Ubds Understanding

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Understanding by Design Unit Plan How to create your own UBDs using CDE Standards Unit: Grade: Subject:

Stage 1 - Desired Results Established Goals: The CDE Standards specic to the subject & grade level. Example; 6.3.1 - Plan Creations

Understandings: Students will understand that. . . CDE: Relevance and Application Example; Sketches and planning help to organize the creative process Written From; The ability to use sketches and planning strategies helps to organize within the creative process. . .

Essential Questions:

CDE: Inquiry Questions Example; How do you start a work of art?

Students will know. . . CDE: Evidence Outcomes Example; Vocabulary associated with printing

Students will be able to do. . .

Example; Identify parts of a relief print using the correct vocabulary

Stage 2 - Assessment Evidence Performance Tasks: What students are doing; projects/what gets graded. Other Evidence: Any other materials/work students complete for the performance task. EX: research, sketching, etc.

Stage 3 - Learning Plan Learning Activities: checklist, the how youre going to get there

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