Summary Opinion and Support

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Summary, Opinion, and Support Name____________________________ Date_____________ Class / Period _______

Language and Elaboration of Evidence
Elaboration & Evidence ___ I give facts and details about my ideas (elaborate). ___ I add relevant and specific information from the text (evidence). 1 1 2 3 4 2 3 4 Language __ I use precise language that is appropriate for my audience and purpose.

Adapted into student friendly language from the SBAC Opinion and Informative Scoring Rubrics

Statement of purpose and organization


Statement of Purpose __ I state the topic and my opinion. __I keep a clear point of view throughout my writing.

Organization __ I use transitions. __ My ideas have a flow from beginning to end. __ I have a beginning middle and end (conclusion).

Conventions I use appropriate: __ grammar and usage __ punctuation __ capitalization __ spelling

Writing Proficiency Assessment

Student Teacher Reading Proficiency Assessment Student Teacher

1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4

1 1

2 3 4 2 3 4

1 1

2 3 4 2 3 4

1 1

2 3 4 2 3 4

Attempt Made

Below Basic




.5 .5

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4 4

Teacher Feedback:
_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Todays Learning Target: ___________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ SUMMARY

Directions: On a separate piece of paper, write a short summary of the section(s) you read.

OPINION AND SUPPORT Todays Focus Question:

_____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________
On the same piece of paper you wrote your summary, answer the focus question (this is your opinion) and support your opinion with with relevant details from the text. When you are finished, edit your paper using the writing and reading rubrics, and then score yourself in each student row on the above scoring template. Attach this form to your paper.
Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment Testing & Evaluation

rev. 9/3/13

Summary, Opinion, and Support

Teacher Directions: Determine the essential question, learning target(s) and questions you want to ask your students for this book or passage. Edit the question to list only one item that is in the parenthesis. For example: Sample Essential Question: How do authors of literary text include details that help readers determine how and why characters respond to challenges? (deconstructed standards) Todays Learning Target: I can cite textual evidence to support my analysis of what the test says explicitly as well as draw on inferences from the text. (learning targets) Todays Focus Question: Why was the protagonist Jo March able to leave her family to travel to New York? How do you know? Remember to include strong and thorough textual evidence that supports your answer. (sample SOS questions) +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Sample Focus Questions for RL1: Why was the (protagonist or antagonistlist names if needed) able to (list the main thing the character was able to do)? How do you know? Remember to include strong and thorough textual evidence that supports your answer. What is so special about the protagonists accomplishments? strong and thorough textual evidence that supports your answer? How do you know? What is the

What event in the passage most effected the (protagonist/antagonist/minor character)? How do you know? What is the strong and thorough textual evidence that supports your answer? Why is (protagonist or antagonistlist names if needed) confused? How do you know? What is the strong and thorough textual evidence that supports your answer? How is the protagonist different from the antagonist? What is the strong and thorough textual evidence that supports your answer?

Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment Testing & Evaluation

rev. 9/3/13

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