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Asking giving for information Asking for information is our expressions to ask questions or to ask about explanations from

what we said to someone else, so we get what we asked. Using WH-Questions: What, When, Where, Who, Why, and How. There are a number of formulas used when asking for information in English. Here are some of the most common: Could you tell me...? Could anyone tell me....? Can you tell me...? Do you know...? Do you happen to know...? I'd like to know... Could you find out...? Could you give me some idea of... I'm interested in... I'm looking for.. Have you got an idea of....? Don't suppose you (would) know...? I wonder if you could tell me...? I wonder if someone could tell me...? There are some Responses, we use: Yes, it is / was / will ... Oh yes, I did / Oh no, I didn't. That's (quite) right. No, it isn't really so. I'm sorry but that isn't correct. Well, it's the contrary in fact. These two forms are used for asking for information on the telephone: I am calling to find out... I am calling about... Information about company What does your company do? What is your specialty? What do you specialize in? What is your main line of business? We produce marketing materials. We specialize in art and design. What are your major products? What services do you provide? We produce office machines. We design software. We provide technical support. Information about products Could you give me some (more) information on this? What can you tell me about this (product)? Tell me about this one/model. This is one of our top brands. It's our best selling refrigerator. This one is the best in its class. We're really pleased with its performance. It's an excellent computer. I highly recommend this one.

This model comes with several features. This particular one has two components. Information about Price What are you asking for this? What does this sell for? How much is it? How much does it run? This (one) sells for $5900. This one goes for $2900. This one is priced at $9695. Formula Question Word Example Finish Could you tell me when the next train leaves? Do you know how much that vase costs? Do you happen to know where Tom lives? I'd like to know what you think about the new project. Could you find out when she is going to arrive? Speaking situations: giving information Phrases for these situations Vocabulary for these situations Where are you from? I'm from wisconsin. Oh really? What part of wisconsin? Conversation practice With a partner, practice giving and responding to information. 1. When your partner tells you something about himself/herself, say "really?" and ask a related question. For example, I'm from nepal. Really? Is this your first time here? I live in cincinnati. Really? Is that near cleveland? I'm an engineer. Oh really? Which train? 2. When your partner tells you something, say "really?" then make a related statement. For example, I'm from ireland. Oh really? My grandfather is irish. I live in tokyo. Really? My sister lives in osaka. I'm a student at forbes university. Really? I study at gates college. 3. Ask wh- questions to find out information about your partner. Then respond to the information. For example, Where do you work? I work at may bee's Really? What do you do there? I'm a sales clerk. Expression of Asking and Giving Information Bella : How are you? Ricky : I am fine, how about you? Bella : Fine too thanks Ricky : Hey, what do you think about my new bag? Bella : Wow, I think it is a good bag with the newest style. Where did you buy it, Ricky? Ricky : My auntie bought it for my birthday gift. What;s your opinion about the color? Bella : Hmm in my opinion, it has a bad color Ricky : Why? You know it's my auntie's choice Bella : Because the color is glamour and look too over for boy like you, but I appreciate it Ricky : Yeah. Thanks for your opinion, Bell


: No problem

Asking Opinion Whats your view? Whats your opinion? What do you feel? What do you think? What about..? - What about your physic home work? How do you feel about..? - How do you feel about metamorphosis? What is your reaction to.? - What is your reaction to this experiment? Do you have any opinion on..? Do you have any opinion on cell function? Dont you think..?(very polite) What do you think about..? What do you think about periodic table of elements? What are you feeling about? What are you feeling about organizational level of the cell? Giving Opinion Well, I think ... - Well, I think this very nice. ( pendapat setuju ) - Well, I think its less precise. ( pendapat kurang setuju ) In my opinion I think ... - In my opinion, I think this project is success full. ( pendapat setuju ) - In my opinion I think this project is fail. ( pendapat kurang setuju ) I feel that we should ... - I feel that we should improve all. ( pendapat setuju ) - I feel that we should not improve all. ( pendapat kurang setuju ) My reaction is that we should .. - My reaction is that we should repeated observations. ( pendapat setuju ) - My reaction is that we should not repeated observations. ( pendapat kurang setuju ) May I make a comment on that? Terkadang kita butuh pertolongan kepada seseorang untuk meminta informasi yang tidak kita ketahui. Dalam menanyakan sebuah informasi ada beberapa macam jenis pertanyaan diantaranya, bagaimana menanyakan informasi tentang benda, Menanyakan informasi tempat, menanyakan petunjuk/ arah, menanyakan waktu. Dalam meminta ataupun memberi informasi, hal-hal yang perlu diperhatikan antara lain pengucapan harus jelas [ speak clearly ], gunakanlah bahasa yang bisa dimengerti [ use language that everyone understands ], informasi harus spesifik [ move from the general to spesific ]. Materi yang kita bahas kali ini bagaimana kita meminta dan memberi informasi [ Asking and Giving Information ] dengan menggunakan Bahasa Inggris. A. Menggunakan Modal verb dalam meminta informasi

Present : Can, Will, Shall, Must, May Past : Could, Would, Should, Had to, Might

B. Menggunakan Wh-word dalam meminta informasi

What, Where, When, How

C. Asking for and Giving Information

Asking for Information 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Excuse me, could you tell me how to get to the bus station? Can you show me on the map? Excuse me, do yo know where the police station is? How far is it to the beach form here? How are you today? Where is Johan? What is in the box? Who is this?

Giving Information 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. It's this way On your right Turn left and it is beside post office Not so far, just 1 kilometer from here I'm fine In his room a dozen of book This is Ani

D. Contoh Dialog Andi Adib Andi Adib Andi : : : : : Excuse me, could you tell me where the public library is, please ? The public library? Let me see. Oh yes, of course i know. It is in Rajawali Road. Is the near here? You just go along this street until you come to the first traffic light. Then turn left. Thank you

Asking and giving information expression (ungkapan menanyakan dan memberi informasi) Asking information Excuse me. Who is she? Can you tell me where you live? Can you help me to find my spectacle? Could anyone tell me what happen there? Sorry to trouble you, but do you know where my bag is? Do you happen to know where Mr. Kukuh is? Do you see my new purple diary? Giving information She is my mother I live at Saraswati street number 10 I saw it in the living room an hour ago There is any car accident Dont you remember that youve left it in my table He goes to the post office Here it is. I have found it in yard

Asking for information is our expressions to ask questions or to ask about explanations fromwhat we said to someone else, so we get what we asked. Using WH-Questions:

What, When, Where, Who, Why, and How. There are a number of formulas used when asking for information in English. Here are some of the most common: Could you tell me...? Could anyone tell me....? Can you tell me...? Do you know...? Do you happen to know...? I'd like to know... Could you find out...? Could you give me some idea of... I'm interested in... I'm looking for..
Have you got an idea of....? Don't suppose you (would) know...? I wonder if you could tell me...? I wonder if someone could tell me...?

There are some Responses, we use:

Yes, it is / was / will ... Oh yes, I did / Oh no, I didn't. That's (quite) right. No, it isn't really so. I'm sorry but that isn't correct. Well, it's the contrary in fact. These two forms are used for asking for information on the telephone: I am calling to find out... I am calling about... Information about company What does your company do? What is your specialty? What do you specialize in? What is your main line of business? We produce marketing materials. We specialize in art and design. What are your major products? What services do you provide?

We produce office machines. We design software. We provide technical support. Information about products Could you give me some (more) information on this? What can you tell me about this (product)? Tell me about this one/model. This is one of our top brands. It's our best selling refrigerator. This one is the best in its class. We're really pleased with its performance. It's an excellent computer. I highly recommend this one. This model comes with several features. This particular one has two components. Information about Price What are you asking for this? What does this sell for? How much is it? How much does it run? This (one) sells for $5900. This one goes for $2900. This one is priced at $9695. Formula Question Word Example Finish Could you tell me when the next train leaves? Do you know how much that vase costs? Do you happen to know where Tom lives? I'd like to know what you think about the new project. Could you find out when she is going to arrive?
>>used to ask some information to any person directly or by phone There are a number of formulas used when asking for information in English. Here are other expressions you can use to asking for informasion: Could you tell me...? Do you know...? I'd like to know... Could you find out...? Could anyone tell me? Can you tell me? Will you tell me (please)? DIALOG: Asking for information. Marc: Excuse me. Can you help me. I'm looking for the windsurfing centre? Eloi : Ah, yes, the windsurfing centre is at Platja D'aro beach. Do you know the beach? Marc: Not really, no. Eloi : Let me show you on the map. It's here, look. Marc: Ok. Great. And where's the cinema? Eloi : Erm, there's a cinema in Girona, next to the Hospital Bufill. Marc: Ok, great. Thanks very much.

In the dialog, the young man asks for information by saying, Do you know the way to get out of this forest? and the old woman gives information by saying ,its very far from here. The young man doesnt believe her information, so he denies it by saying ,Are you sure?. 1.Excuse me, Madam. Do you know the way to get out of this forest ? 2.Its very far from will not find the way because it is alredy dark 3.Are you sure ? I think I have walked for a long time 4.Believe me. Just spend the night here and continue your journey tomorrow. These two forms are used for asking for information on the telephone: I'm calling to find out... I'm calling about... >>Construction: Formula Question Word Example Finish Could you tell me when the next train leaves? Do you know how much that vase costs? Could you find out when she is going to arrive?

Asking for Information

Asking for Information Asking for information juga pernah kita bahas di semester I. Kita ulang lagi yukk Maksud dari asking information ini adalah kita menanyakan sesuatu kepada orang-orang untuk mengetahui suatu informasi. Misalnya menanyakan rumah teman kamu dimana, itu merupakan contoh dari asking information, soalnya kamu menanyakan rumahnya dan itu merupakan suatu informasikan buat kamu dan masih banyak contoh asking information yang bisa kamu temui. Kalau kamu mau nanya, pakai WH-Questions : What : used when asking about something that you dont know anything about. When : adv used when asking what time something will happen. Where : adv, conjuction used in order to ask or tell someone the place or position of something . Why : adv, conjuction for what reason. Who : used in order to ask about a person or group of people, or to make a statement about them. How : adv, conjuction used in order to ask about or explain the way to do something or the way something happened. Example Phrases and sentence for asking for information

1. 2. 3.

4. 5.


1.What is it? 2.Whats that? 3.What are these? 4.Where is Mrs. Silla? 5.Whens you go to Paris? 6.How is the our subject today?

This is whiteboard. Its car. These are books. Shes in the classroom. Its at 10 p.m. Its Match.

There are a number of formulas used when asking for information in English. Here are some of the most common : Could you tell me? Do you know? Do you happen to know? Id like to know Could you find out..? Im interested in Im looking for. These two forms are used for asking information on the telephone : Im calling to find out Im calling about

Information about company : What does your company do? What is your speciality? What do you specialize in? What is your main line of business? We produce marketing materials. We specialize in art and design. What are your major products? What services do you provide? We produce office machines. We design software. We provide technical support. Information about product : Could you give me some (more) information on this? What can you tell me about this (product)? Tell me about this one/model. This is one of our top brands. This one is the best in its class. Were really pleased with its performances. Its an excellent computer. I highly recommend this one. This model comes with aeveral features. Information about price what are you asking for this? What does this sell for?

How much is it? How much does it run. This (one) sell for $5900. This one goes for $2900. This one is priced at $9695.

Hey guys how are you? How about your life? It's a happy day I can meet you again in this forum. Okay guys, it's time to learn about asking and giving information. If you want to know about something or you are really curious about something, how do you express the expression of asking and giving information? Now, i will tell you the expression of asking and giving information.
Asking information Excuse me. Who is she? Can you tell me where you live? Can you help me to find my spectacle? Could anyone tell me what happen there? Sorry to trouble you, but do you know where my bag is? Do you happen to know where Mr. Kukuh is? Do you see my new purple diary? Giving information She is my mother I live at Saraswati street number 10 I saw it in the living room an hour ago There is any car accident Dont you remember that youve left it in my table He goes to the post office Here it is. I have found it in yard

Read the conversation bellow:

eacher and a student are in front of class. r. Oyip : Do you understand this English journal? student : I am very sorry, Sir. I dont understand it yet. r. Oyip : You dont have to apologize. student : Can you tell me where I can get all the reference related of this journal? r. Oyip : Oh yeah, I have some books that may help you. students: Thank You very much sir.

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