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My Marriage Intentions

Every journey begins with a first step, and the marriage journey is no different, but your first step, ideally, should be to have a solid intention as to your reasons for wanting to get married. There is nothing wrong in wanting to find love, and experience the happiness of sharing your life with someone. How much greater, though, could your process of finding your Mr. Right be if your heart was connected to Allah, subhanahu wa taala, in the process? Marriage is a major life decision, and is one of the most important relationships you will develop in your lifetime. Every area of your life is impacted by your marriage. Knowing this is the case, imagine leaving out such an important aspect a as you move ahead, seek out spouse, and make your decisions. Below is a very simple journal page, Ive nicknamed the intentions conventions page. These are simple and powerful questions to ask yourself. Here are the instructions: 1) Print out this page. 2) Write down your answer to each question. 3) Place this page in a location where you can reread it often. 4) Join me on my Facebook page so we can keep in touch: ----------> <---------5) Share with another sister you care about.

I look forward to hearing from you soon!

Megan Wyatt 2011 All Rights Reserved

My Marriage Intentions
What are my intentions for wanting to get married?

What kind of husband should I search for that would be most pleasing to Allah? 2011 All Rights Reserved

My Marriage Intentions
How can I earn Allahs pleasure as I restart my marriage journey in the search for a spouse?

What should I avoid in order to stay away from displeasing My Lord and Creator? 2011 All Rights Reserved

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