Ganoderma Tsugae Var Jannieae Scientific Tradition Singapore Lingzhi Morphology

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Ganoderma tsugae var jannieae

Morphology and taxonomy Examination and morphological analysis of the wild growing samples of Ganoderma sp. and their comparison with specimens of Ganoderma lucidum complex, including G. tsugae and G. resinaceum, showed that it is close to G. tsugae but differ in some features from the type of material of G. tsugae. Certain specific features that G. tsugae var. jannieae has, differing it from type material on Ganoderma tsugae, was revealed. These characteristics are: (i) almost full absence of inflated skeletals in medullar tissues and poor expression (to absence) of white outer fleshy medullar tissue; (ii) more pronounced pillars and, consequently, finer spore ornamentation; (iii) slightly thicker spore wall; (iv) a consistently shorter and broader spore apex; (v) extremely poor expression of plate-like depressions of the spore surface. The medullar tissues are rather deep coloured. This material corresponds well to G. tsugae and also seems to gravitate to G. resinaceum, but sharply differs from the latter by smaller pores and thinner and softer context.

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