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pyroxenes; Single-chain Silicates orthorhombic (+,-) Relief - moderate Colour - colourles, very wekly coloured green/pink RI - 1.658-1.788 Birefringence - 0.008-0.020 Interference colours - 2rd order Extinction - straight, complete Comments

euhedral basal section of orthopyroxene PPL basalt

Euhedral, acicular crystals of orthopyroxene PPL basalt

subhedral glomerocryst of orthopyroxene PPL basalt

euhedral, elongate phenocryst of orthopyroxene, seen in PPL (left) and XPL (right) basalt

Exsolution Textures

orthopyroxene host with blebs of clinopyroxene in PPL (left) and XPL (right). Note the different extinction positions of the two phases

The crystal above seen in XPL, and rotated so that the orthopyroxene is in (straight) extinction, whilst the clibnopyroxene, with inclined extinction is fully illuminated

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