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Glossary of Medical Terms List of Combining Forms, Prefixes and Suffixes

aababdomin/o -able abort/o abrad/o, abras/o abrupt/o ababscess/o absorpt/o ac-ac acanth/o acetabul/o -acious acne/o acou/o, acous/o aquir/o -acusia, -acusis, acust/o acr/o acromi/o acu/o acuit/o, acut/o ad-, -ad aden/o adenoid/o adhes/o adip/o adnex/o adren/o, adrenal/o -aemia aer/o aesthet/o, esthet/o
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away from, no, not away from abdomen capable premature expulsion of viable foetus scrape broken away from away from collection of pus suck up toward pertaining to spiny, thorny acetabulum (hip socket) characterised by peak hearing obtain hearing, sense of hearing extremities acromion, point of shoulder blade sharp, severe, sudden sharp, sharpness toward, in direction of gland adenoids stick to fat bound to adrenal glands blood air, gas sensation 1

Glossary of Medical Terms List of Combining Forms, Prefixes and Suffixes afaffect/o agagglutin/o aggress/o -ago agor/a -agra -aise al-al alb/i, alb/o, albin/o albumin/o alg/e, alg/o algesi/o, -algesia -algesic algi-, -algia align/o aliment/o all/o allalopec/o alveol/o amb-, ambiambly/o ambly/o ambul/o, ambulat/o ametr/o -amine amni/o amphamput/o, amputat/o amyl/o anan-, anaandr/o aneurysm/o 2 toward, to exert influence on toward, to clumping attack attack, diseased state or condition marketplace excessive pain seizure, attack of severe pain comfort, ease like, similar pertaining to white albumin (protein) pain suffering, pain painful suffering, pain bring into line or correct position to nourish other, different baldness alveolus, air sac, small sac on both sides, around or about, double dim dim, dull to walk out of proportion nitrogen compound amnion, foetal membrane around, on both sides, doubly cut away, cut off a part of body starch no, not, without up, apart, backward, excessive male aneurysm
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Glossary of Medical Terms List of Combining Forms, Prefixes and Suffixes angi/o, angi-, angioangin/o anis/o an/o ankyl/o anomal/o anteanter/o anthrac/o antianxi/o, anxiet/o aort/o ap-apheresis aphth/o apic/o aplast/o apoaponeur/o apoplect/o append/o, appendic/o aqu/i, aqu/o, aque/o -ar arc/o -arche arachn/o areat/o areol/o arrect/o arteri/o articul/o, arthr/o -ary as-ase asphyxi/o aspir/o, aspirat/o
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lymph vessels or blood vessels choking unequal anus, ring crooked, bent, stiff irregularity before, forward front coal dust against, counter uneasy, anxious, distressed aorta toward, to removal small ulcer apex defective or lack of development opposed aponeurosis a stroke appendix water pertaining to bow, arc beginning spider web, spider occurring in patches or circumscribed areas little open space upright, lifted up, raised artery joint pertaining to toward, to enzyme absence of a pulse to breathe in 3

Glossary of Medical Terms List of Combining Forms, Prefixes and Suffixes asthen-, -asthenia -asthmat/o atatel/o ather/o athet/o -atonic atop/o atres/i atri/o -atrophy attenuat/o aud-, audi/o, audit/o aur/i, aur/o auscult/o aut/o axill/o ax/o azot/o weakness, lack of strength gasping, choking toward to incomplete plaque, fatty substance uncontrolled lack of tone strange, out of place without an opening atrium degeneration diluted, weakened ear, hearing, sense of hearing ear, hearing listen self armpit axis, main stem urea, nitrogen

bacill/o bacteri/o balan/o bar/o bas/o bi-, -bin, bisbi/o, biobifid/o bifurcat/o bil/i, bilirubin/o -blast, blast/i blephar/o 4 little stick or rod bacteria, rod or staff glans penis pressure, weight base, opposite of acid twice, double, two life split, cleft into two parts divide or fork into two branches gall bilirubin embryonic, immature eyelid
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Glossary of Medical Terms List of Combining Forms, Prefixes and Suffixes borborygm/o brachi/o brachybradybrev/i, brev/o bronch/i, bronch/o bronchi/o bronchiol/o brux/o bucc/o, buccaburs/o rumbling sound arm short slow short bronchial tube, windpipe bronchial tube bronchiole, bronchiolus grind cheek bursa, sac of fluid near joint

cac-, cac/o, cacocadaver/o calc/o calcane/o calc/i calcul/o cali/o, calic/o call/i, callos/o calor/i canalicul/o canth/o capill/o capit/o capn/o, -capnia capsul/o carb/o carbuncul/o carcin/o cardi/o cari/o carot/o
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evil, bad, diseased, weak dead body calcium calcaneus, heel bone calcium, lime, heel little stone, stone cup, calyx hard, hardened and thickened heat little canal or duct corner of eye hair head smoke, carbon dioxide little box carbon carbuncles cancerous heart decay, rot stupor, sleep 5

Glossary of Medical Terms List of Combining Forms, Prefixes and Suffixes carp/o cartilag/o caruncul/o cat-, cata-, cathcatabol/o cathart/o cathet/o caud/o caus/o, caust/o cauter/o, caut/o cav/i, cav/o cavern/o cec/o -cele celi/o cement/o cent-centesis cephal/o, cephal-, -ceps ceracerebell/o cerebr/o cerumin/o cervic/o chalas/o, -chalasis chalaz/o cheil/o cheir/o, cheirchem/i, chem/o chemic/o chir/o, chirochlorhydr/o chol/e cholangi/o cholecyst/o choledoch/o 6 corpus, wrist bone cartilage bit of flesh down, lower, under, downward breaking down cleansing, purging send down, insert tail, lower part of body burn, burning burn, heat hollow, cave containing hollow spaces cecum, blind gut tumour, cyst, hernia belly, abdomen rough stone, cementum hundred surgical puncture to remove fluid head wax cerebellum brain, cerebrum cerumen neck, cervix relaxation, loosening a hailstone lip hand drug, chemical drug, chemical hand hydrochloric acid bile, gall bile duct gallbladder common bile duct
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Glossary of Medical Terms List of Combining Forms, Prefixes and Suffixes cholesterol/o chondr/o, chondri/o chord/o chori/o choroid/o chrom/o, chromat/o chym/o cib/o cicatric/o -cidal -cide cili/o cine/o circ/i circulat/o circumcircumcis/o circumscrib/o cirrh/o cis/o -clasis, -clast claudicat/o claustr/o clav/i clavicul/o, cleid/o climacter/o clitor/o, clitorid/o clon/o clus/o -clysis cocoagul/o, coagulat/o coarct/o, coarctat/o cocc/i, cocc/o, -coccus coccyg/o cochle/o
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cholesterol cartilage the spinal cord chorion membrane choroid layer of eye colour juice meal scar pertaining to death causing death microscopic hair-like projections, eyelashes movement ring or circle go around in a circle around, about cutting around confined, limited in space tawny, orange-yellow cut break limping barrier, closed in key clavicle, collarbone crisis, rung of a ladder clitoris, small hill violent action shut or close irrigation, washing together, with fix together press together, narrow berry shaped bacterium, spherical bacterium coccyx, tailbone snail, snail shell, spiral 7

Glossary of Medical Terms List of Combining Forms, Prefixes and Suffixes coher/o, cohes/o coit/o col/o coll/a coll/i colon/o colp/o column/o comcomat/o comminut/o communic/o compatibil/o conconcav/o concentr/o concept/o conch/o concuss/o condyl/o confus/o conjunctiv/o consci/o consolid/o constipat/o constrict/o contact/o contagi/o contaminat/o contine/o, continent/o contracontracept/o contus/o convalesc/o convex/o convolut/o 8 cling or stick together a coming together colon, large intestine glue neck colon, large intestine vagina pillar together, with deep sleep break into pieces share, to make common sympathise with together, with hollow condense, intensify, remove excess water receive, become pregnant shell shaken together knuckle, knob disorder, confusion conjunctiva, joined together aware become firm pressed together draw tightly together touched, infected touching of something, unclean, infection pollute, render unclean by contact hold back, restrain, keep in, contain against, counter, opposite prevention of conception bruise recover arched, vaulted coiled, twisted
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Glossary of Medical Terms List of Combining Forms, Prefixes and Suffixes convuls/o copi/o copulat/o core-, cor/o cord/o cardi/o core/o cori/o corne/o coron/o corp/u, corpor/o corpuscul/o cortcortic/o cost/o cox/o crani/o -crasia crepit/o, crepitat/o crin/o, crine cris/o, critic/o -crit cry/o crypt/o cubit/o cuboid/o culd/o cult/o -cusis cusp/i cut-, cutane/o cyan/o cycl/o cyes/i, cyes/o, -cyesis cyst-, -cyst cyst/o
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pull together abundant joining together pupil spinal cord, cord heart pupil skin, leather cornea crown, coronary body little body covering cortex outer region rib hip, hip joint skull mixture crackling secrete, separate turning point separate cold hidden elbow cube-like cul-de-sac, blind pouch cultivate, plough hearing point, pointed flap skin blue ciliary body of eye, cycle pregnancy bag, bladder cyst, urinary bladder, sac of fluid 9

Glossary of Medical Terms List of Combining Forms, Prefixes and Suffixes cyt/o, -cyte -cytic -cytosis cell pertaining to a cell condition of cells

dacrocyst/o dacry/o, dacrydactyl/o, dacytyldart/o dedebrid/e deca-, decidecidu/o decubit/o defec/o, defecat/o defer/o degenerat/o deglutit/o dehisc/o deliri/o delt/o delus/o -dema demidem/o dendr/o dent-, dent/i, dent/o depilat/o depress/o derm/o, dermadermat/o -desis deteriorat/o dextr/o 10 tear sac tear, tear duct, lacrimal duct fingers, toes skinned not, down, lack of open a wound ten, tenth shedding lying down free from waste carrying down or out gradual impairment, breakdown, diminished function swallow burst open, split wandering in the mind Greek letter delta (), triangular shape cheat, delude swelling (fluid) half people, population tree, branching like a tree tooth removal of hair press down lower, pressed or sunk down skin skin bind together, tie, surgical fixation of bone or joint worsening or gradual impairment right side
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Glossary of Medical Terms List of Combining Forms, Prefixes and Suffixes didiadiaphor/o diaphragmat/o diastol/o didym/o diffus/o digest/o digit/o dilat/o, dilatat/o dilut/o diphther/o dipl/o, dipladips/o, -dipsia disdislocat/o dissect/o disseminat/o dist/o distend/o, distent/o diur/o, diuret/o divert/i domin/o don/o dors/i , dors/o drom/o, -drome duct/o -duct duoden/i, duoden/o dur/o -dynia dystwice through, between, apart, complete sweat diaphragm, partition standing apart, expansion testes, twins, double pour out divide, distribute finger or toe expand dissolve membrane double thirst absence of displacement cutting apart widely scattered far expand tending to increase urine output turning aside, bypath controlling, ruling give back of body run, running to lead, tube to carry opening duodenum dura mater pain difficult, painful, bad

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Glossary of Medical Terms List of Combining Forms, Prefixes and Suffixes

e-eal ececchym/o ech/o eclamps/o, eclampt/o -ectasia, -ectasis ecto-ectomy eczemat/o edem-, edemat/o edentul/o efeffect/o effus/o ejaculat/o elasm/o electr/o eliminat/o ememaciat/o embol/o embras/o embry/o -emesis emet/o -emia emmetr/o emolli/o enencephal/o end/o, endo12 out of pertaining to outside pouring out of juice sound flashing or shining stretching, dilation, enlargement out surgical removal, excision, cutting out boil, eruption swelling, fluid, tumour toothless out bring about a response pouring out throw out plate electric, electricity expel from the body in lean, wasted by disease something inserted or thrown in a sloped opening fertilised ovum, embryo vomiting vomit blood, blood condition in proper measure soften in, into, within brain within, in, inside, internal
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Glossary of Medical Terms List of Combining Forms, Prefixes and Suffixes endocrin/o enem/o enter/o entoenzym/o eosin/o epiepidemi/o epididym/o epiglott/o episi/o epithel/i, epitheli/o equin/o erg/o erect/o erot/o eruct/o, eructat/o erupt/o erythr/o erythem/o, erythemat/o es-esis esoesophag/o -esthesia, esthesi/o esthet/o estr/o ethm/o eti/o euevacu/o, evacuat/o eviscer/o, eviscerat/o exexacerbat/o excis/o excori/o, excoriat/o
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secrete within inject small intestine within leaven red, rosy, dawn-coloured upon, above, on, upper among the people, an epidemic epididymis epiglottis vulva epithelium horse work upright sexual love belch forth break out, burst forth red flushed redness out of, outside, away from state or condition, abnormal condition inward oesophagus sensation, feeling feeling, sense of perception female sieve cause well, normal, good empty out protrusion of viscera out of, outside, away from aggravate cutting out abrade or scratch 13

Glossary of Medical Terms List of Combining Forms, Prefixes and Suffixes excret/o excruciat/o exhal/o, exhalat/o -exial, -exis exoexocrin/o expector/o expir/o, expirat/o exstroph/o extern/o extraextrem/o, extremit/o extrins/o exud/o, exudat/o separate, discharge intense pain, agony breathe out condition out of, outside, away from secrete out of cough up, drive out of the chest breathe out turned or twisted out outside, outer external, outside outermost, extremity from outside, contained outside to sweat out

facifaci/o -facient fasci/o fascicul/o fatal/o febr/i fauc/i fec/i, fec/o femor/o fenestr/o fer/o -ferent -ferous fertil/o fet/i, fet/o, foet/o fibr/o fibrill/o 14 facies, face face making, producing fascia, fibrous bond little bundle death fever narrow pass, throat sediment femur, thigh bone window bear, carry carrying bearing, carrying, producing fruitful, productive foetus, unborn child fibre, relating to fibrous tissue muscular twitching
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Glossary of Medical Terms List of Combining Forms, Prefixes and Suffixes fibrin/o fibros/o fibulo -fic, fic/o filtr/o, filtrat/o fimbri/o fiss/o, fissur/o fistul/o flamme/o flat/o flex/o flu/o fluor/o foc/o foll/i follicul/o foramin/o fore-form, form/o fornic/o foss/o fove/o fract/o fren/o frigid/o front/o -fuge funct/o, function/o fund/o fung/i furc/o furuncul/o -fusion fibrin, fibres, threads of a clot fibrous connective tissue fibula making, producing to strain through fringe crack tube or pipe flame coloured breaking wind, rectal gas bend flow luminous point, focus sac follicle, small sac opening before, in front of form, figure, shape vault ditch pit break, broken bridle, any device that limits movement cold forehead, brow to drive away function bottom, base fungus forking, branching furuncles, an infected boil pour

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Glossary of Medical Terms List of Combining Forms, Prefixes and Suffixes

galact/o gamet/o gangli/o, ganglion/o gangren/o gastr/o gastrocnemi/o gemin/o gen/o, genit/o -gene -genesis, -genic genit/o -genous ger/i germin/o geront/o gest/o, gestat/o gigant/o gingiv/o glauc/o glen/o gli/o globin/o, -globulin globul/o glomerul/o gloss/o, glossoglott/i, glott/o gluc/o glute/o glyc/o glycer/o glycogen/o gnath/o -gog, -gogue goitr/o 16 milk wife or husband, egg or sperm ganglion gangrene, progressive infected sore stomach, belly gastrocnemius, calf muscle twin, double producing, birth, origin, race production, origin, formation producing, forming related to reproductive organs producing old age bud, sprout, germ old age bear, carry young or offspring giant, very large gum grey pit glue protein little ball glomerulus tongue back of tongue glucose, sugar buttocks glucose, sugar sweet glycogen, animal starch jaw make flow goitre, enlargement of thyroid gland
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Glossary of Medical Terms List of Combining Forms, Prefixes and Suffixes gon/e, gon/o gonad/o goni/o gracil/o grad/i -grade -gram granul/o -graph -graphy grav/i gravid/o -gravida gynec/o, gynaec/o gyr/o seed sex glands angle slender move, walk go tracing, picture, record granule(s) instrument for recording, picture recording, process of recording a picture or record heavy, severe pregnancy pregnant woman woman, female turning, folding

hal/o, halit/o halluc/o hallucin/o haemhaem/e haem/o, haemat/o haemangi/o hemihepa-, hepar-, hepat/o hered/o, heredit/o herni/o herpet/o heter/o, heterohiat/o hidr/o hil/o hirsut/o
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breath great or large toe wandering mind blood deep red iron-containing pigment blood blood vessel half liver inherited hernia creeping different opening sweat hilum or hilus, notch hairy, rough 17

Glossary of Medical Terms List of Combining Forms, Prefixes and Suffixes hist/o, histi/o holohom/o home/o horde/o hormon/o humer/o hydr/o, hydrahygien/o hymen/o, hymenhyperhypn/o hyp/o, hypohyster/o tissue all same, like, alike unchanging barley corn excite, rouse, urge on humerus water healthy a membrane over, above, increased, excessive, beyond sleep under, decreased, deficient, below uterus, womb

-ia -iac -iasis iatr/o -ible -ic ichthy/o icter/o, icteroidio-, idi/o -iferous -ific -iform -igo -ile ile/o ili/o illusi/o immun/o 18 state or condition pertaining to condition, abnormal condition relating to a physician or to medicine able to be, capable of being pertaining to dry, scaly jaundice peculiar to individual or organ, distinct bearing, carrying, producing making, producing shaped or formed like, resembling attack, diseased condition capable of (being), able to, pertaining to ileum, small intestine ilium, hip bone deception immune, protected, safe
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Glossary of Medical Terms List of Combining Forms, Prefixes and Suffixes impact/o impress/o impuls/o inincis/o incubat/o indurat/o infarct/oinfect/o infer/o infest/o inflammat/o infrainfundibul/o ingest/o inguin/o inhal/o, inhalat/o inject/o innominat/o inocul/o insipid/o inspir/o, inspirat/o insul/o intact/o interintermitt/o intern/o interstiti/o intestin/o intim/o intoxic/o intraintrins/o introintroit/o intussuscept/o
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wedged against pressing into pressure or pushing force, drive, urging on in, into, not, without cutting into incubation, hatching hardened filled in, stuffed tainted, infected below, beneath attack flame, set on fire beneath, below, inferior to funnel carry or pour in groin breathe in force or throw in unnamed, nameless implant, ingraft, introduce tasteless breathe in island untouched, whole between, among not continuous within, inner space between things intestine innermost put poison in within, into, inside contained within within, into, inside entrance or passage take up or receive within 19

Glossary of Medical Terms List of Combining Forms, Prefixes and Suffixes involut/o ion/o ir/o, irid/o, irit/o is/o isch/o ishi/o -ism iso-itis -ium rolled up wander rainbow, iris of eye same, equal hold back ischium state of, condition equal inflammation structure, tissue

jejun/o jugul/o juxtajejunum throat near, nearby

kal/i kary/o, karyokata-, kathkel/o kerakerat/o ket/, keton/o kinesi/o -kinesis klept/o kraur/o kyph/o potassium nucleus, nut down growth, tumour horn, hardness horny, hard, cornea ketones movement motion to steal dry bent, hump


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Glossary of Medical Terms List of Combining Forms, Prefixes and Suffixes

labi/o labyrinth/o lacer/o, lacerat/o lacrim/o lact/i, lact/o lactat/o lamin/o lapar/o laps/o laryng/o lat/i, lat/o later/o lav/o, lavat/o lax/o, laxat/o lei leiomy/o lemm/o lent/i lenticul/o -lepsy lept/o leptoletharg/o lecu-, leuc/o, leuk/o lev/o, levat/o libid/o, libidin/o ligament/o ligat/o lingu/o lip/o -lite, lith/o, -lith -lithiasis
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lip maze, labyrinth, inner ear torn, mangled tear, tear duct, lacrimal duct milk to secrete milk lamina abdomen slip, fall, slide, especially downward larynx, voice box broad side wash, bathe loosen, relax smooth smooth muscle husk, peel, bark lens of eye shaped like a lens, pertaining to a lens seizure thin, slender small drowsiness white raise, lift up sexual drive, desire, passion ligament binding or tying off tongue fat, lipid stone, calculus presence of stones 21

Glossary of Medical Terms List of Combining Forms, Prefixes and Suffixes lob/i, lob/o loc/o loch/i logist logy longev/o lord/o lumb/o lumin/o lun/o lunat/o lunul/o lup/i, lup/o lute/o lymph/o lymphaden/o lymphangi/o -lysis -lyst -lytic lobe, well defined part of an organ place childbirth specialist in the study of science or study of long life bent backward lower back, loin light the moon of the moon crescent wolf yellow lymph, lymphatic tissue lymph gland lymph vessel breaking down, dissolving agent that causes lysis or loosening reduce, destroy

macr/o, macromacul/o magn/o major/o malmalac/o, -malacia malign/o malle/o malleol/o mamm/o man/i man/i, man/o 22 large, abnormal size or length spot great, large larger bad, abnormal abnormal softening bad, evil hammer malleolus, little hammer breast madness the hand
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Glossary of Medical Terms List of Combining Forms, Prefixes and Suffixes mandibul/o -mania manipul/o manubri/o masset/o mast/o mastic/o, masticat/o mastoid/o matern/o matur/o maxill/o maxim/o meat/o med-, medi/o mediastin/o medic/o medull/o mega-, megal/o -megaly mei/o melan/o mellit/o membran/o men/o, menstru/o mening/o, meningi/o menisc/o mens-, mens/o menstru/o, menstruat/o ment/o mes-, mesomesenter/o mesi/o metametabol/o metacarp/o metatars/o
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mandible, lower jaw obsessive, preoccupation handling handle chew breast chew mastoid process maternal, of a mother ripe, ripened maxilla, upper jaw largest, greatest meatus, a passage middle in the middle medicine, physician, healing medulla, inner section, middle, soft, marrow big, large, great large, great, extreme, enlargement less, meiosis black honey membrane, thin skin menses, menstruation, month membranes, meninges crescent menses, menstruation taking place monthly mind middle mesentery, middle intestine middle, median plane beyond, over, between, change, transportation change metacarpals, hand bones metatarsals (bones in the foot) 23

Glossary of Medical Terms List of Combining Forms, Prefixes and Suffixes -meter metr/i, metr/o, metri/o -metry mi/o micr/o, micromictur/o, micturit/o midsagitt/o -mimetic mineral/o minim/o minor/o miomit/o mitr/o mobil/o mon/o, monomonil/i mon/o, monomorbid/o moribund/o morph/o mort/i, mort/o, mort/u mortal/i mot/o, motil/o mu/o muc/o, mucos/o multimuscul/o mut/a mut/o my/o myc/e, myc/o mydri/o mydrias/i myel/o myocardi/o 24 measure, an instrument that measures uterus measurement smaller, less small urinate at the middle, from top to bottom mimic, copy mineral smallest, least smaller less, smaller a thread mitre having two points on top capable of moving one, single string of beads, genus of parasitic mould or fungi one, single disease, sickness dying shape, form death, dead pertaining to death motion, movement close, shut mucous many, much muscle genetic change unable to speak, dumb muscle fungus wide dilation of the pupil spinal cord, bone marrow myocardium, heart muscle
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Glossary of Medical Terms List of Combining Forms, Prefixes and Suffixes myom/o myos/o myring/o myx/o, myxamuscle tumor muscle tympanic membrane, eardrum mucous, slime

nar/i narc/o nas/i, nas/o nat/i , nat/o natr/o nause/o ne/o, neonecr/o -necrosis nect/o neonephr/o, nephranerv/o neu-, neur/i, neur/o neutr/o nev/o niter-, nitronoct/i nod/o nodul/o nom/o nonnornorm/o nuch/o nucle/o nucleol/o nulli TAFE frontiers 2001

nostril numbness, stupor the nose birth sodium nausea, seasickness new, strange death death of tissue bind, tie, connect new kidney nerve, nervous tissue nerve, nervous tissue neither, neutral birthmark, mole nitrogen night knot, swelling little knot low, control no chemical compound normal the nape, neck region nucleus nucleolus, little nucleus none 25

Glossary of Medical Terms List of Combining Forms, Prefixes and Suffixes numer/o nunci/o nutri/o, nutrit/o nyct/o, nyctal/o number, count messenger nourishment, food, feed night

oobobes/o obliqu/o oblongat/o obster/i, obstetr/o occipit/o occlud/o, occlus/o occult/o ocul/o, oculoodont/o oedemat/o, oedem oesophag/o -oid olecran/o olfact/o olig/o -ologist -ology -oma om/o, omooment/o omphal/o onc/o onych/o oo/o oophor/o opac/o, opacit/o 26 egg, ovum against obese, extremely fat slanted, sideways oblong, elongated midwife, one who stands to receive back of the skull, occiput shut, close up hidden eye tooth swelling, fluid oesophagus, gullet like, resembling olecranon, elbow smell scanty, few specialist in the study of the science or study of tumour, neoplasm, growth shoulder omentum, fat the navel tumour fingernail or toenail egg ovary shaded, dark, impenetrable to light
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Glossary of Medical Terms List of Combining Forms, Prefixes and Suffixes oper/o, operat/o opercul/o ophthalm/o -opia opisth/o -opsia, -opsis, -opsy opt/i, opt/o, optic/o or/o orbit/o orch/o, orchi/o orchid/o orect/i, orex/i organ/o orgasm/o orth/o, orthoos-osis osm/o, -osmia osm/o oss/e, oss/i, oste/o ostomosis, -ostomy ot/o -tomy -ous ov/i, ov/o ovari/o ox/i, ox/o, ox/y oxid/o oxyperform, operate, work cover or lid eye vision vision backward vision, view of eye, vision the mouth circle, orbit, bony cavity or socket testis, testes testis, testes appetite organ swell, be excited straight, normal, correct, upright bone, mouth disease, abnormal condition smell, odour pushing, thrusting bone surgically creating a new opening or mouth ear, hearing surgical incision, cutting into pertaining to egg ovum ovary oxygen containing oxygen sharp, acid, quick, oxygen

pachypalat/o pall/o, pallid/o
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thick palate, roof of mouth pale, lacking colour 27

Glossary of Medical Terms List of Combining Forms, Prefixes and Suffixes palliat/o palm/o palpat/o palpebr/o palpit/o panpancreat/o papill/i, papill/o papul/o par/o, parapar/o -para paralys/o, paralyt/o parasit/o parathryoid/o pares/i -paresis paret/o pareuni/o pariet/o parotid/o -parous paroxysm/o part/o, -partum parturit/o patell/a, patell/o path/o, -pathia, -pathy -pathic paus/o pector/o pedi/a ped/o pedicul/o pelv/i, pelv/o pen/i -penia 28 cloaked, hidden the palm touch, feel, stroke eyelid throbbing all, entire pancreas nipple like pimple apart from, beside labour to bear disable near food, parasite parathyroid glands to disable slight paralysis to disable coitus wall parotid gland having borne one or more children sudden attack birth, labour childbirth, labour patella, kneecap disease, suffering, feeling, emotion pertaining to, affected by disease stopping, cease chest child child, foot a louse pelvic bone, hip penis lack, deficient
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Glossary of Medical Terms List of Combining Forms, Prefixes and Suffixes peps/i, pept/o percept/o percuss/o perperiperine/o peristals/o, peristalt/o peritone/o perme/o pernici/o perone/o perspir/o pertuss/i petechi/o -pexy phac/o phag/o -phage -phagia phak/o phalang/o phall/o pharmac/o pharyng/o phas/o -phasia phe/o pher/o -pheresis phil/o -philia phim/o phleb/o phlegm/o phob/o phon/o, -phonia
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digest, digestion perceive, become aware of strike, tap, beat excessive, through around, surrounding perineum constrict around peritoneum to pass or go through destructive, harmful fibular bone perspiration intensive cough skin spot surgical fixation, to put back in original place lens of eye eating, swallowing cell that destroys eating, swallowing lens of eye phalanges (finger and toe) penis drug throat, pharynx speech speak dusky to bear or carry removal to like, to love, attraction to attraction for, love of, increase in numbers constriction of an orifice vein thick mucus fear sound, voice 29

Glossary of Medical Terms List of Combining Forms, Prefixes and Suffixes phor/o -phoresis -phoria phot/o phren/o -phylactic -phylaxis physi/o, physic/o -physis -phyte pigment/o pil/i, pil/o pineal/o pinn/o, pinn/i pituit/o pituitar/o plac/o placent/o -plakia, plak/o plan/o plant/i, plant/o plas/i, plas/o -plasia -plasm plast/o -plasty -plegia -plegic pleur/o plex/o plic/o -pnoea pneupneum/o, pneumon/o pod/o -poisesis 30 carry, bear, movement carrying to bear, carry, mental state light diaphragm, mind protective, preventive protection form or nature to grow plant paint, colour, pigment hair pineal gland external ear, auricle pituitary mucous secretion flat plate or patch round flat cake, placenta thin flat layer or scale flat sole or bottom of foot growth, development, formation, mould formation, development, growth growth, formation growth, development, mould surgical repair stroke, paralysis, palsy paralysis, one affected with paralysis pleura, side of the body plexus, network fold, ridge pertaining to breathing related to air or lungs lung, air foot formation
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Glossary of Medical Terms List of Combining Forms, Prefixes and Suffixes poikil/o poli/o, poliopollic/o polypolyp/o pont/o poplit/o por/o -porosis port/i postposter/o potent/o pract/i, practic/o prandi/o, -prandial -praxia -praxis preprecoc/i pregn/o prematur/o preputi/o presby/o press/o priap/o primiproprocess/o procident/o procreat/o proct/o prodrom/o product/o prolaps/o prolifer/o pron/o, pronat/o
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varied, irregular grey matter of brain and spinal cord thumb many polyp, small growth pons, a part of the brain back of the knee pore, small opening passage gate, door after, behind back of body, behind powerful practice, pursue an occupation meal, late breakfast, dinner action, concerning performance of movement therapeutic treatment involving a specified method before, in front of early, premature pregnant too early foreskin, prepuce old age press penis first before going forth fall down or forward reproduce anus and rectum precursor yield, produce fall downward, slide forward bear offspring, reproduce bent forward 31

Glossary of Medical Terms List of Combining Forms, Prefixes and Suffixes prostat/o prosth/o, prosthet/o pro/o, prote/o proxim/o prurit/o psued/o psor/i, psor/o psych/o ptomat/o -ptosis -ptyal/o -ptysis pub/o pubert/o pudend/o pueper/i pulm/o, pulmon/o pulpos/o puls/o punct/o pupill/o pur/o purpur/o pustul/o py/o pyel/o pylor/o pyr/o, pyret/o pyramid/o prostate gland addition, appendage first, original, protein near itch false itch mind fall drooping, sagging, prolapse spit, saliva spitting pubis, part of hip bone adolescence, ripe age, adult pudendum, shameful childbearing, labour lung fleshy, pulpy beating, striking sting, prick, puncture, little hole pupil pus purple infected pimple pus renal pelvis, pelvis of the kidney pylorus, gate keeper fever, fire pyramid shaped

quadr/i, quadr/o four


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Glossary of Medical Terms List of Combining Forms, Prefixes and Suffixes

rabi/o rachi/o radi/o radiat/o radicul/o rrhaph/o -rrhaphy rerecept/o recipi/o reticul/o rect/o recuperat/o reduct/o refract/o regurgit/o remiss/o ren/o restor/o resuscit/o retent/o retin/o retract/o retr/o, retrorhabdomy/o -rrhage, -rrhagia -rrhaphy -rrhoea, -rrhea -rrhexis rheum/o, rheumat/o rhin/o rhiz/o
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rage, madness spinal column, vertebral column, vertebrae radiation, radius giving or passing off rays root, nerve root suture, stitch suturing, stitching back, again receive, receiver receive to oneself network rectum, straight recover, regain health bring back together bend back, turn aside flood or flushed backwards let go, relax, give up kidney rebuild, restore revive hold back retina, net draw in behind, backward, back of striated muscle bursting forth suture flow, discharge rupture a watery flow nose root 33

Glossary of Medical Terms List of Combining Forms, Prefixes and Suffixes rhonc/o rhythm/o rhytid/o rigid/o ris/o roentgen/o rotat/o -rrhage, -rrhagia -rrhaphy -rrhoea, -rrhea -rrhexis rug/o snore rhythm wrinkle stiff laugh x-ray rotate, revolve bursting forth suture flow, discharge rupture wrinkle, fold

sacc/i, sacc/o sacchar/o sacr/o saliv/o salping/o -salpinx san/o sangu/i, sanguin/o sanit/o saphen/o sapr/o sarc/o, sarcomat/o sarco-sarcoma scalp/o scapul/o -schisis, schiz/o scirrh/o scler/o, -sclerosis 34 sac sugar sacrum spit uterine (fallopian) tube, auditory (eustachian) tube uterine (fallopian) tube sound, healthy, sane blood health, sound clear, apparent, manifest dead or decaying flesh (connective tissue), cancer of connective tissue flesh tumour, cancer carve scapula, shoulder blade split, cleft, divided hard sclera, white of eye, hard abnormal dryness, hardening
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Glossary of Medical Terms List of Combining Forms, Prefixes and Suffixes scoli/o -scope -scopic -scopy scot/o scrib/o, script/o scrot/o seb/o secti/o secret/o sect/o segment/o semisemin/i sen/i senesc/o senil/o sens/i sensitiv/o seps/o sept/o ser/o seros/o sial/o sialaden/o sider/o sigm/o sigmoid/o sin/o, sin/u sinstr/o sinus/o sit/u skelet/o soci/o solut/o, solv/o soma-, somat/o
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crooked, curved viewer, instrument for visual examination pertaining to visual examination see, visual examination darkness write bag or pouch sebum, wax to cut produce and separate out cutting in pieces half seed, sperm, semen old grow old old age feeling, sensation sensitive (to) affected (by) infection infection, partition serum serous saliva, salivary glands salivary glands iron sigma, the Greek letters sigmoid colon hollow, sinus, tube like passage left sinus place skeleton companion loosened, dissolved body 35

Glossary of Medical Terms List of Combining Forms, Prefixes and Suffixes somn/i, somn/o, somnia son/o sopor/o spad/o spasm/o, -spasm spasmod/o spec/i specul/o sperm/o, spermat/o sphen/o spher/o sphincter/o sphygm/o, -sphyxia spin/o spir/o spirill/o spirochet/o splen/o spondyl/o spontane/o spor/o sput/o squam/o -stalsis staped/o, stapedi/o staphly/o stas/i, -stasis stat/i, -static steat/o sten/o -stenosis ster/o stere/o steril/i stern/o 36 asleep sound sleep draw off, draw sudden involuntary contraction, tightening or cramping sudden involuntary contraction, tightening or cramping look at, a kind or sort mirror spermatozoa, sperm cells, seed wedge, sphenoid bone round, sphere, ball tight binder or band pulse spine, backbone breath, breathing little coil coiled micro-organism spleen vertebra, vertebral column unexplained, of ones own accord seed, spore spit, sputum scale contraction stapes, stirrup, middle ear bone or ossicle cluster, bunch of grapes controlling, stopping the flow controlling, stopping the flow fat, lipid, sebum narrowing, contracted narrowing, tightening, stricture of a duct or canal solid structure three dimensional barren, sterile sternum, the breastbone
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Glossary of Medical Terms List of Combining Forms, Prefixes and Suffixes stert/o steth/o sthen/o, -sthenia stigmat/o stimul/o stomat/o -stomy strab/i strat/i strept/o striat/o stricstrict/o strid/o stup/e styl/o subsubluxat/o sucr/o sudor/i suffoc/o, suffocat/o sulc/o supersuperflu/o supin/o suppress/o suppur/o, suppurat/o suprasupraren/o sutur/o symsymptomat/o synsynaps/o, synapt/o synap/o -syndesis
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snoring chest strength point, spot incite, excite mouth new opening squint, squint eyed layer twisted chain stripe, furrow, groove narrowing draw tightly together, bind or tie harsh sound stunned pen, pointed instrument under, less, below partial dislocation sugar sweat choke, strangle furrow, groove above, excessive, higher than overflowing, excessive lying on the back press down to form pus above, excessive above or on the kidney, suprarenal gland stitch, seam with, together falling together, symptom together point of contact cut short, cut off surgical fusion or joining of vertebrae 37

Glossary of Medical Terms List of Combining Forms, Prefixes and Suffixes syndesm/o syndrom/o synovi/o syphil/i syring/o system/o systol/o ligament running together synovial membrane, lubricating fluid syphilis tube body system contraction

tachytact/i tars/o tax/o techn/o tectori/o tele/o tempor/o tenac/i ten/o, tend/o, tendin/o tens/o terat/o termin/o test/i test/o testicul/o tetan/o tetrathalam/o thalass/o thanas/o the/o thec/o thel/o therap/o, therapeut/o therm/o 38 fast, rapid touch ankle, edge of eyelid order, coordination skill roof like distant, far temple sticky tendon stretch out, extend, strain monster, malformed foetus end, limit witness, testis, testicle testicle rigid, tense four thalamus, inner room sea death put, place sheath nipple treatment heat
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Glossary of Medical Terms List of Combining Forms, Prefixes and Suffixes thorac/o -thorax thromb/o thym/o thyr/o, thyroid/o tibi/o -tic tine/o tinnit/o toc/o -tocia tom/o -tome -tomy ton/o tone/o tonsil/o top/o tors/o tort/i tox/o, toxic/o trabecul/o trache/i, trache/o tracheltract/o tranquil/o transtransfus/o transit/o transvers/o traumat/o trem/o tremul/o treponem/o -tresia tri TAFE frontiers 2001

chest pleural cavity, chest blood clot thymus gland shield, thyroid gland tibia, shin bone pertaining to ringworm ringing, buzzing childbirth labour, delivery, birth section, cut instrument to cut cutting, incision tone, tension, stretching stretch tonsil, throat place, position, location twist, rotate twisted poison, poisonous little beam, cross bars or beams, a framework trachea, windpipe neck draw, pull, path, bundle of nerve fibres quiet, calm, tranquil across, through transfer changing across, crosswise injury shaking, trembling fine tremor coiled, microbe opening three 39

Glossary of Medical Terms List of Combining Forms, Prefixes and Suffixes trich/o trigon/o -tripsy -trite trochle/o trop/o troph/o, -trophic -trophy -tropia -tropic tub/i, tub/o tubercul/o tunic/o turbinat/o tuss/i tympan/o hair trigone crushing the stone instrument for crushing pulley turn, change relating to nutrition, nourishment, development, growth relating to nutrition, nourishment, development, growth turn have an affinity for tube, pipe little knot, swelling covering, cloak, sheath coiled, spiral shaped cough tympanic membrane, eardrum

ulcer/o uln/o ultraumbilic/o unungu/o uniur/o urea -uresis ureter/o urethr/o -uria urin/o urtic/o -us 40 sore, ulcer ulna beyond, excess navel not nail one urine, urinary tract iris, choroid, ciliary body urination ureter urethra urination, urine urine or urinary organs rash thing
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Glossary of Medical Terms List of Combining Forms, Prefixes and Suffixes uter/i, uter/o uve/o uvul/o uterus, womb vascular layer of eye, iris, choroid, ciliary body uvula, little grape

vaccin/i, vaccin/o vacu/o vag/o vagin/o valg/o valv/o, valvul/o var/o varic/o vas/o vascul/o vasovast/o vect/o ven/o vener/o venterventilat/o ventr/o ventricul/o venul/o verg/o verm/i verruc/o -version ver/o vert/o vertebr/o vertig/o vesic/o vesicul/o
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vaccine empty wandering vagina, sheath bent or twisted outward valve bent or twisted inward swollen or dilated vein vessel, duct, vas deferens little vessel vessel vast, great, extensive carry vein coitus, sexual intercourse abdomen expose to air, fan in front, belly side of body ventricle of brain or heart small chamber venule, small vein twist, incline worm wart to turn turn vertebra, backbone whirling round, turning around, revolution urinary bladder seminal vesicle, blister, little bladder 41

Glossary of Medical Terms List of Combining Forms, Prefixes and Suffixes vestibul/o vi/o vill/i vir/o viril/o vis/o visc/o viscer/o viscos/o vit/a, vit/o viti/o vitre/o voc/i vol/o volv/o vulgar/i vulv/o entrance, vestibule force tuft of hair poison, virus masculine, manly seeing, sight sticky viscera, internal organ sticky life blemish glassy, made of glass the voice the palm or sole roll, turn common vulva, covering

xanth/o xen/o xer/o xiph/i, xiph/o yellow strange, foreign dry sword

-y condition or process of

zygomat/o zygot/o yoke, cheekbone joined or yoked together


TAFE frontiers 2001

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