A Comprehensive Persian-English Dictionary

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A comprehensive Persian-English dictionary


Searching the entire dictionary for . Your search located 4 occurrences. Click here for a key-word-in-context display. 1. ijb : (page 411) far, The obligatory pilgrimage to be per- formed by every Muslim once in his life- time;--ajj ardan, To buy an outfit for the pilgrimage;--amri ajj, The chief commander of the pilgrims. ijb A ijb (v.n. of ), Veiling, concealing; a partition; a veil, curtain; a membrane; modesty, bashfulness; night; [ijb bar-dshtan, To unmask;--ijbi jiz, Diaphragm;--ijbi 2. ijb : (page 411) formed by every Muslim once in his life- time;--ajj ar dan, To buy an outfit for the pilgrimage;--amri ajj, The chief commander of the pilgrims. ijb A ijb (v.n. of ), Veiling, concealing; a partition; a veil, curtain; a membrane; modesty, bashfulness; night; [ijb bar-dshtan, To unmask;--ijbi jiz, Diaphragm;--ijbi kul, Heaven; a black cloud; dust;--ijb 3. ijb-chashm : (page 411) ijbna a ijbna, Concealment, secrecy; modestly, bashfully. ijb-chashm a ijb-chashm, Sheep's-eyed. ijb a 4. ijb-chashm : (page 411)

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21/3/2011 22:42

A comprehensive Persian-English dictionary


a ijbna, Concealment, secrecy; modestly, bashfully. ijb-chashm a ijb-chashm, Sheep's-eyed. ijb a ijb, Veiled; modest; concealment, secrecy.
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