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Chem 3 Chemical Equilibrium Lecture Notes Part 2 c!

e-γoT 2010


Preliminary Setting Up
1. Write the balanced equation
2. Write the Q expression
3. Convert all the amounts into the correct units (M or atm)
Working on the Reaction Table
4. If the direction of the reaction is not given, compare Q with K
5. Construct ICE table (make sure you consider the direction of the direction when assigning sign to “x”)
Solving for x and Equilibrium Quantities
6. Substitute the quantities into Q
7. Solve for x
Note: Assuming that initial amount is almost equal to equilibrium amount (x is negligible) is only applicable when within
the 5% error range. If not, solve for x using quadratic equation:

8. Find the equilibrium quantities.

Given the equilibrium constant for a particular reaction and the initial amount of the individual components, we
can calculate their respective equilibrium concentration
Given a reaction A  B, with KC = 24.0 at a certain temperature and an initial concentration of A of 0.850 mol/L.
Calculate the concentrations of A and B at equilibrium. NOTE: Since only reactants are present, no need to determine Q.
Step 1: Express the equilibrium concentrations of all species in terms of the initial concentrations and a single unkown, x
which represent the change in concentration.
A  B
Initial Concentration,Ci (M) 0.850 0.000
Change in Concentration, Δc (M) - x +x
Equilibrium Concentration, Ceq (M) 0.850 – x x
Step 2: Write the equilibrium constant expression in terms of the equilibrium concentrations. Knowing the value of
equilibrium constant, solve for x.
KC =
24.0 =
0.850 - x
x = 0.816 M
Step 3 : Having solved for x, calculate the equilibrium concentration of each species.
[A] = (0.850 – 0.816)M = 0.034 M [B] = 0.816 M
1. At 12800C the equilibrium constant for the reaction Br2(g)  2Br(g) is 1.1 x 10-3. If the initial
concentrations are [Br2] = 0.063 M and [Br] = 0.012 M, calculate thir respective equilibrium concentrations.
Answer: [Br2] = 0.065 M and [Br] =8.4 x 10-3 M

2. For the system: PCl5 (g)  PCl3 (g) + Cl2(g) at 2500C, calculate the equilibrium concentrations of each
component if 1 mole of PCl5 is made to decompose in a 5.0 L vessel.
Answer: [PCl5] = 0.13 M [PCl3] = 0.073 M [Cl2] = 0.073 M

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