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Outline Conference Programme 09.30 09.55 Registration 09.55 - 10am Introduction Presentation 1) Nature v Nurture The possible explanations as to why an individual develops a Psychopathic Personality Disorder. Presentation 2) Offender Profiling The collection of information to which build up a profile of the characteristics of the offender/s involved in the crime. 12.00 - 1pm Lunch Presentation 3) Eye Witness Testimony Do we see everything that happens in front of us correctly? Can we recall the event several weeks later? This lecture will look at the factors affecting the accuracy of EWT. Presentation 4) Stalking Presentation 5) Criminal Thinking Patterns Prison and the Mental Health system 3.45pm End of Conference Delegates attending are advised to bring with them refreshments and a packed lunch.

True Life Conferences

F o r e n s i c P s y c h o lo g y & T h e C r i m i n a ls
BAWA Centre Filton, Bristol 27th November 2013

TLC Consultancies PO BOX 6119 LOUGHBOROUGH LE12 5ZD Tel: 0845 3705678

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