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The ECOSOC President

DEISGNATION OF ACTING PRESIDENT AND OFFICERS-IN-CHARGE ON 26-27 SEPTEMBER 2013 ----------------------------------------------------------------To: Economics Community 25 September 2013

Good Day Fellow Members of the Economics Society! On 26-27 September 2013, yours truly together with the rest of my fellow Fourth Year Students will be having a retreat at Lestonnac Youth Center, Macasanding. Mr Jan Emmanuel Casinillo, Ms Quennie Yvan Pelisco, Mr Alfonso Gian Canete III, Ms Titea Sinogaya will also be joining the Mindanao Economics Societies Inc Conference at Davao City on 26-29 September 2013. Due to such, by the power conferred upon me by the General Assembly, I am hereby appointing Ms Sheera Brilliantel Abratiguin, Mr Nikko Daanoy, Ms Cielo Pateno and Ms Al Gee Marie Zambrano as Acting President and Officers-In-Charge of ECOSOC on our absence for this span of time. This is to cater all your needs and to ensure continuity of work within ECOSOC. For your information and guidance.


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