Cross Sectional Anatomy: CT of The Thorax

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Cross sectional anatomy: CT of the thorax

• A CT was performed on a healthy subject, with an axial enhanced acquisition with

different windows: parenchyma and mediastinum.
• Data and DICOM images stocked on our PACS (Picture Archiving and
Communicating System) were processed and exported as JPEG images.
• The softwares Macromedia Flash and Adobe Photoshop allow us the development
of an atlas based application with a suitable functionality and user interface for
exploration of the thorax anatomy.
• Anatomical structures were based on the Terminologia Anatomica.
Anatomy of the chest: how to visualize anatomic labels

• This atlas is a comprehensive and affordable learning tool for medical students
and residents and especially for radiologists and pneumologists.
• It provides access to CT images in the axial plane, allowing the user to learn and
review the lung anatomy interactively.
• Anatomical structures are labeled, providing an invaluable teaching resource.
User progress may be evaluated with the test mode.
• The horizontal menu allows access to several groups of anatomical structures:
o Pulmonary arteries
o Pulmonray veins
o Segmental bronchi
o Arteries of the mediastinum
o Veins of the mediastinum
o Muscles and layers of the thoracic cavity
o Bones of the thorax
o Nerves

• As the cursor is moved over an anatomic area of the lung parenchyma, this
segment is highlighted and labeled: this tool has been chosen to show segmental
lung anatomy (international and Ikeda).
• The left vertical menu provides graphics of the bronchi, with anatomical schemas
based on a three dimensional (3D) model (based on a volume rendering extracted
from CT).
• It also provides a graphic of the regional lymph nodes of the thorax.

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