

June , 11th 2009 Level: 2nd Grade High School

Skill: oral and written expression.

Expected Outcomes:
 To use obligation: have to and must.
 To learn and use the negative form for Have To. (no obligation).

Resources: whiteboard, markers, student’s English book., data móvil, computer.

Time Comments

Introduction 5 min Greet the students.

Role calling Call the role.
Motivation Teacher explains that she continues working on “Obligation” in
the session.

Core of the class 10 min Students check the homework.

Pre-stage Students remember and make a revision about the previous
Review Obligation session Obligation.

While-stage 20 min Now, students pay special attention on the negative form for
No Obligation Have To: “Don’t / doesn’t have To”.
Students read some examples from the reading to understand
better them.
Students learn differences between Mustn’t and Haven’t To.
Students understand that they will use the negative form of Have
To, when there is no Obligation.
Students write the rule for Must and Have To.
Must and mustn’t express an obligation.
Haven’t / hasn’t is used where there is no obligation.
Students write some examples.

Post-stage 5 min Students rainforest the new content doing an exercise. They
Activities have to choose the correct form of Obligation to complete the
paragraph about Kim and Mark’s parents.
Students work on an extra material where all the content about
Obligation is checked.

Closing Check the activity and revision of the session. Answer questions
Ask for questions, doubts. 5 min and doubts.
Good bye Say good bye
Lesson Plan Model

June , 15th 2009 Level: 2nd Grade High School

Skill: oral and written expression.

Expected Outcomes:
 To learn vocabulary about Households and objects.
 To learn contrast: However, Although, But and on the other hand.

Resources: whiteboard, markers, student’s English book, radio. Cd.

Time Comments

Introduction 5 min Greet the students.

Role calling Call the role.
Motivation Teacher explains what she will do in the session.

Core of the class

Pre-stage 10 min Students make last revision about Obligation.
Review Obligation

While-stage 50 min Students learn new vocabulary about households and objects.
Households’ vocabulary. Students match some objects with the tasks from a box.
Student’s obligations. Students write true sentences with affirmatives and negatives
forms of Have To.
I don’t have to wash my clothes.
Students work in pairs asking and answering questions with
expressions. They have to use the new vocabulary.
Students read “ Delighted Schoolgirl wins battle to wear
Students answer true or false.
Students listen to three boys about where they go to the school.
Then answer some questions.

Post-stage 10 min
Activities Students work on a extra activities using the new vocabulary

Closing 5 min Check the activity and revision of the content learnt in the
Ask for questions, doubts. session. Answer questions and doubts.
Good bye Say good bye
Lesson Plan Model

June , 17th 2009 Level: 2nd Grade High School

Skill: oral and written expression.

Expected Outcomes:
 To learn and use contrast: However, Although, But and on the other hand.

Resources: whiteboard, markers, student’s English book, radio. Cd.

Time Comments

Introduction 5 min Greet the students.

Role calling Call the role.
Motivation Teacher explains what she will do in the session.

Core of the class

Pre-stage 5 min Students make are revision about the previous session.
Review previous session

While-stage 20min Students underline in the previous reading words that express
Expressing Contrast. contrast.
Students learn: However, Although, But and On the other hand.
Students translate 4 sentences to understand better the words
that express contrast.
Students look at Ruben’s ideas for new school rules. They match
1-4 with a-d.

Post-stage 10 min Students work on Progress check 8, here students will remember
Total revision: Unit 8. all the contents learnt on this unit.

Ask for questions, doubts. 5 min Check the activity and revision of the content learnt in the
Good bye session. Answer questions and doubts.
Say good bye
Lesson Plan Model

June , 18th 2009 Level: 2nd Grade High School

Skill: oral and written expression.

Expected Outcomes:
 To apply all the contents learnt in Unit 8

Resources: pen and two sheets for the test

Time Comments

Introduction 4 min Greet the students.

Role calling Call the role.
Motivation Teacher explains the test.

Core of the class

Pre-stage 40 min Students answer the Test.



Ask for questions, doubts. 1 min Say good bye
Good bye
Lesson Plan Model

June , 22nd 2009 Level: 2nd Grade High School

Skill: oral and written expression.

Expected Outcomes:
 To ask where things are in formal and informal way.
 To learn how to describe things. (size, shape, look like, made of)
 To learn how to describe uses
 To learn prepositions and adjectives.

Resources: complementary photocopies for speaking work.

Time Comments

Introduction 5 min Greet the students.

Role calling Call the role.
Motivation Teacher explains about the session.

Core of the class

Pre-stage 30 min Students learn two forms about how to ask where things are
Asking in formal and Where is / are the copy paper (s)? It’s / they’re on the shelf
informal way. (informal)
Students remember To Be verb
Do you know where my notebook(s) is / are?
It’s / they’re on the top shelf between the printer and the papers

While-stage 30 min
Describing things Students learn how to describe things considering:
 Size, shape and look like.
What size is it? / What shape is it? / What does it look like?
It’s big/ small ...
It’s round, wide, oval, etc..
It’s a long, narrow, flat thing.
 Made of
What’s it made of? It’s made o f plastic
 Uses
What is it used for? It’s used for opening doors

Post-stage 10 min
Exercises Students practice in pairs the different forms for asking with a
vocabulary given by the teacher.

Ask for questions, doubts. 5 min Ask for questions, say good bye
Good bye
Lesson Plan Model

June , 24th 2009 Level: 2nd Grade High School

Skill: oral and written expression.

Expected Outcomes:
 To remember forms for asking and describing things.
 To learn vocabulary about office’s objects.

Resources: complementary photocopies for speaking work, whiteboard, markers.

Time Comments

Introduction 5 min Greet the students.

Role calling Call the role.
Motivation Teacher explains about the session.

Core of the class

Pre-stage 10 min Students remember the forms about how to ask, describe and
Review forms for asking uses for things.

Office’s vocabulary 10 min Students write and learn a list of objects that they can find in an
Students check the pronunciation of the new vocabulary.

Exercises 10 min Students work in pairs and practice using the new vocabulary

Ask for questions, doubts. 10 min Ask for questions
Good bye Teacher gives the students the test and check them with students
Say good bye
Lesson Plan Model

June , 25th 2009 Level: 2nd Grade High School

Skill: oral and written expression.

Expected Outcomes:
 To ask where things are, using informal way.

Resources: complementary photocopies for speaking work, whiteboard, markers, radio, Cd.

Time Comments

Introduction 5 min Greet the students.

Role calling Call the role.
Motivation Teacher explains about the session.

Core of the class

Pre-stage 10 min Students looking their photocopies remember the informal way
Review previous session to ask where things are.
Students remember and review the vocabulary about Office

Asking where things are 15 min  Listening and speaking Practice
(formal and informal) Students listen an example where a boy helps to a friend with
his homework. Then they continue with a list of vocabulary
reversing roles to ask.

Students looking their photocopies remember the formal way to

ask where things are.
 Listening and Speaking Practice
Students listen an example where they have to ask where things
are, reversing roles.

 Listening
Post-stage 10 min Students listen a conversation then complete a chart about where
Complete a chart. things are located.
Students using all the contents learnt, work in pairs asking and
answering some questions according the commands given to

Closing Ask for questions

Ask for questions, doubts. 5 min Teacher gives them their English test and checks them.
Good bye Say good bye

(Por motivos de rendición de pruebas de síntesis, hay desfase de horario. Este

día se trabaja solo30 minutos en aula para el ramo de inglés. Se cubre solo
hasta el While- stage)
Lesson Plan Model (video n°2)

July, 1st 2009 Level: 2nd Grade High School

Skill: oral and written expression.

Expected Outcomes:
 To ask where things are, using formal way.
 To describe things using adjectives for size, shape and look like.
 To extract specific information about location and description.

Resources: complementary photocopies for speaking work, whiteboard, markers, radio, Cd.

Time Comments

Introduction 5 min Greet the students.

Role calling Call the role.
Motivation Teacher explains about the session.

Core of the class

Pre-stage 10 min Students looking their photocopies remember the formal way to
Review: Asking where ask where things are.
things are formal way. Students remember how to describe things using adjectives or
size, shape and look like.

Listening practice 20 min  Listening and speaking practice
Students listen an example where they have to ask where things
are reversing roles. They work with the classmate.
They looking their photocopy ask and answer on where things
are using the formal way.
Students listen a conversation then complete a chart about where
things are located.
Check the activity
Students receive another photocopy. They listen a conversation
about description.
Students listen an example then they have to choose one of the
boxes and described it to their partner; the partner will guess
which one is.
Revision: where things are 5 min Ask for questions
and description .

Ask for questions, doubts. 5 min Say good bye
Good bye ( Por razón de aplicación de pruebas de Síntesis hay un desfase
de horario, los periodos siguientes se reducen a 35 minutos y se
Adelanta el timbre en 5 minutos.)
Lesson Plan Model
July, 2nd 2009 Level: 2nd Grade High School

Skill: oral and written expression.

Expected Outcomes:
 To describe things about what they are made of.
 To describe uses for things

Resources: complementary photocopies for speaking work, whiteboard, markers, radio, Cd.

Time Comments

Introduction 5 min Greet the students.

Role calling Call the role.
Motivation Teacher explains about the session.

Core of the class 5 min Describe What things are made of.
Pre-stage Describe uses

Describing practice 20 min Working in pairs, students write inside in a box what objects are
made of. Then they choose one of the objects from the list and
tell their partner what it’s made of and what shape it is, but don’t
say what it is.

 Listening
Students listen to people describing inventions. They write the
name of each object.
Then, students answer which of the inventions do you think is
the most useful? Why?.

Post-stage 10 min Students receive some cards with different questions; these
Speaking questions have the same format that teachers will use for the
speaking test. They ask and answer according to the pictures
Students look the table for the evaluation and all the parameters
that will be considerate for the evaluation.

Ask for questions, doubts. 5 min
Good bye Ask for questions
Say good bye
Lesson Plan Model
July, 6th 2009 Level: 2nd Grade High School

Skill: oral and written expression.

Expected Outcomes:
 To apply all the contents learnt for the Speaking Test.

Resources: flashcards, cards for evaluation.

Time Comments

Introduction 5 min Greet the students.

Role calling Call the role.
Motivation Teacher explains about the test

Core of the class 1hr y

Pre-stage 10 min Test
Speaking Test


Speaking Test

Speaking Test

Ask for questions, doubts. 5 min Say good bye
Good bye
Lesson Plan Model

July, 7th 2009 Level: 2nd Grade High School

Skill: oral and written expression.

Expected Outcomes:
 To apply all the contents learnt for the Speaking Test.

Resources: flashcards, cards for evaluation.

Time Comments

Introduction 5 min Greet the students.

Role calling Call the role.
Motivation Teacher explains about the test

Core of the class 40 min Test

Speaking Test


Speaking Test

Speaking Test

Ask for questions, doubts. 1 min Say good bye
Good bye
Free sessions:

May, 11th Student’s Day

May, 27th alumnos salen a ver una obra de teatro
June, 8th Jornada SIMCE
June, 29th feriado
July, 8th despedida y convivencia

This section contains some extra material that I used to complement

the Unit and then students could learn better.

Exploring Grammar

• We use: (1) CAN, (2) COULD and (3) BE ALLOWED TO, to talk about permission.

We use CAN and COULD + verb, without To.

(1) CAN / CAN´T (Present)

 You can buy a gun in the USA.
 In Chile, you can’t smoke in public places.

(2) COULD / COULDN´T (past): Could is the past form of Can.

 In the 19th century, you could buy slaves at markets.
 The New World government decided that the problem couldn’t continue.

Exercises: Could

1. When I was younger. I _____ run very fast.

2. I was tired last night but I _____ sleep.
3. Andrés has a party last week but Paul and Jenny ______ come.
4. _____ you travel alone when you were a child?. No, I ________ .
(3) BE ALLOWED TO, to talk about permission too.

We use BE ALLOWED TO + verb.

• Muslims aren’t allowed to drink alcohol.

• In Iran, women aren’t allowed to go to football matches.

• At the end of 19th century, women weren’t allowed to vote.

You’ll have to remember the verb To Be in its present and past forms, to understand and use
Be allowed to.

BE ALLOWED TO (Present form)

IS : He, she, it ISN´T
ARE : you, we, they AREN´T
ex Ex:
He is allowed to drink alcohol She isn’t allowed to do anything without her
mother’s permission.

BE ALLOWED TO (Past form)



I- he- she- it I- he- she –it
you- we- they you- we-they

when I was younger, I In the past, women _____ ______ ___ vote.

Exercises: Complete with Be allowed to.

1. When Tom and Peter were younger, they _____ use long hair

2. When I was fourteen ,I _______ stay after midnight.(x)

2. Juliet ____________ go out with friend


Circle the correct word.

They year 2110, and the world has changed a lot since the 21st century. Artists can’t / is
allowed to
make violent films or write violent novels. Hollywood is controlled by the New World
Government, and it (1) can / were allowed to make only happy films that help people to
feel calm and relaxed. People (2) is allowed to / aren’t allowed to play or watch any
aggressive sports like football.
There were huge problems in the 21st century when people (3) can’t / were allowed to
play football. The fans (4) could / is allowed to go to the games, and they often used to
fight. The New World Government decided that the problem (5) couldn’t / were allowed
to continue. It banned football in 2022.
Conversations about football were also made illegal in 2024, and people (6) can / weren’t
allowed to talk about memories of their favorite games.
Any type of violence is illegal today, and people (7) can / aren’t allowed to think violent
thoughts either. The Thought Police (8) can / couldn’t put the criminals in happiness
Training Centres until they learn to think positively.

Activities unit 8 “RULES”

Household tasks and objects

1. You use a ……….. to …………. Your food
2. you ………….. your clothes with an …………..
3. when you ………… the floor you use a …………
4. you can …………. Coffe with a ………………….

Permission: Use can, can’t, could , couldn’t and be allowed to.

In the past people in Britain ………….. enjoy a lot of cruel sports. They often killed
animals. For example, they ………… attack bears with dogs just for fun. The sport
was banned in the 1900s century. Today, dog fights are also illegally, and people ……
…………….. even own fighting dogs. Police can arrest people who organize dogs
fights, and they …………… be sent to prison. But people now still do it. Why?

Obligation: complete the sentences use mustn’t and don’t have to.

Schools with unusual rules!

At Summerhill School in England, students and the teachers invent the rules at a meeting
every week. Students can say what they want and they are allowed to wear any clothes
they like. They can choose to go to classes or not to go. These decisions are theirs – but
there are rules. For example, students aren’t allowed to play loud music late at night or
use somebody’s bicycle without permission.

1. Students ……………….. wear uniform

2. Students ………………….. go to lessons
3. Students ………………….. play loud music late at night
4. They ……………………… borrow things without permission.
This section contains the different tests that I took to evaluate the
Grammar and Understanding contents.

1. A reading called “The Elephant Man”

 To understand a reading about a Strange Man.

2. Test unit 8 “Rules”

 To use and identify vocabulary related to Rules and Household tasks and
 To identify and use Permission.
 To identify and use Obligation.
 To use Expressing Contrast.

Reading Comprehension : The Elephant Man

Name: Total score: 40 pts

Class: 2nd A My score:
Date: Monday, 25th 2009 Teacher: Carla Osses G.

I) Answer TRUE or FALSE (10 pts)

1. Merrick had two beautiful hands ___________

2. Merrick wanted to go the city _____________
3. When he was in the countryside, he called the birds his friends __________
4. Merrick was a woman ___________
5. Merrick lived in Scotland _________
6. Dr Treves stole Merrick´s money after he died __________
7. Merrick´s likes reading books in his room _____________
8. Dr Treves looked Merrick like a creature ___________
9. Dr Treves was Merrick´s friend ___________
10. Merrick used to sleep on his back_________

II) Put the events in the right order. (9 pts)

1 _________ The Queen of England visited Merrick.

2 _________ Merrick went to the countryside.
3 _________ Dr Treves met Merrick.
4 _________ Dr Treves was walking outside a shop and he saw a picture of the
Elephant Man.
5 _________ Dr Treves took Merrick to the hospital
6 _________ Merrick went back to London
7 _________ Merrick died at the hospital.
8 _________ Dr Treves invited Merrick to live at the hospital.
9 _________ The hospital chairman wrote a letter to “The Times” saying that Merrick
had died.

III) Choose the correct answer (8 pts)

1. Which hand was like a man’s foot? 2. The Elephant Man is

a) right a) a sad story
b) left b) a sad story but happy at the end
c) right and left c) a happy story

3. How much was the ticket to see 4. Merrick´s name was:

The Elephant Man at the shop? a) Frederick
a) one pence b) Simon
b) two pence c) Joseph
The Lighthouse was: 6. Merrick´s age was:
a) a home for all people a) 27
b) a home for children b) 17
c) a home for blind people c) 37

7. Merrick was to the countryside in: 8. Merrick died in:

a) Summer a) April 1980
b) Autumn b) July 1890
c) Spring c) April 1890

IV) Use the words from the box to complete the paragraph. (6 pts)

Card shop Dr Merrick hospital pence

“Two years ago, Merrick lived in a (1)…………… near the London Hospital. For two
(2)………….. people could see him and laugh at him. One day (3)………. Treves – a
hospital doctor saw (4)………….. , brought him to this (5)…………….., and looked at
him carefully. Dr Treves could not help Merrick, but he gave him his (6)…………… . “

V) “We gave Merrick two rooms at the back of the hospital. One room was a bathroom
and the second was his bedroom”. Draw Merrick in his bedroom. You must use
pencils. (7 pts)

English Test: Unit 8: RULES

Name: Total score: 28 pts

Class: 2nd A My score: pts
Date: Thursday, 18th 2009 Teacher: Carla Osses G.

 To use and identify vocabulary related to Rules and Household tasks and objects.
 To identify and use Permission.
 To identify and use Obligation.

I) Write the objects about Rules and Households. (8 pts)

Things using or used for violence

(1)………………………… (2)……………………….. (3)…………………………
For clothes
(4)………………………... (5)………………………..
Things that pollute our bodies.
(6)……………………….. (7)………………………. (8)………………………..

II) Permission can, could and be allowed to. Circle the correct form. (5 pts)
When Julia a star in the 1960s, she (1) can’t / could do anything she wanted. She was famous and
people were cared of her, so she (2) can / could behave badly. But now Julia is very strict with her
daughter, she (3) can / isn’t allowed to do anything without her mother’s permission. Julliette (4)
is allowed to / can’t go out wit boys, but only the boys that her mother chooses for her. Julliette
(5) could / wasn’t allowed to make any decisions about her own career either.

III) Obligation: Complete with sentences. Use have to, don’t have to, must and mustn’t.(7pts)
Beauty Park Camping
Please pay when you arrive
You must leave before 3.00 on your final day
Dirty tents are not allowed
No rubbish
You can have breakfast in the farmhouse if you want
Don’t play loud music after 7.00 in the evening
Hot water is free
Don’t drink water from the river.
Visitors have to pay when they arrive.
1. You …………………. leave before midday.
2. Your tent ……………………. be clean.
3. Visitors ………………….. leave rubbish.
4. You ……………………… have breakfast in the farmhouse.
5. Visitors ……………………… be noisy after 7.00.
6. People …………………… pay for hot water.
7. You ………………………… drink the river water.

IV) Expressing Contrast: Match 1-8 with a-h. (8 pts)

1…… 2……. 3……. 4…….. 5…….. 6…….. 7…….. 8…….

1. In the past almost everyone lived in the country, but
2. Pollution has become very serious, although
3. In the 1800s, a lot of people worked sixteen hours a day, but
4. Our grandparents didn’t have TV when they were young. On the other hand,
5. Fifty years ago, most British wives stayed at home. Today, however,
6. Today, all British children go to school, although
7. People still do household jobs.
8. 50 years only the very rich had cars, but

a a lot of women have jobs

b governments are trying to control the problem.
c not all children enjoy it!
d now a lot of people live in cities
e they say people were better at conversation ten.
f now most families have a car.
g now laws control how many hours people work.
h However, the work is much easier because of modern machines.

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