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Chronic pelvic inflammation

This is a general inflammation of the female reproductive organs (uterus, oviduct and
ovary) and their surrounding connective tissue. Acute patients may suffer from fever,
and pain and tenderness in lower abdomen; and chronic patients may suffer from
soreness of waist, disturbance of menstruation and infertility. It is included as one of
the abdominal pain from abdominal tumor diseases in traditional Chinese medicine.

Differential diagnosis: Patients with deficiency of liver and kidney Yin may suffer
from dull pain in lower abdomen, profuse, thin and yellow leukorrhea, soreness and
weakness of waist and knees, dizziness, red tongue with scanty coating, and deep,
thready and rapid pulse. And patients with deficiency of qi and blood may suffer from
dull pain in lower abdomen, sallow complexion, general weakness, poor appetite,
retarded menstruation with small amounts of pale vaginal discharge, pale tongue with
scanty coating, and feeble pulse.


Foot massage: The massage is applied to reproductive gland (36), uterus (50), kidney
(22), lower abdomen (37), pituitary gland (4), ureter (23), urinary bladder (24),
adrenal gland (21), thyroid gland (12) and parathyroid gland (13) reflecting areas. The
foot is held in hand by the physician and the knuckle of the first interphalangeal joint
of the other flexed index finger is used to apply massage on the related reflecting
areas 3-4 times (Fig. 84).

Foot acupuncture:

(1) Meridianal acupoints: At bilateral Zulinqi (GB 41), Zhongfeng (LR 4), Taixi (KI 3)
and Rangu (KI 2) acupoints, a reinforcing technique of acupuncture with moxibustion
is applied, the needles are retained for 20 minutes, and moxibustion is applied for 15
(2) Foot acupoints: A reinforcing acupuncture technique with moxibustion is applied
at Dysmenorrhea 2 (FA-M 3) acupoint, the needle is retained for 15 to 20 minutes,
and moxibustion is applied for 15 minutes.

External application of drugs: The powder of an adequate amount of Chuanjiao
(prickly-ash peel), Dahuixiang (star anise), Ruxiang (frankincense), Moyao (myrrh)
and J iangxiang (rose wood) is mixed with wheat flour and liquor to prepare a paste
for application on reproductive gland (36) reflecting area after it is spread on a piece
of gauze and a hot water bag is put over the drug applied on the reproductive gland
reflecting area for foot massage, twice a day. This treatment is used to treat patients
with inflammation and masses in pelvic cavity not curable by the oral administration
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