Exam BL

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1. The active subject in an obligation is the a. Debtor b. Obligor c. obligee d. third person

2. An obligation is demandable at once when it is a a. With a suspensive condition b. with a suspensive period c. subject to resolutory period d. not pure 3. A period fixed with the court is classified as a. Legal b. conventional c. voluntary d. judicial 4. An obligation is extinguished by a.Happening of suspensive condition c. extension of a period b. arrival of a suspensive period d. arrival of a resolutory period

5. A. Condition, b. prestation c. efficient cause d.active subject. Is the subject-matter of an obligation 6. Solidarity among creditors is solidarity a. mixed b. active c. passive d. joint

7. Obligation which arise out of the same cause and are to be fulfilled at the same time are classified as a. bilateral b. joint c. reciprocal d. unilateral

8. In D obliged himself to give C a specific TV set if C would pass the next CPA examinations the condition is a. casual b.potestative on the part of debtor c. suspensive d. resolutory

9. a. condition b. compensation c. merger

d. delict is a source of an obligation

10.a. Novation, b. compensation c. remission d. cession is a special form of payment 11.A.Period, B. Condition, C. prestation D cause. Is a future and certain event upon the arrival of which the obligation subject to it either arises or terminated 12.Dao Ming Si obliged herself to give to his nephew Vaness P40,000 if he (Vaness) does not go planet Mars within this year 2003 . The principal obligation is a a). pure b). A and D c). conditional d). demandable at one

13.Peachy purchased a specific truck from Sela for a price of 900,000 payable on May 14, 2004. The obligations to deliver the truck and to pay the price are a). bilateral b.) reciprocal c) Unilateral d) a and b

14. a.). Cession b) condonation c.) expromission d.) dation in payment is the gratuitous abandonement by the creditor of his own right

15. Dado obliged himself to deliver a specific sala set to Celia. Celia is the a.) B and D b.) Obligee c.) passive subject d.) creditor 16. a). Resolutory Period b) a and d c.) suspensive condition render/s an obligation immediately demandable. d.) Resolutory ---- condition

17. Delfin promise to give a determinate gold ring to Cresia. The prestation is a.) to give a determinate gold ring to Cresia b) To give the determinate gold ring c.) Delfin to give a determinate gold ring d.) Determinate gold ring 18. In Dencio will deliver a determinate silver table to Cita on April 28,2004, the obligation is with a a.) Suspensive Period b.) Suspensive Condition c.) Resolutory period d.) Judicial Period

19. When a determinate thing goes of commerce, there is/are A.) Civil loss B.) Legal Loss C.) Physical loss D.) b and c 20. When the period in an obligation is fixed by the parties, it is classified as a A.) Legal B.) Judicial C.)Voluntary D.) b and c 21 A.) payment by a cession B) dacion en pago C) Delegacion D) a and b ---- is/are special forms of payment 22.Ah si Obliged himself to pay pP14,000 to Shan Chai on June 14,2004. The Obligation is A) Divisible B.) with a resolutory period C) indivisible D) pure 23.D1 and D2 are joint debtors C1 C2 C3 and C4 solidary creditors to the amount of P1000.00. how much can C3 collect from D1? A.) 500 B.)1000 C.)250 D)125 24.D1 and D2 are solidary debtors of C1, C2, C3 and C4 joint creditors to the amount of 1000. How much can C recover from D1? A.) 500 B)1000 C.)250 D)125 25. Three of the following are requisites of obligation. Which is the EXCEPTION? a.) Prestation b.) Efficient Cause c) Delivery d.) Passive Subject 26. The meeting in one person of the qualities of the creditor and debtor with respect to the same Obligation is called: a.) Compensation b.) Merger c.)Remission d.) Novation 27. Ah Si and Hua Zhe Lei are solidary debtors of Vaness and San Chai, solidary creditors to the amount of P4000.00. On the due date, Vaness renounced in favor of Ah Si the entire Obligation. Which of the following is correct? a.) Hua Zhe Lei shall give 2000 b.)San Chai can still collect from Ah Si or Hua Zhe Lei 2000 c.) San Chai can collect from Vaness 2000 d.) Any of the three.

28. Change of persons or objects: a.) Confusion b.) Novation c.) solution indebiti d.) none of a,b,& c 29. When there is a return of what is not lawfully required, there is a.) solution Indebiti c.) cession en pago b.) Negotiorum gestio d.) None of a,b & c

30. An obligation wherein various things are due but the payment of all is required in order to extinguish the Obligation is called: a.) Simple b.) Alternative c,) Conjoint d.) Facultative

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