Week 5 Rotation

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Fall 2013 Week 5

Student Name: Shelby Nickel Dates of Rotation: Sept. 16-20, 2013 Theme: Bubbles Area to be Rotated: Books Circle or Triangle

Location: Bookshelf in cozy corner

Rotation of Materials and Maintenance of Learning Centers

Prior to changing, observe the childrens use of materials in the area. Consult childrens interaction with the other classroom teachers. Discuss: Are the children using the materials in this area? Which children? Which materials? What are the childrens conversations and interactions in each area? Are the materials being used appropriately? Would a different material be appropriate? How can we build on the childrens interests and skills? Rotations occur for each area about every 3 weeks. It is your responsibility to check the supplies, tidy up, and remove any materials that are damaged during the entire rotation time period. Review the section in The Creative Curriculum for Infant and Toddlers, 2nd Edition for the area thats listed to be changed out that week. If you would like to make items to add to the center, that would be great, but you can find many wonderful materials through careful use of what we already have. Books on bookshelf and in baskets (there should be 2 baskets in your classroom of books. One by the rocking chair and one near the infant play area). Toys and music Puzzles Art center Stuffed animals and puppets

Consultation with classroom teachers and observation notes: Keep a few books that the children read every day Put out more real picture books Since children are older, pick more books with story lines (as opposed to teaching single words like colors, shapes, etc.) Items Removed and Why I removed and replaced the multicultural books with new ones to encourage learning a variety of cultures and languages. Items Added and Why I added more books with story lines to hold the interest of the older children and enhance their cognitive development more than the current books.

Excellent: exceeds all criteria

Very Good: meet most criteria

Adequate: meets many criteria

Fair to poor: meets few criteria

OVERALL SCORING COMMENTS(completed by instructor:

Documentation of the impact on the learning center that week (written and visual) due following week

Rotation (practicum folder) 1-5-11

Fall 2013 Week 5 Book Rotation Multicultural 1. People a. Yum Yum Dim Sum 2. Language a. Besitos y abrazos b. Numbers 1, 2, 3: Los numeros 1, 2, 3 Math/Science 1. The Carrot Seed Shape 1. Circles Color 1. Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See? Number 1. Miss Spiders Tea Party Real Picture 1. Animal Babies on the Farm 2. Global Babies 3. I Spy Little Bunnies 3-5 Additional 1. Sheep in the Jeep 2. Big Red Barn 3. Curious George and the Bunny 4. Silly Sally

Rotation (practicum folder) 1-5-11

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