Humanservicesclubconstitutionfall 2013

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ARTICLE I NAMES Section 1. The name of this organization shall be the Human Services Club (HUS CLUB) ARTICLE II PURPOSES Section 1. The purpose of this organization shall be: To enhance campus atmosphere at Elgin Community College for clubspecific purposes. To encourage participation in the organization. Spread awareness on campus about Mental Health and stigmas. To never look down upon a fellow student unless we are helping them up. ARTICLE III MEMBERSHIP & DUES Section 1. Membership in this organization shall be open to all Elgin Community College students, faculty, and staff. Section 2. Membership shall be maintained by active involvement in club events and attendance to club meetings. Section 3. Members ability to hold an office position should be based on minimum Grade Point Average of 2.0. ** Any student who is lower should be spending time with his/her academics since that is the primary reason for being at Elgin Community College. Section 4. REMOVAL OF MEMBERS: Any member may be removed from the membership for not adhering to the constitution or to the policies and procedures of Elgin Community College. Members of the group, in consultation with club advisor, may reserve the right to expel a member if 2/3 of the body concludes that an individuals actions are resulting in detrimental effects to the purpose of the club. ARTICLE IV OFFICERS Section 1. The officers of the organization shall consist of a President, a Vice President, a Secretary and a Treasurer. Section 2. The duties of the President shall be over seeing club activities, events and meetings. The president must keep and update the

official club binder with the help of fellow club officers, update clubs Facebook fan page, newsletter and website. The duties of the Vice President shall be performing all duties of the president in his/her absences, assist in updating clubs Facebook fan page, newsletter and website. The duties of the Secretary shall be keeping an accurate, permanent record of all club meetings and proceedings, membership contact list, club meeting attendance sheets and assist the President in updating clubs Facebook fan page, newsletter and website. The duties of the Treasurer shall be keeping an accurate and complete record of all monetary transactions and club budget. The Treasurer must disburse fund money in accordance with the regulations of the college.

Section 3. ELECTION OF OFFICERS: The officers shall be elected at the last regular club meeting of the academic year. Qualifications should always be looked at when selecting candidates. Voting shall be by ballot as decided by the club. A majority of 2/3 of all votes cast shall be necessary for election. Notification should be made to the Office of Student Life of any change of officers. ARTICLE V FISICAL AGENT/FACULTY ADVISOR Section 1. The selection of an advisor is at the discretion of the individual organization, but must be a member of faculty, staff, or administration. Section 2. All registered student organizations that receive student fees are required to have a fiscal agent. The fiscal agent at Elgin Community College is the Associate Dean of Student Life. ARTICLE VI MEETINGS Section 1. The Elgin Community College student organization shall meet depending on events and activities planned. If not events or activities are planned, the club shall meet 2 3 times a month in a semester. ARTICLE VII QUORUM Section 1. 2/3 of the members or of the members present, of this organization shall constitute a quorum to transact business.

ARTICLE VIII AMENDMENTS Section 1. Proposed amendments shall be submitted in writing and read at a regularly scheduled meeting and shall be acted upon at the following meeting. Section 2. This constitution may be amended by a majority vote of 2/3 of members of the club. ARTICLE IX RATIFICATION Section 1. A 2/3 majority of those present at the first meeting of the newly formed organization will be necessary to ratify this constitution.

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