Assignment No - 2 Content Analysis Output: Interpretation

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Submitted by: Nishant Sharma 12BSPHH010645

Category introductio n introductio n introductio n party policy manifesto manifesto manifesto manifesto

Code leaders name founder name Hierachy policy tag line principles Unique points highlights of manifesto

Description veteran leaders founder year , founding members different hierachies of party Policy description

Count 8 9 1 4 3 3

%code Cases s 21.60% 5 24.30% 5 2.70% 1

%cases 50.00 % 50.00 % 10.00 % 30.00 % 30.00 % 20.00 % 40.00 % 40.00 %

10.80% 3 8.10% 8.10% 3 2

unique points of one party over other

4 5

10.80% 4 13.50% 4

Interpretation:Through our analysis of various articles mentioned in different newspaper regarding policy description and manifesto of different political parties in INDIA, we observed that most of the articles were consisting of founder name, founding year of political parties, as such opinion is having maximum count of 9, It means that that in most of the party article their founding details are available. The next code having a count of 8 is leaders name, it means that most of the parties emphasized on the leaders name in their articles. Similarly other codes and their description can also be explained .

If we look at graphs ( shown below) , they are also showing the same i.e founders name is highlighted most , distribution of keywords ( frequency graph) percentage of founders name is highest ( 24%).

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