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David Gioiello Democratic Candidate for Mayor of Shelton

I, David Gioiello, hereby make the following pledges that I intend to fulfill if I am elected Mayor of Shelton:

I .

pledge to keep taxes low and stable for the benefit of Shelton,s residents and business development. Further for fiscal year 2014-2A15 I will propose a ,,ero increase in properfy taxes or will work for free for the fiscal year.

I pledge to present fiscally sound budgets.

I '


Government given the scandals that have plagued Shelton for years.

to immediately work on restoring your trust and faith in our Cify

I pledge to hold all City employees responsible for illegal or unethical conduct.
which may be perceived as improper or conflict of interest with my position as Mayor.

pledge to not enter into any transactions ' I as a

' .

I ptedge to run my administration in an open and transparent manner.

I pledge to treat eyery Fire Code violation
as serious

in nature.

I pledge to work with the Board of Education and continuously eyaluate the security
of our schools in an effort to ensure the safety of our children.

pledge to support the appropriate funding of our school system of our children's education.

for the betterment

I pledge to listen respectfully to ideas, suggestions, critiques or questions from all

residents and to not dismiss them as'opersonar attacks.,,

. '

r pledge to personally refuse any free memberships or other gifts.

I pledge to work my hardest to make Shelton a great


place to live, to

work and to do

M. Gioiello, Jr.


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