Tourmaline: Ring Silicates Trigonal (+)

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Ring silicates trigonal (+) Relief - moderate Colour - brown, blue, pink RI - 1.610-1.655 Birefringence - 0.021-0.026 Interference colours - 2nd-3rd order Extinction - straight Comments

brown, colour-zoned tourmaline PPL Aplite, Megilligar Rocks

colour zoned tourmaline with quartz PPL St Austell Granite

colour zoned tourmaline with quartz; the image above under crossed-polars XPL St Austell Granite

Above; brown tourmaline with epitaxial growth of acicular blue tourmaline (left) and the same field of view rotated through 90 to show the extreme pleochroism (right) < the same crystals under crossed polars

St Austell Granite

brown primary tourmal with epitaxial growth of blue secondary tourmaline in PPL (left) and XPL (right)

Luxullianite, St Austell Granite

Tourmaline 'suns' in PPL (left) and XPL (right), the latter showing the straight extinction cross Luxullianite, St Austell Granite

prismatic crystal of tourmaline in PPL (left) and XPL (right). St Austell Granite

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