Club Officer Survey: Area 61, 63, 64, Division F, District 85 June 2009

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Area 61, 63, 64, Division F, District 85 June 2009

Dear club officers:

We will have club officer training on Sunday, July 5, 2009.
To help us know you better and help you to be more efficient club officer, please take 10 minutes to complete
this Club Officer Survey. Submit the completed survey to your president on or before Thursday, June 25, 2009.
Thank you and we are looking forward to meeting you at officer training.
Sincerely yours,
Area 61: Bill Wang, Area 63: Maggie Yang, Area 64: Max Huang
2009-2010 Area Governor, Division D, District 85

Your club name Your name Your officer title

Question Your Toastmasters Award Options

1. What do you want to obtain a) Club goals and standards
from CO training to best
contribute to club success?
b) Your duties and tasks as club officer
c) Club business, plan and procedures
d) Teamwork among the club committee
e) Success and failure experience and stories
2. Have you recruited new a) Yes, over 3 b) Yes, 1-3 c) None, 0
members for your club?
3. What do you think is critical a) VPPR shall promote the club
to attracting guests and
recruiting new members?
b) SAA shall welcome guests
c) VPM shall convince guests to join
d) VPE shall ensure high quality meetings
e) President shall build a dynamic club
f) Others, please indicate:
4. What’s your Education a) CC b) ACB c)ACS d)ACG
Target by Dec. 31, 2009 a) CL b) ALB c)ALS d)DTM
5. What’s your Education a) CC b) ACB c)ACS d)ACG
Target by June 30, 2010 a) CL b) ALB c)ALS d)DTM
6. Do you know how to reach a) Very well. I know quite clearly now.
your chosen targets
b) Not sure. I will learn from manuals
c) Not sure. I need help from EVP/my mentor/club
7. Where will you find help? a) Club officers b) Area Governor or any District Leader

c) Mentor / Experienced members d) Others, please indicate:

8. Do you have specific questions/ requirements / suggestions for your club? Please indicate:

Note: You can make multiple choices. Please Attach other sheet/page if you want to write more.

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