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Written by Vermondo Williams




A siren can be heard getting louder. The lights of the ambulance flicker on a house as two EMTs get out. EMT 1, male in his early twenties. EMT 2, female in her fifties, get out of the ambulance. They walk to the back of the ambulance. EMT 1 Here we go again. How many times this month? EMT 2 Four times, when will this kid learn? The EMTs open the back of the ambulance, and take out the stretcher walking toward the house. They approach the front door of a late sixties home. They enter the home and see DREW BRICE 12, a small frail male laying on the ground struggling to breathe. MARY BRICE 45 Drews mother leans down by his side. MARY Hurry please help him. Its okay baby the ambulance is here. The two EMTS rush to his side when they see the condition that hes in and place an oxygen mask over his mouth. They put him on the stretcher and rush back to the ambulance. The ambulance races off down the street. Breathlessness fades in the distance. THE TITLE CREDITS END: CUT TO: INT. HOSPITAL HALLWAY - DAY A gray hallway with cartoons painted on the walls. Mary and DR. ROBERT MAY 33, Gather outside Drews hospital room. DR.MAY This is ongoing. We have to figure out a way to help Drew get his asthma under control. He has been in here four times this month. Has he been taking his medication?


Breathlessness MARY No, he doesnt take his treatments all the time. He skips them thinking he wont need them. To be honest doc. I think he doesnt like taking medication. I found some pills hidden under his bed. I just don't know why he wont take them. DR.MAY I think he may be going through a change and wants to be more active and like other kids. MARY Yes, hes been asking for a bike. I told him no because he wont take his medication and I don't want him outside. I am scared hell have an asthma attack. Last month he went out and got sick playing basketball. DR.MAY Let me talk with him and see what we can do. I have a new medicine that may help. It is an inhaler he can carry with him. It is like a nebulizer in your pocket.

CUT TO: INT. DREW HOSPITAL ROOM - MOMENTS LATER Drew sits in his bed with a television propped in front of him. He flips through the channels getting frustrated as he looks for cartoons. He throws the covers off and sits up on the side of the bed. He stands up. He takes his I.V pole and walks to the bathroom. He goes in and shuts the door. DISSOLVE TO: Sounds of moaning coming from inside the bathroom. JUMP CUT TO: Drew leaves the bathroom and heads back to his bed, where DR. May waits for him. DR.MAY I was starting to get worried about you in there.



Drew blushes DR.MAY (CONTD) Its okay most boys your age do it. Hell I did. We need to have a talk Drew. DREW Um, about what? DR.MAY Youre not taking your medication. Drew jumps on his bed. He punches the bed. DREW Who told you that. Let me guess mom? I take my pills. I just didn't want to take them that day. I hate pills and need a break sometimes. I hate it. I cant do anything. Drew folds his arms and withdrawals. DR.MAY Like what Drew? DREW I cant go outside. When I do everyone laughs at me. I tried to play basketball, and they picked me last. Then when I got to play. I ran one time, had to stop and go home. I sit at home and do nothing ,and its summer! Drew stands and throws a pillow. DREW (CONTD) I hate it! I hate having asthma! I wish I would just die! DR.MAY So are you saying you don't take your medicine because you want to die? Dr.May writes a note on his clipboard. He stands and walks around the room to a counter and places the clipboard on the counter. He then turns to Drew. DR.MAY (CONTD) So is that it Drew? Is that why?



Drew frowns. DREW Hell no! I just dont like taking it. I want to be normal. DR.MAY I understand Drew. I would be upset myself. How about we make some changes. I have a medicine I want you to try. Its called an inhaler. Its easy and will help you be more active. Speaking of active, what sports do you like? DREW Not another medicine Damn. Im not sure what sport I like, hell I never can play them. DR.MAY Okay okay, How about we change that. Dr. May reaches into his white jacket and pulls out a box. DR.MAY (CONTD) This is your new friend. Dr. May opens the box smiling. He takes a gray inhaler out of the box. He lifts it in the air and presses the top. A mist of spray enters the air. He then hands the inhaler to Drew. Drew reaches out to take the inhaler with an excited expression on his face. DREW Oh snap. This is my medicine? Does it work? DR.MAY I have tried it with some of my other patients and have good results. I had to wait till you got old enough to let you give it a try. Drew lifts the inhaler in the air and sprays it. DR.MAY (CONTD) Its the same stuff in your treatments. You take it the same way every four hours. (MORE)


Breathlessness DR.MAY (CONTD) The great thing about it is, if you run into problems you can take a puff or two anywhere. So give it a try.

Drew takes the inhaler lifts it to his mouth and takes a puff. DREW I cant wait to try this out when I have an attack. Can I keep this one? DR.MAY Its yours Drew. There is one more thing we need to talk about. Its another new medicine. Its not as fun as this one. What? DREW

DR.MAY Its a shot. (laughing) DREW

Thats cool I have had more needles than a junkie in my arm. DR.MAY Its in your butt. Damn! DREW

DR.MAY The nurse will be coming with your first one in a few. I will see you tomorrow kid. Oh, yeah stay out of the bathroom. (Laughing) Drew blushes. CUT TO: INT. HOSPITAL - LATER Drews mother arrives at the hospital to visit. She has her work uniform on and looks tired and overworked.


Breathlessness DREW You hear about my new medicine? Check this thing out.

Drew takes out his inhaler and sprays it in the air. DREW (CONTD) I have to get a shot in the butt too. MARY Looks cool, I hope it works. Me too. DREW

Mary stays at the hospital for 2 hours and starts to fall asleep in the chair beside Drews bed. DREW (CONTD) Mom you can go home. Im okay. Mary gets up and gives Drew a kiss on the forehead and exits the room. CUT TO: INT. DREW HOSPITAL ROOM - 3:16 AM A nurse enters Drews room. NURSE Drew I need to check your vitals and take some blood. She does vitals on him and takes blood from his arm and walks back out. Drew is through moment, station wide awake and turns the television. He switches the channels. He starts watching the news for a and then starts switching again. He stops at a that has cheers coming from it. DREW What the hell? He starts watching the channel. CUT TO:



INT. WRESTLING ARENA - EVENING A wrestler is introduced named MAX THE HAMMER 30, he is tall with bulging muscles, long black hair and wears white tights. His music as he comes to the wrestling ring is rock music. He gets in the ring and flexes to the crowd. He climbs the corner rope and flexes again. As he is flexing the music of DARK VAN 40, tall with all black tights and a black coat wearing a gold belt around his waist walks to the ring. Dark Van attacks Max The Hammer and the two wrestle exchanging different moves. Dark Van then gets Max The Hammer in a submission lock. Max appears to be passing out. The referee is about to call the match when Max The Hammer escapes the hold. MAX tries to stand ,but falls back down. Dark Van kicks Max, Max catches his leg and trips him. Max stands up and starts flexing. Max hits Dark Van with a few kicks and then picks him up and slams him. Max climbs to the top of the rope in the corner. He flexes from on top of the rope and dives on top of Dark Van. The referee jumps down and counts 1,2,3, the crowd starts roaring. The referee hands MAX The Hammer the championship belt. RING ANNOUNCER Your winner and new heavyweight champion of the world, Max The Hammer! CUT TO: INT. DREW HOSPITAL ROOM - MOMENTS LATER Drew is jumping on his hospital bed and yelling in excitement. DREW He did it ,he beat him yeah!!!! Nurses rush in Drews room to check on him. Once they see him they frown. NURSE Drew! What are you doing? Get down from there and keep it down. Drew laughs and sits down on his bed. He is short of breath and in an asthma attack. He reaches for is inhaler and takes a puff. He then takes another puff. Drew lays back on the bed and smiles and then looks at the nurses. It works! DREW


Breathlessness NURSE You just keep it down.

CUT TO: 1 MONTH LATER INT. DREWS HOUSE - MORNING Its Saturday morning and Drew is watching wrestling. Drews mother walks into the living room. MARY You watching wrestling again Drew? You must really like that. DREW Yep, I love it! Just watch, its awesome. Drew and his mother sit and watch wrestling as Drew jumps and cheers. Drews mother looks over at him and smiles. A commercial then comes on the T.V MARY Drew ,do you realize you haven't been to the hospital in a month? Yep! DREW

Wrestling starts back and they watch it till it is over. CUT TO: INT. DREW ROOM - AFTERNOON Drew is in his room doing push ups and sit ups with music playing loud listening to Max The Hammers theme music with his shirt off. When Drews mom knocks on the door. He does not answer and she walks in MARY Drew, what are you doing? What? DREW LATER

MARY What are you doing? Drew gets up from the floor and walks over to his stereo and turns it down.


Breathlessness DREW What was that mom? MARY I was asking what you are doing in here? DREW Im working out.

Mary gets a look of concern. MARY What, You now you (Pauses) Just be careful Drew. Why are you working out anyway? DREW Im going to be a wrestler. I want to be like Max. Drew then starts flexing his muscles. Mary chuckles and turns around closing the door. CUT TO: INT. HALLWAY - MOMENTS LATER As Mary is walking away from Drews door, The music begins to come from Drews room. Mary smiles and walks down the stairs. FADE TO: INT. DREW ROOM - MOMENTS LATER Drew starts working out again. He does 20 push ups and struggles at number 20. He then jumps to his feet and starts doing jumping jacks. He does them until he starts going into an asthma attack. He stops a grabs his inhaler off of his dresser. He takes two puffs and sits on his bed. DREW Damn, I have a lot of work to do. CUT TO: FALL INT. Drews JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL HALLWAY - AFTERNOON Drew is walking down the hallway. He notices a sign that says wrestling on it. He walks up to the sign and reads it.

9/25/13 (Sign)



Its that time of the year. If your interested in joining the wrestling team sign up here. Tryouts will be on Friday after school. Drew stares at the sign for a few moments, then walks away with his head down. He reaches into his pocket and pulls out his inhaler and takes a puff. CUT TO: INT. DREWS HOUSE - EVENING Drew is sitting in the living watching television when his mother comes in the door. She is in uniform and tired. DREW Hey mom, how was work? MARY Long, very long. DREW I have a question for you. MARY Just eat a pizza Drew. I dont feel like cooking. DREW Not that. Can I join the wrestling team? MARY Drew, you know you cant do things like that. You have asthma. You cant do what those guys do on the television. But mom! DREW

MARY No Drew, now leave me alone Im going to bed. Drew sits on the living chair upset. He stomps his fist into the cushion and takes out his inhaler and throws it across the room. DREW I hate asthma!




INT. DREWS JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL HALLWAY. - AFTERNOON Drew walks down the hallway to the wrestling sign up sheet. He stares at it for a few minutes. He puts his backpack down and reaches in it. He pulls out a pen and looks back at the sheet. He reads it again and signs it.







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