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DEPUTATION TO MENTAL HEALTH SUB-COMMITTEE The use of CEWs or known as conducted energy weapon [taser], goal is to immobilize a individual,

and disarm them, it is consider a safe way of dealing with a person when displaying signs of mental disturbance I hear this over and over I kind of disagree..but It is a difficult balance. I would rather prefer the Mobile Crisis Intervention Units to deal with a person who may be showing signs of mental crisis.. In July , an incident shocked the city to the very core, We all of us Torontonians are here tonight to express our frustration at the Province by responding to arm the T.P.S with extra weapons to deal with Citizens. I read an article on the Media that has shocked me the officer who shot the young man on Dundas St. had requested a taser before shots were fired. However, because he is a constable, he was unauthorized to carry a taser at the time. It is my understanding that in Toronto, only supervisors and tactical teams are allowed to use tasers (there are about 500 devices in Toronto in total) I think Sergeants are also allowed to carry this type of weapon. Madeline Mellieur , Ontarios Community Safety Minister announced that the weapons can now be used by all front-line police officers. The Toronto Police Services board at the last meeting which I attended they made no decision on whether to expand the forces taser program I know for a fact. However there was motion to review the current budget to find the funds to acquire C.E.Ws if the board decides to get this weapons.I candidly call them blue toys for the record I will not support any , request for more money from the City. Instead the PROVINCE should be prepared to face the costs associated with any future purchase of C.E.Ws.

The opinion of the public suggest is to remove , the toys away from the T.P.S because there are many hot heads officers out there.

Since the T.P.S provide credentials to the T.T.C and T.C.H.C in my opinion there is a greater risk for a motion to occur down the road asking for an extension of tasers to arm this officers.

Training and oversight is the option most people will agree, I have a problem with that.. the lessons learned in the classroom could easily be forgotten, a former Mayor said one time an important statement to the board and this has stuck with me.. .. Staff eats training for lunch

Thank you for your time and patience.

Miguel Avila

Toronto Cop Watch

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