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Nesosilicates orthorhombic (-) Relief - moderate Colour - colourless RI - 1.635-1.875 Birefringence - 0.035-0.051 Interference colours - 3rd order Extinction - straight Comments - common alteration to serpentine group clay minerals

Euhedral phenocryst of olivine XPL basalt, Thailand

olivine phenocrysts in basalt XPL basalt, Thailand

phenocryst of olivine XPL basalt, Thailand

skeletal phenocryst of olivine XPL basalt, Thailand

anhedral olivine with minor alteration to serpentinite along fractures PPL gabbro

anhedral olivine with minor alteration to serpentinite along fractures PPL gabbro

fractured olivine phenocrysts, with alteration along the fracture planes PPL (left), XPL (right) Picrite, Margi, Cyprus

fractured olivine phenocrysts, with alteration along the fracture planes XPL Picrite, Margi, Cyprus

fractured olivine phenocrysts, with alteration along the fracture planes PPL Picrite, Margi, Cyprus

cumulate textures with olivine XPL dunite P3067

cumulate textures with olivine XPL dunite P3067

cumulate textures with olivine XPL dunite P3067

cumulate textures with olivine PPL dunite P3067

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