Business Research Assignment

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As according to our assignment to conduct a survey in a place and prepare your observation I decided to go to Sukanta Restaurant. They have traditional look of Rajasthani food with some pagadies. Sukanta restaurant is situated at JM Road pune and is one of the busiest places in the town. MY PERCEPTION First I will tell my perception about Sukanta Restaurant. I was introduced to the place by my fellow hostel mates. I liked the food and made my habit of going there on every alternate day. My perception was that as parantha being a typical north Indian food the customers would be limited to crowd of north Indians but when I went there I was very surprised to see mix of whole India in one roof. There were Rajasthanis, Punjabis, marathis, gujaratis, even south Indian people were there. How could I know these were from different regions because when they were sitting they would use their native languages and I know different languages?

Observation of 1 week in JAGTAP DINING HALL My observations are as follows: 1. On the very first day (28/9/2012) at 7 pm. The place that is Sukanta Restaurant is very clean and tidy. The floor which is made up of white colored tile is properly swept. The place has green curtains well cleaned. There is hardly any dust even the uniform which these waiters wear which is of dark grey in color is neat and clean. 2. People are coming in a group or with family. What I have observed people come with their near n dear ones. They all are sitting with their respective groups. Some people sit alone. I observed one interesting thing that people who come in group are ordering the food of their choice. They are waiting for their order and they are busy in gossiping with each other. 3. What I observe people are talking in Hindi and some people are talking in Marathi. Only girls are talking in English. Boys wear shorts and t-shirt while girls also wear the same. On observing one group of two boys and two girls, one boy wear blue T-shirt and blue jeans and another wear black shirt and blue jeans. 4. Customers are students and working professionals some are doing informal meeting and some are hang out with friends. 5. At 7:30 Crowd start coming. There are all types of people who are seeing different from others. Some have different hair style, some have different clothes and some are showing different that I am different. 6. As the capacity of the restaurant is not much high Because of which some people are waiting outside eagerly for their turn. This is purely human

psychology that nobody wants to wait. They are standing beside the seat and waiting for the seat to vacant. 7. Customers are ordering the food at the counter take the receipt and give it to the waiters who are working very slowly because I ask for the water and till now he doesnt bring it. On asking why he is slow, so he tells me the schedule is so hectic because of which he dont have time for rest. The timing is from morning 9 to 11 PM. 8. On the next day (29/9/2012) at 7 PM, people are waiting for their favorite place to sit like there is a group of 7-8 boys n girls who use to sit in the basement room because I saw them last time also. This observation is hard but I captured it by keeping a watch on daily customers. As I am regular customer I am also of this category I would prefer sitting on extreme right last table. 9. This group has three girls and four boys. They are normal dress up. They are enjoying within their group. Sometime they are laughing also. I am sitting just behind them so I can clearly hear them. Their food comes to their table and they are sharing their food. 10.The helpers or waiters are very unfriendly, they are very rude at sometimes they even dont listen. I went there to give receipt but waiter told me wait for some time I am already having to many slips. I went to that waiter once again; he was shouting on me like anything. On asking why he is behaving like this so he told me that strength of the waiter is very less and I always have too much work and I cant handle this. After that I gave him slip. 11.One waiter I think he is the oldest is very rude against people if a person would ask for water he will never bring in one call the person has to

continuously remind him that he wants water then he will bring. Everyone would recall Mama kitna time aur lagega means how much time it will take more. 12.Couples are also there and they are eating in one plate I think that is the symbol of love for them. This is really scary for me to look for couples, they are giving me weird looks but finally it paid off for me. What I noticed that couples are sitting on side rows. There are four seats. They are not allowing other person to sit if two of them are vacant. 13.On the next day (30/9/2012) that is Sunday, at 7 PM many families are there. I am trying to approach one family so I will get observation about family. They allow me to ask question. On asking why they are here today for dinner so wife tell me that he is free today and we want to go outside for dinner. We order chole- bathura and paneer parantha. They live on JM Road. They have two children one is sunny and another is sweety. 14.There is huge waiting on Sundays. Sunday is very crowded; it could be as Sunday being a holiday people is coming in large numbers either in groups or whole family would come. I am also waiting outside the restaurant. People are waiting for half an hour. I am seeing many people who I already saw at same place. 15.I asked one group why you guys hang out here why not place say MacDonalds or KFC they said that there is no comparison between parantha and pizza, and plus it is very close to their home. 16.One observation is a bit strange but is true there is a woman beggar who sits outside the place and begs for money. She would beg money from

people as anybody enters or any exit. What I have seen people who are working dont mind giving her money. 17.At the last people come smiling and go smiling because they have got their money worth by eating fabulous dishes. This observation I saw everyday literally day every day. Friends, families everybody like the food there is hardly complaint in the food. I think the credit goes to the owner that he had the guts to run from his native place that is Rajasthan and come to pune investing in a Rajasthanis restaurant.

At the end I would like to thank Dr. Kandalgaoker Sir and kalyani Maam that they gave such an interesting assignment to do.

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