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AUTOMOBILE INDUSTRY TILL DATE The automobile industry is one of the biggest industries in the w o r l d .

B e i n g a m a j o r revenue and job generating sector it drives the economies of some of the superpowersof the world. In India the automobile industry has grown by leaps and bounds since theadvent of the liberalization era the automobile industry and especially the two wheeler segment has grown by leaps and bounds.The liberalization has done away with primitive and prohibitive practices of licensing andrestricted foreign investment have been done away with. The result of which was theentry of foreign players into the Indian market. The two wheeler segment was largelyd o m i n a t e d b y A u t o m o b i l e P r o d u c t s o f I n d i a ( A P I ) a n d E n f i e l d i n t h e 5 0 s . L a t e r o n towards the end of the 50s Bajaj Autos began importing Vespa scooters from Italiancompany Piaggio. In the following decades the automobile industry in India was mainlydominated by scooters with API and later Bajaj dominating the market. There were veryfew products and choices available as far as motorcycle is concerned and Enfield bulletand Rajdoot dominated the market.The 80s saw the entry of Japanese companies in the Indian market with the opening upof the market to foreign companies. Hero Honda and TVS Suzuki are companies formedin this era of market reform. The market was still predominantly scooter dominated andBajaj and LML were the leading brands producing the products at that time. Scooter was

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