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Prospects for Natural Gas and the ANP Multi-Year Plan of Geology & Geophysics

Magda Chambriard

Natural Gas (2012)

Proven Reserves Oil ~15.3 billion bbl Gas ~459.3 billion m3 Production Oil and NGL 2.2 million bbl/day Gas 70.7 million m3/day Imports: Bolivia: 27.6 million m3/day of natural gas Other countries: 8.2 million m3/day of LNG

Multi-Year Plan of Geology & Geophysics

Completed Projects US$ 270 million
Ongoing Projects US$ 200 million

Gavies Park MA
Gas commercial discoveries: Gavio Real, Gavio Azul and Gavio Branco Electricity from Natural Gas reduction of regional inequalities

Bacia do Parnaba

Parnaba Thermoelectric Plant

Gavio Branco

Gavio Azul

Production June/13 Oil: 96 bbl/d Gas: 4,527 Mm3/d

Gavio Real

Source: OGX and MPX

Infrastructure and Transmission Lines vs. Promising Basins

Legend Legend
Flows (operation) Flows (operation) Flows (construction) Flows (construction) Terminals Terminals UPGNs UPGNs Construction Construction Operation Operation Capitals Capitals State Limit State Limit Proposed Proposed

Source: ANP Statistical Yearbook, 2013


12th Bidding Round (november 2013) Natural Gas onshore

Opportunities for electric power generation

Parnaba Gavies Park

Parecis Teles Pires River

Sergipe-Alagoas Recncavo Paran Barra Bonita field So Francisco Buritizeiro County

12th Bidding Round (november 2013) Possibilities for unconventional gas

Analogue Barnett Shale

Reserves - 30 TCF in 1,196 km3 of rock

Average depth: 1,500 to 2,400 m

Forecasted in situ volumes

(if valid analogue)

Parnaba 64 TCF Parecis 124 TCF

Recncavo 20 TCF
So Francisco 80TCF Paran 226 TCF* (EIA/2011)
* not endorsed by ANP

Brazilian National Agency of Petroleum, Natural Gas and Biofuels ANP

Av. Rio Branco, 65 Centro Rio de Janeiro Brasil

12th to 22nd floor - Phone: +55 (21) 2112-8100

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