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means Pipe Appeal Maybe it's the polse that a pipe suggests — that added look of masculinity it gives you, but a woman likes to see a man smokeapipe. And—justas naturally aman likes a pipe packed with Prince Albert. means Prince Albert If you've tried a pipe and your tongue said *No," then try Prince Albert—the rich tobacco that's specially treated to insure against tongue bite...and crimp cut to burn evenly right to the bottom ‘af the bowl. More pipes smoke P. A. than any other tobacco. P.A, is great - for “makin's" too! tes | NEVER ENJOYED A PIPE SO MUCH UNTIL | TRIED PRINCE ALBERT ITS EASY ON MY TONGUE — A / ater: JOY TO SMOKE! THE NATIONAL JOY SMOKE ec) 66 WHY | Spotlight Alfred! S. Md Sn — Pear lew, isis ered, Alferd W, Me anes repeat tretlaeony bien dere peel hie gle Phe parted m4 Juathew, When Alborae ss Ueperel af Saw York, ihe Phietedct Atter rr feel the #8 SbF DRL st enaerl's Obes ie SH per re tie tleee cf feel froele, Win he neuer beet @ com, Wle enaleterorind wf oe pradert ie the seeilng quek af qeeertby werd cpamlite. = eal lis arth pteeted iietlile.,. "What's Minne... the truth about infected cigars. 1. td. A.B Ln AMEMCA's NOTE FURE FOOD EXPERT Jiat think! On the hands of a rigaremaker nov bork niacy ifferent kinds of vliseeee perms... cripyiling ‘mites of malice’ that you may draw inte your mouth Hnreas gels hiotil-timile rigors "To awoken torn be thie invisible danger... | weet to tell the troth abt Crenoe—the only cigar whose peerity Loran truly eertify, "Revere. beleive leat entering the Crem Far'terey Le : eciratifically sterilize Lav Ll, S&.evernnient approved ret tienda. *Crenoo la hi for your micoih, erase af is teed made in etully, dingy lefts andl shores. 2 bt ie air-fnoled, eure doml bored, ecirntifiralls srtrinte fartourtes, Laat tee tar lous bt weartivped Chiat filial, wires wanal liye thir cigars wiih am Lary rortal fingers, His scientific, formerecthed of manufacture paar ontres you cigars of the wane high health protection ilomt yr ed ia reriiiel mllk! Conennay quirky is quick ls seoled! in lodividiel eanitarw foil, “This Creo reaches your lie vith wo pleoenre that ven ean treat” Tee wellivli tae the health jorwetwrw lignan ciiidioee! doy Alfred ih ; Le i a, ( er-wraee face han tlie pirates proms bfele rigar eeujevy pure ant, Vetenge qinmelee cel melee teed farbesrenes, all eigen oel ficllowalice SANNA) wae epee in perfecting the piri ane oreo! monfactare Uiat in lo penoe teres aaauefierial y line cigars, Looped Cotes bo Soon freali, gern free guil crush jroo! — being iocividually foil-wrapped, Thetrileaied bbe: Wanelan A Newell Ca., Minttapeelia emo . The certified cigar-5 fis J a stad 2 , ee ee Go ee i BS inl ies as: «= BAPULIS of sa? > Faves i Se _ ee ee ie = | ee eee |S Christmas Gift Sale! Regular $36 i. Beaver Lamb and to 1. Coats *22 THIS Sale should make you believe in Santa Claus all over again! It's a chance to get the finest kind of gift for any feminine mem- ber of your family—or for yourself!—alt littl: more than half the regular price! Beaver lamb ond wombat coats are wirm, tur | able and very smartly tailored with Johnny, nolehed, or shawl eollars, ‘The colors are grey, beige, and beaver, Sizes 14 to 20, ~ Remember! They usually sell for $26, so you're going to make tremendous savings! Ficerand Jina Print Pajamas “Chic-on” Aprons In Gift Boxes! Are Real Gifts! 7 ee SSS ee ee! oe oe ae ad } ee a sm Ta. eee ee ey a lige i HE THOUGHT: “Tl never come to close to pou again on « hot day.” Yet, fo be polite, HE SAID: "Tecan enjoy your music beter across the room.” r mY - Another admirer lost for Janet © ...all beeause of “B.O.” jBeamty Oebew] THAT a bitter chien pepotibmon the evets ing ef “B.0." Now I reslice why, We become had bern! insensitive ti ever-preaenl oears, But the Alben bad heen politeness itell, Rut ene pores constantly give off odorcansing waste how, dJonct knew abe hodn’t taade a good —-s inuch aa a quart daily, ipresion on thie new admirer, "Go Lilebaoy's toy only toilet soap now, Wiese fault? Janet cidn't know ther. But And T love itt No other toilet aoap has ever there a ne wh.” —i lenely odor pobhapg her muide me feel so completely, thrillingly clean of popularity now, Let her tell vou wheal abe —and sefp—an Lifebuoy, a refreshing, antl learned! about (ike treacherous fault ane! the se plit ba ther Peer Pree mp deeply, "ho." cay way to exp) jt Py bermng petapea ced berm ia iene ble, trier lass ie 7 opel “How clear Lifehooy keeps my skin, boo, ffatter enret er pet ne "AL," And it's a real sofeguard against germs, “Lake everyhedy clae, 7 perspire more freely Lilebucy'e pleasant, extro-clean soent, that bn rivauer. Hut 2} never dreamed 7 was pruilty vanishes ae vou rinse, tela you it prorifies.” © Lifebuoy “a stops body odor . ‘(Sn &, WALDO This Christnas- | ‘nneap : x ‘otheeMonarch of Radio SS FRESHMAN olis Kneels Ae A cd is . the New AC All-Electric \ Ay gin < EQUAPHASE *” Mosle In Estential Fetablished 1&77 This Christmas — Make Things Easier for Dad! Every day dad spends eight hours in the roaring turmoil of the hurrying business orld. Some days business carea try his nerves beyond endur- ance. The family makes matters worse by telling him he's grouchy and unsocia- ble. But, there's a ? remedy — RADIO! This Christmas dad's boys and girls sould let the.“nick nacks” go, poo! their “pin money’ and give dad a After a Hard > Day’s Work— Then Freshman Equaphase The NEW EQUAPHASE offera dad an ESCAPE from the cage of every- day grind. It will enable him to let go! ... And, for the rest of the family, it brings adventure, romance and thrills that you lack in your daily lives. .It takés you ta a wonderful new world ,., And there's no fun going out when there's more fun at home, a SES OCCU EE EE =O YV arner’s CHRISTMAS SALE Electric Appliances, Toys, i a Sleds, Skates, Skis Give Aseful Gifts Totes ber Lie eT a om ——, Ea —— ao} a au ‘ il -—. — a — eo a a =} - Caer We Wat Palen ee 1 Way Gaal eae Zz Tae ATT a SN Si Hy _ * ene tite r ul emer en bik slatetesttaeraritet ee Ma LT Ala ee eae || al a Fe ae raisins Tree Lights Genuine American Mazda 8-light set, thoroughly tested, with extension plug for adding $4 4.9 3 more sets. Complete .. 8-light Pine Cone (genuine Tungsten) Christmas oy ee re ae 98c ienmizaeihtitinttti & & & bea . * tN Real Santa Clans eet Here is the opportunity for every man- Whose wife hasn't a modern new Elec- mic Washing Machine aoe y el To do his duty and enable her to solve Su) the Monday aoe em for years to come. : tl Mdaditsods rptce dee Ahl oR, 0 “SSE Wh ér a new | * utomatic — the ert , Electne Washer on which you ech ea Save l4 Sette AutoMatic All Hens lay FRESH eggs! ALL Cigarettes are not FRESH! LISTEN, PEOPLE! . .. Are fresh eggs better than stale eggs? Evervbody says Ves"! Are fresh cigarettes better than stale cigaretiesr i fbi Evervbody says “Yes! Iteo jackets of Cellophane... not one but TWO... stand fuard over the freshness of Pontle-\Mellaw Old Colds. Aach of those pro jackets 16 morsturc-froof Crilophane; the highes! quality obtainable This double Cellophane wrapping keeps out dampness, dryness and every other foe ol ciygairctte goodness, It gives you FACTORY-FRESH ciparettes... as fresh as the epg the hen lays in the nest, (Rr tcanesCovufpane Established 1760 P. 5. Qeebla Your Money Back, lf pou're eet pleaved Sridhar eee tetas Cutt “CRLLOFHANE JAGuOrT dem’) wey ie te Gee beri Pied Care hem (he Behar We ae pe ke eS ob a HH abated aA Pee eee Ql fig hte wrilkot A daga [eem date, ead wet ll peed pa eae | a c=! for the fail peo bage, Fier prptage. fdas, 119 Weet @he Se, eer York al eg De J Pap el ae eee EP ane. tm aa I sd et MC or THES Al INTHE ELEGANT EIGHTIES a * one ane beer flavor |7 Sw ANT TH it Gets RIGHT OVER - ELL te road bear flzwor} % ce E Sy u tl | ) i ‘ | ) PILSENER PALE BEER Tis — Ters (8 TwWE BEST CEP ART MENT IN TOWN Wait JUST A MINUTE — FLi Fix SOMETHING THAT WiLL MARE US BOTH FEEL BETTE Hi caw GO CUT AND H HCL THE MON WITH . = HOW MUCH LONGER? | rM BEAD NOW THAT'S GREAT THERE'S HOTHING TO LIFT Yoeuv UP LIKE A GOOD CUP JUST A MINUTE iwWant TOs GO TO THE Cago CePaAatmENT )f PARTICULARLY IF IT IS ge NASH’S TOASTED COFFEE, FOR THAT FEELING Veh ae UNLESS [TT HAS # O } | R r im f F I Te tlaciag o cefrigersoor for your home, remeber this oon Cision! Look te fhe eecheniee Ji Devetr ofdesign end Eola lnceelor ereingement—cooreion boat ill thie ane bape tanec. Bur memes ben parce. ef all da che cold. muadiieg crt Agni the heed of apy teteageriior yee mee ONLY NORGE HAE THE Ts yy ir Ralater Refrigeration Better? Thick of « nefrigeraslag mechaslem with but three slowly moving pitte—a mechani eich mirplon power co omoke pers cold thin yee ll ewer seed so chi foods amd po freee ire fn ibe blistering lea of mldduemetrewee chet eee wo file tuorent aod eared fo ecerh food phat wees repent setings up to £11 a mench + Think of é methencim whoch, of fecrore oor, hee eon running ¢onstamily or (he eerabee eer of -29- pear- dope oe: el pode ere efieiebt then whea 4 goied—a eeechenim which actually tert ithe! wif? wre, Tdaf'a Che lol af ¢old-making Re Sislice god gettin uke Nerge, And exiy in Norge. For there i no other ¢odd-makiog mechanism like che Aodlarcer, See the Norge before pow bicy Spe the Neege. See ta bewey of dealgn aod bolsk—wii ony caareehenoed hoc make berreer treeeeckerping wary, And cem minty dean't boy any refrigerator bill you're legend wheat Keilecor Refrigeration as g MOG! CORPORATION) DIVINIOW OF TORG? g WAR TE COAPFGRATIGAN, OFTEOGIT, MICHNIOAN me 6 NORGE ra en), oo el i ROLLATOR EEFRIOURATION ere a MORE COLO-MAKING POWER THAM YOULL EVER HEED EFT OLA TNS Cea) yaa ay Te “‘The World’s Best Overall” WHATS THE MATTER, IM NOT CRYING. MOMMIT'? WHF ARE YOU CRYING ? BECAUSE I CAN'T WASHER IS THE WASDIMO MACHINE MRS. SLOAN HAS ONE LIKE MINE =YET HER YOU ANGEL! PRESENT WITH MONEY FROM Miy BANK, MOMMY LATER 1 CAN'T COMPLAIN THIS WEEK, MY AND MY, WHAT RICH SUDS RINSO GIVES IN OUR HARD WATER O WASHER! Thea Rinso is your an ewer to the qeeaton: “How can I make wathday cary and pet pet my clothes saowy and bright?" Rosso does the drudge work of washcey, Ios rich, lively pods soak out every bet of dt, And the dirt in dept ont —it doem't “senile back” because Rinso rude heve “lifting power”—thep hold din in pespension, Cathe come 4 of 3 shades whiter, They last 2 of § times longer, too —berause they re sot scrubbed threadbare. With Ria you don't need bar soaps, chips of powder: for active pods ia hard ent water. Recommended by makers of 45 famow wuhen. Gaad fer diubeushing and a! cleaning. Lary on pour hands. Ap prored by Good Housekeeping Instirore. IM DISAPPOINTED BROKEN ? =AND MRS. SLOAN, MY MOTHER FEELS = “AD BECAUSE WER CLOTHES DONT HO. iT WORKS FINE, : COME OUT AS WHITE AS YOURS WELL, DOROTHY, TELL» MOTHER TO USE FMS Li TRY RINSO TODAY AND SEE IF |T REALLY MAKES A DIFFERENCE CLOTHES ARE 408.5 SHADES WHITER. Te Renew Your Acqvalataaca wlth Jack Tpeat Com Piekhwe aad wa! Pete And Te |ntvaduee Oalicous Maw enon och Spres Whaat Flalhes. s+ Wa'rs Giving Th WHOOPEE CAP TD) GOOCT! Jat old pee wart fee goo evel blhon blvbe ceserenen? SL tl cng al qed honey ee ee ee ee tena Se THE JACK SPRAT TTORES Women : $ Non - ‘Rationed Winter Boots GLOVE LEATHER AND SHEEP LINED fi Thick Rubber Sole Frown Leather Only SS Siret 4 te 10 1 Imperfects Keep your feet unug and dry In « palr of there theep-lined boots, Over-lapping cuffs keep your ankles warm on the coldest morn- Ing. They're [uat the thing for work, school and sport. Siter'4 to 10, [ - Children's Sizes 12 te a F _ if me ; a aie oe y r : i Tei. 1 . By t I iat in moe -seeasaianilaiialiddieestie atin ae oF rE canis apainas ae i if ee ae in ie i SS ea el a Lights of Brown & Bigelow WILL NOT SHINE THIS CHRISTMAS SEASON. INSTEAD, THE POWER -THAT WAS FORMERLY USED TO LIGHT THIS FAMOUS DISPLAY IS BEING USED TO COOK UP HELL FOR HITLER! TO YOU ALL A MERRY CHRISTMAS A VICTORIOUS NEW YEAR. BROWN & BIGELOW Keim embrance Adverlisin 2g: iy "DT snapped even al the manu J loved Jit, WHAT A MESS | PITY YOU. WITH HELEN AS A FUTURE ~ TOU RE-MAGIAG WH+FeH it THOSE OsHES ¢ SST EVERYONE —EVEN AT Jim. B83 eye LATER CMON DANCE! I'VE GOT TOO MUCH PEP TO SIT STILL SINCE jl) vE SWITCHED T) DATED COFFEE | WHAT ARE YOU STARING AT? ) Beware of Stale Cofice... EOPLE should be atraid of alate coffee, Serie nce telle os it often leads lo “servea” heaik sachera indigestion, Rat freak eoffre ia healthfulls stimulating, Thats ehe Chase & Sanbern give pou [ated Coffer, The date af dellaerv na rt 5 | ak i etrrvpound=om , A, i 5 wwe i im P} PG WAS ONLY THINKING HOW } NERVOUS YOU ARE .WHY BLOT Ay TRY DATED COFFEE ? STALE "4 COFFEE CAN GIVE PEOPLE NERVES ran allaked on 4 snr Ernferr a shell more than LU deve Pe —_——a- a* fo_ pi oung be & etait 8 MY LITTLE WIFE IS A WOMAN ! BREAKFAST WAS -\ ) ONCE A PROBLEM /, \ AT OUR HOUSE. AW, HECK,| DONT WANT Spread) a iis YES, MY FAMILY KEWLOGGS ENJOYS CORN FLAKES |) BREAKFAST | GIVE MY | WIFE CREDIT! }: Pe a | @ Get favor in your breakfast—with these crisp toasted flakes that taste | so delicious! See how extra-fresh they Wy are, too! See how they “harmonize” f | with fresh, frozen, cooked or canned KE S$: | fruit. But for real enjpovment, insist Mn ” Tee at on genuine Kellogg's! | TW Ee en a Seat Ad KELOGES INE — o seme | omy a JF, "Ke : Boke La) ea Ve “it i eM Tg il th aia] i Ee meer AV ay mee re - a | | sr, ¥ | T SPUD GIVES You TAst® AND SK BECAUSE IT HAS JUST THE-RIGHT AMOUNT OF MENTHOL! SPUDS tate better to begin with—_because they're made from finer tobaccos. SPUDS leave a finer after.tavte 4 bermue of SPUDS* exclave mentholating proces, Serffch to SPUD cigarettes, now phat Winter's bere, Fear their scothing refreshment of dry throats and noses, SPUDS contain exactly the right amount of menthol to make snoking—dad affrrsmokiee —s complete delicht! Higheet? Guality, Correctly Meeting tea Chpererre AND FOU PAT LESe FoR THEM! 14 ayy Ato by merited Weekly, Tae. Creal Brthela’ Rights 1M FEO UP WITH =} 4 ) MARRIAGE! 1h JdsT I~ ‘ A HOUSEKEEPER 70 Ti / ra ie a Ae, ee, ee ih eed ry me ki an 1 ; pin cee ee], Fn THE USE OF FORKING HARD ALL fo Se DAY WHEN TIM DOGSNT LOVE ME | ~don'texpect “len = ANY MORE ?...aaf aeeart Tae j ta adore you If peace at dsiaty a ’ 4 p He for invtance, yon re guilty of UNDIE ot Coed AL, Batter | ~" | ait \ a new, ryt on Let) 5 — r xox | % . \ a a A B 2 i Tir " mF i | ) a ye oe NEW QUICK Lux |) Ba RAST! Aube » | \y¥ UNCES EVERY BaY_§ THEA i POA ) Woe’ OFFEND UNDER THINGS conmanily absorb perspiration odor, but new quick Lox removes it fea’ Keeps the colors new-looking longer. Tn water as coo! as your hand, new, quick Lux dissolves 3 fires ar fast asany of 10 other leading mcaprn tented, Croes fertier, oo, gives avery suc (ounce for ounce) than any of these other scoapa—eved lin hard water. And new, quick Lux ls po mld, so grwils, it's tafe for anything cafe in water, Boy the 890 box. In the same fomilier box = af no extra cont fo you! a q cD give, I¢ ott on two pounds of Butter-Nut Coffee? We're throwing Our money Away, thoy any,to give you lit off on two uy pee -" * a * - nina of Bitter Nit Coatfan when it's gelling eo fast at the recuilar Price. Lt TOW Tay oanfinmed Biuttor Wut hooters weve tel tiie wav Ms lrnd awitcehors who now say "Butter Nut or nothing: cei lye, b Figaas. | gal Teves Well mak ll eents any timo that most folks who try Sutter-Nut once will buy tl again fne-again, That's nol so orasy now, ie it? Available At Your Food Store Today. PCA pend Aenean eet Pema eay? IT'S SMART \ TO COOK COOL ano FAST Aa ee > rae ie sf ee = aX ia ) ST ate JUNC Mm ) Mt i er ae i | THERE'S NO hangover heat J gee Delinquents 7 NO: eee en in tory NATIONAL! 5,655 seeo-osees ese are new working f oe full oF pert-time / of NATIONAL donee kaa bps ys ; nw Pha Horta ot Maing! | | Pe i UTS FOOD STORES VS Aaa ‘a How long are 25,000,000 Rid Tid imonme raores7 fon der Pele pehsieg, bh me eceele Ont) oubetoer, seu - heay i Pregere ocel o yrup, readily avaiable in 3d grocery stored, muy de Read And Remember Before You en Pe toa ee ee meee [Seal for pari-too dete Developed by the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research A wechorireg divi, . inhlng are tapty . . Mazoil Geese the ony feachng of mage entirely from oven core fe And delicious Karo S uted jotted of dertrose Now... a$ featured in the July Ladies’ Home JOURNAL Fabulous Formula Diet = —— = ee oc a Lin iu xe Makers of ee of WAN TT WAS HERE — ~ M vac eS ee an Bee = oe HE ae ee oe CHR Y LA FRADE . ee ie “Aly FAVOR TE OT = A NOBLE = Zee NGAGON PN CRG MER ae : > uae \ OF INT GRANNYS ee i cone FISH... a ANT zee. 3 es CAS= : : i a “Ey oo GET NONE If anyone can dig us out, — - it’s Pogo! 1 Bimhia'y ct The Mirmnegn i a Qeeaetee ae ry: " eee, ok Gpecdip Prifiy dW aps Oo weed, begining sl hylA! a 3 ent : 2 ‘G Tat Fern FEBRUART 79. Tis a Tough fed haw to Become @ were — See waif OTe BE Ter) la Pe Ge Pr One! we : —antire sade VAL iva bn we tho Fook: CHA Low OF MINNEAPOLIS _— © ool sfe-d = ———— z Ee - a a iF Sock it to me Milberg 5 tempting varieties of “convenience meats ’ from Hilberg “Beef Steaks -Chackwagon Steaks: Breaded Veal Steaks Breaded Fork Steaks - Beet Drimsticxs and only LO¢ a-corving—Vhedastest, most. calanswer to busy-da en eae Made from qualit meats, all "these mouth-walering . . —_ meny favorntes cook im just minuies anand {hey re —deherers- Look-tor— "COMVENIENCe | meats’ in your tod Slore's meal orsplay. They'te a praduct of - TheJohn Hiiberg & 5005 Company, 4 ~ EXTRA 1 SPECIAL —THIS WEEK ONLY ~ 4 ens REEUND WITH ANY THREE PACKAGE PURCHASE ' pote daleoman, Vall veneer dealer ce ere on Tem (and Mothers, 100)... There's go peel to travel into outer epadine Bat on oe own eperceal Star. It can be as near ae your front door. The Star designed especially for iovcetien and their molhers—anid fatherm—ia the Minneapolie Star. leven vrare of scientific research have cone inte tailoring the Minneapolis Star to serve the entire familys evening newspaper needs and wants, Read toloy's Minneapolis Star and you'll agree that it should be a part of your famaly's daily living. THE MINNEAPOLIS |: i i wae mt = - ' i : or ke a i Et al ts ORDER SOW —See per caret of farm ervice |? =, Minneapolis at St I'aa] Fall. 1 Raleral 22014. rad

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