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Fall is for planting!

3. A  dd some fertilizer: The best options have

Follow these simple steps when planting daffodils, tulips, and your favorite spring-flowering bulbs.

1. Choose your bulb: Check the selection at your 2. Dig your hole: Use a trowel and dig a hole three
higher phosphorous numbers. Sprinkle a bit on the bottom of the hole. and the roots point down. The bottom of the bulb touches the soil. local garden center or find unique varieties through mail order catalogs. times as deep as the bulbs height. Place the holes at least three bulb-widths apart.

4. Put in your bulb: Make sure the nose points up 5. R  eplace the soil and water: Scoop the soil back 6. M  ark the placement: Label what you have
into the hole and press firmly to prevent air pockets. Water as needed.

7. Sit back and relax: Youll know winter is on the

wane when the first of your bulbs pokes through! Love bulbs? Check out Daffodil, the beautiful new book from Noel Kingsbury. Available now everywhere books are sold.

planted to avoid placing new bulbs or plants too close.

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